Chapter Eleven

*Flash Back*

Yeongi woke up. Checked his phone, a message had been sent to him saying. 'Check news on TV honey. It's a big surprise. You can come to me now I miss you!' It was Ji Hye. He got up fast and washed himself. Taking a shower and dressing up. He went down the stairs after kissing my forehead.

"Jinwoo come here fast," Yeongi called him while he was going down the stairs.

"What's going on?" He asked worrying.

"Come and I'll tell you. Maybe we'll see news together," Yeongi got mad. He was so confused and afraid of what would happen next.

"Good morning sir," One of the servants pronounced bowing.

"Good morning. Prepare for me a coffee, please," He replied while the servant was shocked when he said 'please'.

"Sure sir," She bowed and left.

"What's wrong Hoon?" Jinwoo entered Yeongi's house.

"Check this message," He gave him his phone and Jinwoo started reading.

"You need to turn on TV so," Jinwoo suggested.

"Yeah, and I waited you."

"I'll turn it on," He turned it on news channel.

".. And the breaking news for today! It's a big surprise that Choi Myeong Hoon and Park Ji Hye are engaged and not just dating. Many people saw them together holding their hands and kissing. They even bought rings and had great times together. Workers with Ms Park Ji Hye confirmed that her relationship was secret until reporters took videos and pictures for them kissing and spending a day off together.." The journalist on TV was reporting while pictures and videos were showing up to everyone in Korea whom was watching TV.

"Damn it Jinwoo!" Yeongi turned off TV shouting and breaking a glassy stuff which was put on a small table in there.

"Calm down Myeong Hoon," Jinwoo looked at him coldly.

"How can I while she's ruining my life!" He shouted from anger. Furious not just angry. Helplessly thinking of covering up.

"Are you both engaged?" Jinwoo asked looking down. His emotions were mixed between anger and sadness and sorrow.

"Yeah. But.." Yeongi went out of the house.

"But what?" He followed him outside.

"She's controlling everything. My father's company and I had no choice. That day when I asked you to watch Everdine I was with her. She sent me the day before her friend Choi Haneul. She came to my house saying that she wants to talk to me and I went. We got out me and her. She wants me back. Not as a boyfriend but as a husband. She said she'll stop all this game once I get married to her. I don't love her Jinwoo. I love Everdine and I want to live freely with her without even hurting her. But this Ji Hye can't let me go and I hate the way she's doing that!"

"Can't you give up on your father's company for yourself? You've done a lot for him. When was the last time you lived for yourself or did something for yourself? Don't count the days when Everdine came."

"I can't Jinwoo. That's called selfishness. I can't let down my father. I'm his one and only son. He trusts me and I can't disappoint him. Even if I'll give up on the company to her she won't let me go. She'll keep hurting the ones whom are closer to me."

"Does your father know about what you want? He lived his life and enjoyed it. Now it's your life and it's up to you to choose. Ah also. She has nothing to do with your company since you'll give up on it to her. People will say that she forced you to take it and she'll look bad for everyone, she wouldn't let that happen that's why she's taking advantage of you not giving up the company to her!" Jinwoo shouted back at him. He wanted to help him and couldn't control himself.

"Jinwoo, you love her and you want her. Can't you take her from me and out of my life?" Yeongi hid his face with both of his hands taking a deep breath then messed his hair looking down begging.

"Has loving her a part of all of this?" He asked.

"Yeah. I want you to help me. Just be with her. Stick to her and let her know about your feelings. She might like you for that then she'll fall in love with you and then she'll go out of my damn life!" Yeongi looked at him seriously while Jinwoo got mad feeling like he was going to be used.

"Okay. I'll try that just to help you because I've never planned to confess to her. Also don't let your lovely girl know about all this. She might be hating you for what you've done. I mean being engaged to Ji Hye."

"Yeah. I'll ask Hyung Min and Yeongsoo's help since she is closer to her."

"Good then. Go to her now and avoid mistakes Hoon," Jinwoo warned him. He had never wanted his best friend to be hurt because of a girl whom wanted power and money.

