Gigi gave birth.

Morgan....Its a boy babe, am so happy.

Gigi....Am happy too, when will Gia come back home? She wanted to see the baby so bad.

Morgan....Am going to call her, hi baby, its dad.Lets name him...mmmm....max.


Morgan....Dont you like it?

Gigi....I think it will be fine.

Morgan....Welcome to us Max, wait until your sister Gia about you, she will rush back home.

Gigi....I miss her babe, i wonder what she is upto?

Morgan....Dont worry, i will call her after here.

Morgan called Gia and he went to California after one week, they met though Gia always walked with bodyguards.

Morgan....Are you...?

Gia....Yes dad, am pregnant.

Morgan....Is that mafia the dad?

Gia....Yes he is.

Morgan....When you told that you liked him, i thought that you were not that serious about him.

Gia....I also didnt know that we will come this far.

Morgan....Your mum misses you so does max.

Gia...What?? Seriously?? Mum gave birth to a baby boy?

Morgan....Ofcourse dear.

Gia....Oh, you even gave him a lovely name, i really want to see him now.

Morgan....Here are his pics.

Gia....Wow! His so adorable, i cant believe that he looks like me this much.

Morgan....What? He looks like me. really glad that you have a complete family now, i always wished the best for you dad and mum.

Morgan....But its incomplete without you dear.

Gia....I know dad, but am really happy with Solli, he loves me and he cares for me, he wants me to be safe, this is the kind of life i always wanted, though Brian decieved me, i dont regret anything now.I forgot about him all thanks to Solli.

Morgan....I can tell that your happy dear, your eyes says it all.As long as your happy, me and your mum will also be happy because its what we want for you.

Gia....Am so blessed to have you as my dad, and am glad that i have mum as my mum, i really miss her so much, my sweet mum.I have presents for her and the baby, please tell her to take care because i will love you guys forever.

They hugged both crying, Morgan took the gifts to Gigi and she was happy.

Gigi...My one of a kind princess, she is really an angel.She should come back home soon because her mum is hurting.

Morgan....She will come soon babe.

Gigi....I want to meet that man in person and thank him for bringing light to my angel's life, i cant wait to be called a grandmother once Gia gives birth.

Gia always went to the hospital though she never told Sollister about it.

Doctor....Your cancer is now on stage three, its too late now.

Gia....I had a chance to save my life but i was hopeless that time, now that i want to live so bad, my chance is gone.

Doctor....Its really bad yet your pregnant.

Gia....I feel sorry for my poor child who is going to grow up without a mum.

Sollister always thought that she went to the hospital for pregnancy tests yet she had lung cancer and her time was limited, her pregnancy was eight months.She went back home to Solli but he found him talking with a woman.

Cindy....How can you abandon me? I was your girlfriend first.

Solli....Am really sorry about that, but i have a girlfriend now and i dont her to be stressed because she has my baby.

Cindy....Hahah...your even going to start a family, huh? What about me?

Gia....Whats going on here Solli?

Solli....Gia, have you been there for long?

Gia....Just please explain to me whats going on?

Cindy....So your that bitch who took my man? Here is whats going on, am here to claim for whats rightfully mine, my man.

Gia....So, you really had a girlfriend?

Solli....I dont love her, i love you Gia and you know that too.

Gia started crying.

Solli....Go and brin her inhaler, NOW!

The bodyguard ran to bring her inhaler.

Solli....Its not true honey, just please calm down first.


She fainted. honey.Cindy, leave my house before i come back.

Cindy....Fuck you asshole!

Sollister carried her and he drove her to the hospital.

Solli....Save her and my baby doc, i cant lose them.

Doctor....We are going to operate on her because she might lose the baby.

Solli....Will they be fine?

Doctor....Their is 88% of their survival, but dont worry, we are going to do our best.

She was taken to the operation room like how Gigi also gave birth to her.The operation was a success though the baby was put in an incubator just her.

Chief....Which cell is Brian Quenton.

Waden....Cell number 42 sir.

Chief....Okay, bring him to me.

Brian was taken to him.

Chief....Look at you rotting in here when your ex fiance is with someone else.

Brian....What?? What do you mean?

Chief.....She got herself another man and i also heard that she is pregnant.

Brian....What? Who is that bastard? Gia is mine, how can she move on and forget about me? Am going to cut that asshole into pieces, tell, who he is?

Chief....Thats the spirit boy, i want you to finish him off.

Brian....I cant wait, but, how am i going to do that when am in here?

Chief....Not to worry, am going to set you free to kill him and if he really dies, you will be a freeman.

Brian....I dont care about that, i just want to finish off that asshole who is with my woman.

Chief....Hahaha....Its now the end of you son, am tied of always looking for you, i've had enough of your stupid games.

He gave Brian Sollister's address and he was set free from prison.Gia got well and she was discharged from the hospital, though the baby was still there.

Solli....I will go back to see the baby later.


Solli....Honey, am really sorry about...

Gia....Its okay, its all no use because its the end of me soon.

Solli....What do you mean?

Gia....Hahaha....nothing, i just a big hug from you.

Solli....You got it.

He hugged her and she was crying.They heard gun shots.

Solli....We are under attack, stay here honey, i will be back.

Gia....Will you be fine?

Solli....I promise.

Gia....Please come back soon, i will wait for you.

Solli....I will.

Sollister went to find out what was happening and found Brian, he had killed the bodyguards who were inside, he pointed the gun at him.

Solli....Brian, huh? So my dad sent you here, right?

Brian....I dont care about him, am here to finish you off and take Gia with me. think that she will be happy to see you? You are fuckin nightmare to her.

Brian....I will take her even if i have to force her, how dare you make a move on my woman?

Solli....She was never yours to begin with asshole, back off.

Brian....Lets findout about that, you woman snatcher!

Gia....STOP IT!


Gia went to them.

Gia....Dont call me that, why are even here?

Brian....Babe, am here to get you and we go back home.

Gia....You really think i can go with you, your a fuckin monster.The sight of you makes me lose it.

Brian....I missed you babe, i did everything for you.

Gia....Stop saying that you did what you did for me, did i ask you to do it? You use me as an excuse you asshole, i hate you so just go.

Brian....Its all that mororns fault for stealing you away from me.

Gia....Will you so sick of you, dont you get tired and feel bad for what you do?

She said everything crying but Brian rose his arm again pointing it at Sollister, he shot but Gia put herself infront of him.She got shot in the stomach yet she was from an operation, she fell down and started bleeding.

Brian....Gia?? cant die, please stay with me.

Gia....I meant it....when i said...that i...loved you.

Solli....Stop talking please.

Gia....Dont, worry....i was only...left with two...days to live.

Solli....What do you mean?

Gia....I have ....lung cancer....and its on the last stage.


Brian ran away, Gia died in Solli's arms and she was buried.Morgan and Gigi cried and her grandparents but she was dead already.Sollister later got his son from the hospital and took him home.

Chief....That bastard failed to do a right job yet he took off, this tea will cool me down.

He drunk the tea and saw a paper on his desk.

Chief...."A glad that you have to ebd like this dad, farewell in hell,your son". No...he poisoned the tea??

He died instantly.Sollister sent his men to look for Brian and they found him, he shot him himself and his body was burnt.

Solli....Honey, hope you reat well in heaven, thanks for giving me a lovely son.

THE END.....Habiibah462