Chapter Two

She came to me the next day. I knew that she was ready to continue. The night before I kept thinking. I only wondered if such a thing could happen that way.

"I'm sure you were waiting for me," She smiled sitting on the couch.

"Yeah. I kept thinking only. I wish you're fine today," I replied smiling back.

"Yes. I am fine. I'd like to continue along part today."

"Sure. I'm listening."

'I woke up the next morning. I was a bit disappointed because of what he said the precious day. I kept thinking over and over of how to go out of that dilemma. It was not that big but still, I wanted to meet my boyfriend as soon as possible. I knew that the war had just started between me and Yeongi. My evil plans were starting to work. I had lunch after waking up, seeing myself covered in the same bed I was laying on the day before. I took a shower as one of those two servants brought me what to wear. I didn't wake up early. I had lunch one hour and a half after waking up. I felt sad and bored. I went for a walk discovering all the house, at the same time I was looking for my bags and luggage. The two servants were still following me until I got bothered.

"Please, can you stop following me? I feel like I'm in prison. Just don't listen to that evil arrogant man. How can you serve him?!" I said angrily and I didn't know why I even blamed those two innocent women.

"We're sorry Ms. We always follow what the master says," They bowed again. I didn't know what was the right thing to do. I tried to find a solution to run away. Security guards were everywhere and there was no way to escape. I found that I could talk to my boyfriend using social media I just needed a laptop or a phone. My hopes were getting high. I walked part by part in the house, it was really big and beautiful. I was wondering why he kidnapped me and brought me there. While I was looking and walking he came down the stairs looking at me that evil look as I turned to be frozen again.

"Why you're still here?" He asked smirking sarcastically.

"Huh! You put me in this prison and you ask why I'm still here!? Are you out of mind?" I shouted in his face while he kept that smirk.

"I told you. You can't go out of here since I'm here," He got a closer look at me. He was tall, taller enough to make me look like a hobbit beside him. "I want you to come with me". He continued holding my arm, pulling me while he didn't let the chance for me to ask where.

"What you're doing again?" I tried to let go.

"We're going to your new room."

"My what? Why you're doing this to me?"

"Be quiet. Just follow my rules since I'm the master here," He turned his head looking at me and smirked.

We went up the first floor and walked to the end of a big hall. There were a lot of rooms. The last one from the right was mine.

"Here's your room. You have everything you need and you have those two servants. They'll help you at anything," He pronounced quickly and was about to leave. "Ah. Don't forget to go down the stares at 8 pm for dinner and I'll come at any time you'll need help from me got it?!" He was so confident. No. He was arrogant how could he just own everything.

"Do you think I'll listen to you? Do you think I'm your property? I'm going out soon got it?!" I talked in the same way he did. It was a bit funny as he smirked again that sexy smirk.

"We'll see sweetie," He winked.

"Ya! What you're trying to do to me? A room? Servants? Sweetie? Winking! What the hell Mr arrogant?"

"I told you before but you don't listen at all. Where was your mind? I won't repeat since I'm Mr arrogant," He said leaving the room.

The room was beautiful, a huge rounded bed covered with red and white sheets. Two big white pillows and two small red ones. A huge closet its doors made of aluminium and glass while the inside was decorated with pink and white. Clothes were nicely put. Dresses, a pair of pants in different kinds and colours, shirts and T-shirts, shoes and underwear. Everything was in that huge closet. I thought of taking a shower. It was 7 pm already when I went out of the shower room. I felt so sleepy and tired because of traveling. I dressed up my pyjamas and slept.

"Ms. Please wake up it's almost 8 pm," The servant was waking me up while I got bothered. It was because I had never liked someone to wake me up especially on holidays.

"It's 8 pm so what?" With a sleepy voice, I replied her.

"The master won't like what you're doing Ms," She was afraid of me for no reason, maybe he'd do something bad but not to me since he called me sweetie. That was the way I was thinking. "It's okay it's okay just go," I was stubborn and went back to sleep.

I woke up shocked because I felt all wet. I turned to see who poured water on me while I was asleep

"You wanna die!!" I screamed in his face. It was Mr. arrogant, the bothering arrogant.

"You sleep like a little kitty. Nope, like a little pig," He was making fun of me, standing up beside my bed in front of me and giving me those evil looks as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're the pig not me! You'll regret your whole life meeting me," I was so angry while he was laughing sarcastically.

"Girl! You're funny. Don't be angry, it's me who should be angry at you!"