"Yeah. I know that. She's not that smart after all," Yeongi smirked and went in to take his phone and his car keys while Jinwoo called Hyung Min and Yeongsoo to go down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" Hyung Min asked going down the stairs before Yeongsoo.

"Where's Yeongsoo?"

"She'll be here in a minute why?" He replied Jinwoo.

"Well look," Jinwoo claimed turning on TV.

"Good morning everyone! Sunshine has just woken up!" Yeongsoo came looking at both of them.

"My sunshine of course,". Hyung Min said smiling and looking at her while Jinwoo stared at him weirdly wondering when they both started.

"Hell we're in a big serious problem and you both are flirting each other in the morning," He spoke coldly.

"Eh what's wrong?" She asked.

"Look," He turned to look at the TV as they did.

"Oh my God! That's Ji Hye!" Yeongsoo shouted with a shocked face.

"Yeah but.." Hyung Min stopped talking when he started to focus on the screen.

"Great she's been trapped in a video like this! I wonder who's that unlucky guy!" Yeongsoo laughed crazily.

"It's Myeong Hoon," Her boyfriend replied her with a sad voice.


"Yeah. It's your brother," Jinwoo confirmed to her as she was more shocked and got closer to TV to make sure it was her brother.

"Oh my God!! Why he's in there with her?! Unlucky brother," She asked in shock.

"Long story. But now all we have to do is to help him, and get this Ji Hye out of his life," Jinwoo suggested crossing his arms to his chest.

"How we are going to do that while she's controlling everything?" Yeongsoo asked looking at both of them then hugged her boyfriend.

"Yeongsoo, babe, calm down. You're asking a lot of questions in the early morning," Hyung Min caressed her sighing.

"Okay. You tell me what to do and I'll do it just for brother."

"First, we must keep it secret or hidden from Everdine. His relationship with her is serious and he doesn't want to lose her or hurt her," Jinwoo started.

"That's your job babe," Hyung Min looked at Yeongsoo as she nodded.

"Second. Let's try to keep Ji Hye away from him. She's watching him, and maybe she has spies in here," Jinwoo continued.

"We must move on from this house first. I mean let's make him change the house first as it'll be a summer holiday."

"Yeah, there's my house in front of the beach. We all go there and we'll solve it," Jinwoo proposed.

"What's next?" Yeongsoo asked.

"Well. I'm afraid if Myeong Hoon will break up with Everdine or will push her away not to hurt her more later," He messed his hair sighing and trying to find a solution for that dilemma.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. We need a replacement," Hyung Min agreed.

"A replacement! How's that? And Everdine loves my brother she won't be able to have a replacement!" Yeongsoo replied.

"How do you know? She started with him yesterday," Jinwoo interrupted.

"It's not about the relationship. It's about since when she's loving him, and don't forget that she loved him before she had that accident before she comes here. I'm sure she remembered how she used to love him before, that's why it was easy for her to move on her ex boyfriend easily," Yeongsoo explained.

"Wow. You finally said something important," Jinwoo smirked thinking again of what to do. They were protecting my own relationship, while I knew nothing from all of what was happening.

"Yeah, she's right. Everdine used to love Myeong Hoon before she meets him. She doesn't remember me even," Jin Hyuk pronounced entering the house with his wife Sohee.

"Hello to both of Dee Jays," Hyung Min replied.

"Nice. I didn't know that! Now focus on what we're doing. We must wait her until she wakes up and act like nothing happened. Someone call Chung Min to come here," He suggested. Jinwoo was bossing and controlling the situation. He didn't want his lover girl to be with another man. And also he wanted to help his best friend to save his true relationship with me.

"Yeah sure," They both replied him.

"Chung Min?" Jin Hyuk called Chung Min. Hyung Min was looking at him angrily. He had always felt jealous of him and mad at him. They both weren't talking because of Yeongsoo. Her boyfriend fought Jin Hyuk because he hurt her before by ignoring her and refusing her in a harsh way. But that time and once she became Hyung Min's girlfriend, he started to feel afraid of losing her or her heart would rebel and disobey him and his heart because of Jin Hyuk's existence.