"Why would you! Did I do anything wrong?" I was still sitting on the bed while he sat down beside me.

"What did I tell you before?" He kept staring at me.

"Told me what!" I shouted as I blushed when he was looking at me that way. Then I remembered that the servant came to wake me up for dinner, and of course, I didn't wanna show that I was wrong. He took one of the biggest pillows hitting me on my head.

"You remember what I've said?! Piggy!"

"I'm not piggy! Stop it," I was trying to take the pillow from him but he was much stronger than me. His tall muscled body was four times mine.

"Get up. We're going out! Change your clothes and put some make up you really look like a piggy," He stood up going out.

"I'm not piggy you arrogant! Also, I'm beautiful without makeup!" I shouted as he shouted back from the hall. "Piggy!"

"This Yeongi is getting me out of mind. I'll make him regret meeting me!" I stood up and went to the shower room. I was sure he would come if I scream or call for help. And I did it like a scared girl.

"Yeongi!!" I heard him calling my name coming up the stairs running to my room then to the shower room. He entered as I splashed water on his face to his clothes. He stood up frozen, wet, with a strange look he kept looking at me while I was dying from laughing.

"Now who's the piggy you arrogant piggy!"

I got him out of my bedroom. He was all wet and frozen and didn't say anything just speechless. I washed and dressed up. I released my hair, wore my high heels and went down the stares. I didn't find him but I found all the servants whispering to each other.

"Where is he? He tells me to dress up then he doesn't come in time!?" I said confusedly.

"No Ms he went to change his clothes and he cancelled going out," One of them answered after they bowed all.

"Why he does that suddenly? It's just water I didn't kill him or something like that!" I was shouting like they were the ones who mistook then I said sorry. It wasn't because of me neither because of water. It was another hidden reason he kept it secret from me that time. I was a stranger to him somehow though he knew few things about me. Like my favourite colours and style of clothes or he wouldn't put all those to me. I went to his bedroom after I asked them where he was. I knocked on that glass door but no answer. So I slid it through the right slowly and entered.

"OMG! What a beautiful room," I made an impressed face expression as I whispered.

"You like it?" His voice came from his big bed. I looked to the left and he showed up. He was laying down shirtless.

"Huh! Why would I? It's like any other room. Also. Can you please wear a shirt or something?" I pretended like I hadn't said anything and turned my head blushing. His abs were so attractive. He had a tall and strong body and couldn't run away from him.

"Why you came here at this time? You know it's late," The evil talked arrogantly with a sexy quiet voice while getting closer to me. I was standing in the middle of his bedroom.

"I thought you got mad at me for what I've done to you," I spoke.

"And you came to apologize," He smirked that special smirk of his.

"You think I'll do that?! No way Mr arrogant. It was your fault you know that!"

"Em, I see. So let's apologize to each other since you did that too."

"Okay. I'm sorry for what I've done," I bowed so that he wouldn't tell me to say it again bowing. However, I didn't expect his answer when he gave me sarcastic laughs.

"You must be kidding right," I could feel his breaths and his perfume. He was close. Close enough to start touching my hair looking inside my eyes confidently with his drunken eyes.

"What? I've just apologized so it's your turn," I said confusedly. I was trembling.

"Nope. You didn't apologize for sweety. Do you think I'm like others saying sorry and accept others' apology easily?! I'm Mr arrogant remember!?" He sarcastically smiled looking at me and my face and kept staring into my eyes.

"So, how will you accept this apology? Mr arrogant!" I was keeping my strength up in front of him or I'd lose to him. My heart didn't lose memory. It carried feelings. Anonymous feelings for an anonymous guy. It was reacting and beating for him. Responding to his touches.

"Let's make a deal to be fair since I work fairly," He looked at me like an evil as he was planning for something really bad and really evil.

"What deal?" I was scared. Deals with the evil had never been good.

"Let's say that you're gonna do something I want and I'll do the same to you but just one thing got it!"

"Like what?"

"Kiss me," He said looking at my lips as I was surprised from what he said. "Are you insane?! I have a boyfriend and can't let anyone kiss me or even.." I didn't finish my sentence until he kissed me deeply. I felt so strange. It was deep, full of feelings. It was like he was expressing himself to me. Like he was hiding something. I got back my mind after a while and pushed him shouting.

"Stop it! Do you think I'm here to play your games!" He looked at me smirking and touching his lips softly.

"I knew you wouldn't accept, and I hate hearing your bullshit about your boyfriend so I did it. Now your turn to tell me what to do," I took that chance yelling.