"What?" He replied with a sleepy voice.

"Are you asleep?" Jin Hyuk asked.

"Great you asked! Yeah I am and you've just woken me up when you called," Chung Min replied shouting.

"Come here fast I mean to Hoon's house. Hurry!"

"Hell why?" Chung Min asked.

"Emergency. Just hurry I'm serious," Jin Hyuk spoke with a serious tone voice and cut the call as the other one nodded cutting the call and he hurried to wash up and dress to go there.

Yeongi took his car and went to Ji Hye's house. He was mad, so mad, furious. She had no right to do that to him. The whole story started when Myung Hoon begun working at his father's company. He became famous and well-known as a director. He made lot of good things. Park Ji Hye noticed that he was getting more famous and being a successful man with his work. She couldn't take it. She needed to get him back to her with a way or another. First, she started telling people that she was with him in a relationship and they broke up because he stopped loving her while she was the one who broke up with him. Ji Hye's father left the company to her and her brother. She started to run that company after becoming Myung Hoon a famous director. She wanted him back and she went to plan B directly without even talking to him. She controlled his father's company by getting information and weakness points using spies she put in there, and when Hoon's company was about to lose. Ji Hye interfered to help in her way and she started controlling since that day. Myung Hoon couldn't do anything only following her orders. However, he kept distance between both of them for saving his work and not to remember her again or what she had done.

"He came," Haneul called Ji Hye looking at Yeongi entering the company while she was going out.

"Yeah. I'm waiting his wild reaction from what he saw on TV this morning," Ji Hye answered then laughed evilly.

"Oh yeah!" Haneul smirked while Ji Hye cut the call and looked out from the glassy wall to the city.

"How could you do that?!" He entered her office finding her standing and waiting for him.

"Good morning babe," She turned smirking to him.

"Hmm. Morning," He tried to calm himself by replying her quietly as she was getting closer looking at him with a seductive look.

"How's my man?" She put her arms around his neck looking at his eyes as he was frozen and angry. You could look at his eyes seeing flame of anger burning as wild fires.

"I'm mad and you?" He looked at her smirking angrily.

"Oh. Why mad honey? Be like your future wife happy to see her husband here with her."

"Why mad? And you're asking? Husband! I'm not yet so don't call me that and why you did that?" He asked taking off her arms.

"Did what babe?" She smirked holding his shirt.

"You told reporters to share those pictures and videos on TV as news!?" He claimed shouting at her.

"I did?! Of course I didn't! How can I tell reporters to inform about us while I don't even know how they took those pictures and videos!" She defended herself acting innocent as she didn't do anything.

"Really? It's like you didn't pay to reporters to follow us and take pictures and stuff!"

"Of course not! I woke up and turned on TV then found myself with you on TV kissing and our pictures holding our hands so I texted you and told you to turn it on!" She again denied everything.

"I'm believing you then," He took off her hands of him and was going out.

"Wait where are you going?" She asked him confusedly.

"Work. I have work to do," He replied coldly.

"You always work and you don't even call me or look for me. Are you spending the whole time with that girl?" She stopped him from going out then stood up in front of him.

"Yeah I do. I wanna feel free Ji Hye. Can you stop controlling in here!?" He looked her in the eyes.

"Okay. I'll leave you alone, but you'll miss me and don't sleep with that girl again or spend a lot of time with her because reporters will say that you're cheating on me," She claimed as he got out and closed the door without even saying a word. He got back to his car not in mood and doesn't feeling fine. Jinwoo called him.

"Myung where are you?" He asked anxiously.

"I've just got out from her office. She said she doesn't know who took pictures and that drives me crazy Jinwoo! I'm sure it's her why would she deny that!" He answered angrily hitting his car's steering wheel.

"So you're coming here," Jinwoo looked at whom was sitting focusing on what he was saying.

"Yeah and I don't want to break Everdine's heart. I will break up. I know she won't let me go. She'll hurt my girl and I'll never accept that to be happened," Yeongi confessed as he was driving back home. Jinwoo was shocked he asked him if he lost his mind by chance and was he really giving up on me after one day from starting.

"Listen to me. If you break up now you won't ever be with her again. Don't play with your serious relationship. There's no game with Everdine, the game is with Ji Hye. So stop mixing things with each other!" Jinwoo warned with a shocked expression on his face. He stood up once Myung Hoon told him all that. It was hurtful. Everyone stood up with him trying to know what he was saying.

"What to do then! What would you do Jinwoo!! It's complicated. What if Everdine will know that I accepted to be engaged to that witch?" Yeongi was so worried. He was stuck and couldn't act at all. It was out of his control and that was the thing that made him out of mind. He is a Leo just as me. In zodiac signs, and of course by nature, Leos hate to be bossed or controlled because they were born leaders and controllers. His character was hard to be won at. He was always getting things he wanted and he really got me before I even meet him. It was when I used to talk to him at the age of sixteen. Due to what happened to me at the age of nineteen I couldn't remember him neither recognizing him nor stop loving him inside my heart.

"Myeong keep each thing in its place. Just don't mix them. Also, let Everdine for you. It's not over yet. Me and the crew are trying our best to hide the fact you're engaged on your girlfriend. She won't know if you'll keep being with her. Come here and I'll tell you what we planned in here," Jinwoo replied. He wasn't worried as much as Yeongi. He was so smart and cold and mature enough to act fast in situation like Yeongi's. His cold way in dealing with things wasn't normal, that's what made him unique in his own way. He had feelings for Ji Hye all that time and never showed that to her but told his best friend about that matter.

"What did you plan? And did she wake up?" Myung Hoon anxiously asked.

"No. She didn't yet. I suggested to change home. I mean let's go to my house on the beach for few days when things will be calmed down, we'll be back to the city."

"Okay then. I'll tell try not to break up with her. I'm still thinking about not hurting her that much later. I've never wanted to be the one hurting her because I've always healed her the past years," He changed his mind after being convinced by Jinwoo. When I knew about all this game and all those details later. I couldn't talk to anyone. I was speechless. Shocked and blamed myself for being so stupid believing him. I didn't want all those things to be happened. I've never wanted to get hurt. However, sacrificing works always as it's a good option to be chosen at the end.

"I told you not to break up!" Jinwoo shouted on phone.

"It's up to me Jinwoo. We'll see about that," He cut the call immediately.

I woke up that day. I was so happy while everyone was acting strangely. Yeongi had already parked and stayed in the car over thinking. He was lost.

"Damn it! Ji Hye why you keep ruining my life!" He shouted again talking to himself while messing his hair and hitting the steering wheel trying to breathe again. He had no choice. He was thinking of everyone's goodness as he forgot himself. He was selfish at the same time because he loved me so much and wanted me as none did before. He was thirsty for more to that love and hungry to eat time for me. He entered looking at me and Chung Min and everyone whom was there. I didn't realize that something was happening. I didn't even check social media that time. I didn't have to because I had him beside me.

"Yeongi!" I hugged him tightly as he carried me then I kissed him.

After that little talk. We went outside and got in his car as me and him was talking while he was driving. Jinwoo and the other three were with him. Chung Min beside him and both of Hyung Min and Yeongsoo were sitting there. As Yeongi wasn't looking fine and I was so worried about him.

"Guys. Do you want to hear bad news after those bad news showed on TV?" Jinwoo started asking.

"What bad news you're talking about? And what TV?" Chung Min replied. He was clueless at first.

"Didn't you hear!?" Yeongsoo wondered crazily.

"You guys asked me this question few minutes ago and you didn't reply me! What's going on?" Chung Min turned his head to the back seat where the other two were sitting.

"Well. Turn on your mobile network data and check news. You'll see," Hyung Min replied coldly.

"Damn. Why you guys make it complicated? Okay I'll do it," He checked news and read about Yeongi and Ji Hye and their engagement thing. "What the hell is that!?" He was shocked looking at Jinwoo driving.

"Yeah, it's hell as you said. He accepted to be engaged to her," He replied him following Yeongi on the road.