"Get me back my bags and let me go out of here!"

"I said one thing, not two piggy!" He got closer to my face and pulled my nose tightly.

"Well. Em," I kept thinking. It was a chance for me to go out of there.

"Let me meet my boyfriend, I wanna meet him," I crossed my arms over my chest confidently.

"Alright! Then you'll be back here since your stuff is in here," He smirked and laughed at the same time, and when he was going out he said. "Don't forget to have dinner, you haven't eaten yet, and sorry not to take you, I have a lot of work to do," He got out leaving me in his room frozen in my place.

I didn't have dinner, I forgot I was hungry, he kissed me while I was going out his room going to mine I slapped my face tightly murmuring. "Hell! Did he just kiss me? Why he's doing that to me? I have a boyfriend. Dina wake up he's playing around, and you're in prison with this arrogant!" I was like a fool complaining about what happened and kept thinking about it though it wasn't important to me to feel that way.

I slept after changing my clothes. My heart was wondering why he kissed me, why he did that, my mind was answering that he was playing around and surely he had a girlfriend or something like that so no cares.

I woke up in the morning. I prepared myself, dressed up a mini pink skirt and a white shirt with pink and black colours on it. I tied my hair, put a necklace and two rings, and wore high heeled sandals, took my handbag and got down the stairs saying to all servants 'good morning' and 'how are you doing' while they bowed to me. I didn't find him awake! So I asked one of his closest partner work Jinwoo.

"Oh, sir. Where is Choi Myeong Hoon?"

"He had some work to do so he went out in the early morning. Do you need anything?"

"The evil!" I shouted angrily and I closed my mouth suddenly while I was talking to him.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean that. We had a deal you know and.." I didn't finish my explanation when I remembered that I could go out saying Mr. Choi wanted me to go out. What a smart idea I had!

"A deal? What kind of deals, Ms?"

"Ah, nothing sir, ask him and he'll tell you because it's his deal," I ran away from him, going to the kitchen I drunk a few of water, decided to go out.

"Mr. Choi told me to ask you for giving me a phone so would you please give it to me we are going to meet after he goes out from his work," I asked a servant and she really believed me and brought me a phone. I decided to use it by getting to social media. Line application, and talk to my boyfriend Jung. You would tell me that it looks so strange how all of them listened and didn't pay attention to me or even forbid me from going out. I won't tell you now but all I can say for now is that being me excited that time to go out led me to act stupidly and run away happily.

"Thank you," I bowed to her and hurried up going out. There were a lot of bodyguards, it was like he was running a gang in there. They didn't bother themselves to stop me. They actually opened up the way for me to set me free.

"Finally I'm out!" I shouted after running away from his house. I stopped for a while asking where were I. I opened the GPS and activated Wi-Fi to open my Line account, and got Jung Suk's phone number since it was saved on the account. I called my boyfriend.

"Jungie! It's me, Dina!"

"Oh! From where are you calling? Where have you been?"

"It's a long story. Let's meet now, please, I don't have time," I anxiously pronounced.

"Sure sweety. Go to Han river I'll meet you there!" He cut the call fast.

"Okay, babe."

I complained about how I'd go there and which way I should take. If I was allowed to ask people or no. I tried to use GPS to lead me there. I kept searching and walking in the streets, turning around from one to another. I almost lost hope until I asked few people. They showed me the way as I followed their steps while I was looking at the malls and all those beautiful places and stores. A lot of people, crowded city, crowded places. I finally arrived. The beautiful Han River I had known before. There were a lot of couples. I started walking slowly holding my phone to my chest and smiling happily.

"Dina!" I turned to look at whom was calling me.

"Jungie!" I shouted happily after turning to see him. He hugged me as I did too.

"Are you okay? What happened to you? I waited for you in Airport but you didn't show up at all!"

"It's a long story," I rubbed my head. I felt so shy from him, and felt awkward to meet him for the first time.

"Tell me, we have all the time to talk and enjoy of course," He pronounced smiling toward me.

"Well I've been kidnapped by a rich arrogant guy and he hid my stuff and bags, even this phone isn't mine. I lied to his workers in there just to go out. I begged him to let me go and to meet you. He refused at the beginning, but it's okay. I'm here with you now and I'm so happy," I smiled at him.

"Ah. who's this crazy who wants to steal my girl? I guess he wanna die," He sarcastically spoke to make me laugh at the end of that conversation.

"Forget about him. Let's have beautiful bright days together!" He laughed messing my hair then held my hand to his and talked a lot while walking.