"But how's that! Didn't he say that he'll never be with her?" Chung Min asked.

"That's what we want to know actually," Hyung Min replied looking at him then noticing Yeongsoo getting sad.

"I know the answer for that question, but what I don't know is what is his next step because he wants to break up with Everdine though they both started a serious relationship yesterday," Jinwoo answered confidently.

"Hell! Are you serious?" Yeongsoo asked with a shocked voice.

"How could he risk to do that?" Her boyfriend continued.

"Then I'll take her," Chung Min claimed hopefully and sarcastically. He had always been that type of persons whom don't worry about serious things because he believed that everything would be alright. Whether they do or not, he kept his high hopes.

"Stop joking. We're in a serious trouble," Jinwoo turned to look at Chung Min then continued to focus on the road.

"Okay! Sorry."

"Jinwoo tell us what happened between Myeong Hoon and Ji Hye," Hyung Min demanded.

"Well, Ji Hye sent Haneul to Hoon's house. She told him that Ji Hye wants to meet meet him the next day. He went just as she told him to talk to Ji Hye as this last one asked him to go out. She paid reporters to take pictures and videos for both of them when they went out together. That day she left him to choose between two things: His father's company will be his, and she won't bother him or control his life again. All this with onr condition. Or if he wouldn't choose this, she will take the company and hurt whom are closer to him. She meant us, " Jinwoo said.

"Haneul my ex?" Chung Min asked and others nodded.

"What's the condition?" Yeongsoo asked.

"To get married to her of course!" Hyung Min replied.


"But.. When did she asked him for that?" Chung Min wondered.

"Good question. She did that the day before we had that basketball game," Jinwoo answered.

"Why he started the relationship with Everdine after that!" Yeongsoo madly shouted. She was right. No girl accept to be played with. She defended me. At the same time. She felt pity on her brother and the company of her family.

"That's what I don't know," Jinwoo answered.

"I wonder what he was thinking of," Hying Min said looking out from the car's window.

"Yeah, me too. I wonder where is he going now!?" Jinwoo asked continuing his road as Yeongi turned on the right suddenly.

"Where is he going?" Yeongsoo asked.

"To his place. I must follow him!"

"Why? He'll follow us later. Maybe he wants to be with her all alone," She pronounced.

"Babe. He'll break up with her and we must stop him," Her boyfriend replied calmly hugging her.

"Huh! Hurry turn Jinwoo hurry!" She crazily shouted.

"Thank God you know now! I'm going!" Jinwoo said turning right and taking another road which was leading to the same place.

"Hell. I wish everything will be fine," Chung Min messed his hair worrying after staying quiet thinking about Haneul.

"You finally talked after a long silence," She claimed.

"Wasn't long. You felt it was because you are talkative," Jinwoo teased her.

"How dare you say that?!" She answered madly.

"What are you thinking of Chung Min?" Hyung Min asked.

"Well.. I don't know. I'm thinking of plan B" He answered quietly.

"What plan B?" Jinwoo interrupted.

"If they break up."

"Chung Min!" The three of them shouted at him.

"What? I'm serious! I mean we know what to do if they won't break up. But what if they will?" He answered seriously while Yeongsoo agreed about that and wondered what would happen. Her boyfriend also agreed to listen to that plan B. "Well, we all know that he loves Everdine as she does. So if he'll act he doesn't and act he loves Ji Hye and engaged to her and stuff then I know what I'll do!"

"What you'll do?" Yeongsoo asked.

"You finally think from your brain," Jinwoo smirked.

"What do you mean?" She asked again curiously.

"Well honey, without asking a lot of questions. He'll try to be closer to Everdine and make Yeongi jealous until he'll dare to punch him,". Hyung Min said looking at his girlfriend smiling.

"I wonder if that will happen really!" She laughed.

"Yeah. I'll be punched just to make them both together again," Chung Min interrupted and smiled turning to look at both of them.

"I'm afraid," Jinwoo said parking the car behind Yeongi's car.

"Of what?" Hyung Min asked.

"Oh they're kissing in there! Everything is alright!" Yeongsoo pronounced and went out of the car running to talk to me and hugging me. Then Yeongi went to Jinwoo as they were in the car.

"Guys," Yeongi started looking at them.

"What's up dude?" The driver asked.

"I don't know. I can't break up for now."

"You better don't or I'll take her," Chung Min said smirking.

"Get closer to her and I'll kill you," Yeongi replied smirking better than Chung Min's.

"I told you guys," He laughed sarcastically. They were all doing this because of me. While I was blind and deaf. I knew nothing.

"Let's go to my house on the beach," Jinwoo proposed.

"Yeah. Then let's see what will happen with Ji Hye," Yeongi agreed and went to his car where I was there waiting for him. Yeongsoo got in the car.

"Great! They didn't break up. She's the only one who doesn't know what's going on. Poor her," She sadly claimed.

"She mustn't at all know and do your best Yeongsoo," Jinwoo warned then she nodded.

"So we're going to the beach?" Chung Min asked.

"Yeah. To rest and have fun and make plans," he answered.

"How we'll do that at the same time?" Hyung Min said looking at them.

"We need to create time and make the day in twenty nine hours."

"How's that?" Yeongsoo stupidly acted.

"Let's not waste time that's all," Jinwoo answered trying to talk less.

After some time they came and parked behind Yeongi. We all entered Jinwoo's house. As Yeongi held my hand and went up the stairs. Everyone was staring at us.

"What's wrong with him now?" Chung Min started.

"Maybe he wants to be alone with her," Hyung Min replied.

"What if they'll break up?" His girlfriend continued.

"Then go and check about what they're saying," Jinwoo suggested.

"What if..?" She hesitated.

"Just go babe," He pulled her to go up the stairs. She entered finding us closer to each other then she got back with a surprised face expression and blushed.

"What?" They all looked at her.

"I guess they were talking and.. Kissing maybe!"

"You guess?" Jinwoo looked at her weirdly.

"Yeah because he surrounded her with the wall and was so close to her!"

"That's a good sign," Chung Min claimed.

"Yeah I guess. So each one of you pick a room for him and then get ready to go to the beach," Jinwoo ordered sitting on the sofa.

"Won't you get ready?" Hyung Min asked holding his girlfriend closer to him. Jinwoo needed to rest and think. Others went up stairs. Chung Min only sat beside him.

"I want to rest too," Chung Min replied quietly. He didn't feel fine though.

"What's wrong?"

"I miss Haneul."

"You do?"

"No. Just don't you see that it's unfair!?" Chung Min messed his hair.

"What's the unfair?". Jinwoo looked at him with serious looks.

"Both of Myeong Hoon and Hyung Min have the girl they love now. While me and you don't get them," He sadly confessed.

"Why you're talking about me?"

"I'm just giving examples," He looked at him as Jinwoo stood up.

"Don't give. If you love the girl go get her. If you feel jealous because both of them have the girl they love then that's not a missing and don't talk about me," He went up stairs when he came to tell us to get ready for going to the beach.

"Honey do you think that they'll be fine?" Yeongsoo stopped kissing Hyung Min in the room they picked and asked him.

"Yeah babe, don't worry. Everything will be okay," He smiled toward her then continued to kiss her. Jinwoo passed by their room knocked the door while the boyfriend allowed him to get in.

"Yeongi said you both have today only to be together nothing more," Jinwoo coldly pronounced.

"Hell. Why he's being that much rude! He has his girlfriend and I'm old can't I get the one I love!?" Yeongsoo shouted sadly as her boyfriend noticed the exression 'I love' smiling.

"Babe it's okay. Calm down. At least he gave us today," He turned to smile toward her then looked at Jinwoo agreeing. He closed the door and went to his room changing his clothes wearing shorts for swimming and going out to look at Chung Min and the other two already ready.

"Shall we go?" Jinwoo asked.

"Shouldn't we wait them?" Yeongsoo asked.

"No. Let's head to the beach and they'll come later," He replied her carelessly

"Okay then!" Chung Min went out first as the others followed him going out from the back door which leaded to the beach.