Chapter Thirteen

*Flash Back*

We headed to the beach as the guys were there. We swam me and Yeongi as the guys were talking.

"Great he didn't break up," Chung Min started.

"Look who's talking," Hyung Min sarcastically replied.

"What? Do you think I want them to break up!?" Chung Min asked looking at him. He was sitting at the right side of Jinwoo as this last was between both of them.

"You're waiting for that aren't you!" He laughed then looked at us playing and swimming.

"I don't want them to! Right, I like Everdine, but I don't want them to break up because they're awesome. I mean they love each other. Look at them. Though what's happening is worse but their love always gather them and whatever Ji Hye does she won't be able to break this love," He answered seriously staring at us.

"Yeah you're right. I feel like plan B is going to be done soon," Jinwoo claimed with his serious face expression.

"Why do you feel that?" Hyung Min asked looking at him.

"Do you think that Ji Hye will let go of him? She's pretending loving him. She wants to take the company to make him regret losing her. More than that, she wants to control," Jinwoo continued.

"Losing her? That's funny. Wasn't she the one who broke up and left him?" Hyung Min sarcastically asked again

"Yeah. But she tried to get him back and that was when me and her were dating," He confessed. He was still loving her though.

"So you guys broke up because she wanted to go back with him?" Chung Min wondered in a weird way.

"Yeah," Jinwoo answered coldly.

"What you're guys talking about?!" Yeongsoo pronounced after going out from the sea.

"Well, nothing important. Just how cute they look," Chung Min replied carelessly.

"Oh yeah. I just wish they stay like that and no demons will surround them," She claimed playing with her wet hair.

"No demons?" Jinwoo commented.

"You know what I mean! Devils and bad people.. You understand me right!" She shouted trying to explain.

"Yeah, we do honey," Her boyfriend answered.

"Come on, let's swim," Yeongsoo pulled him from his arm to get him up.


"What?" She looked at him pouting.

"Hell, don't give me that face expression," Hyung Min caressed his face and hair up and down.

"Then come on!" She pouted again pulling him from the other arm as he got up nodding. He carried her and threw her in water as she screamed. Me and Yeongi noticed.

"Oh so cute! They're having fun together," I spoke happily as I was surrounding his neck by my arms while he was holding my waist.

"I don't know, but I know that we're most cute couple," He was staring at me as I turned to look into his eyes nodding.

Jinwoo checked his phone finding a message from Ji Hye saying: 'Shall I join you guys or maybe Haneul. Maybe both since you and Chung Min are alone.' Jinwoo widened his eyes from shock. He stood up to call Ji Hye and went far from Chung Min sitting there.

"Hey," He started.

"Hey my boy. How is it going there?" She replied on her phone smiling evilly while she was home.

"It's fine. Why you want to send Haneul?"

"Because she wants to get Chung Min back. I bet she's still in love with him as he is don't you think?" She answered.

"I don't know and I don't care. Can't you just let everything goes away? Everyone is happy only me!" Jinwoo shouted on phone and turned to find Chung Min looking at him strangely.

"Honey, you won't be just happy after all this. Trust me. You'll take me in the end."

Jinwoo cut the call and sat beside Chung Min. His face expressions were showing that he was angry and mad.

"What's wrong Jinwoo?" His friend asked worrying.

"Nothing just.." He hit the ground with his hand.

"Just tell me. I know you have a deal with Ji Hye already,"He replied carelessly while being serious.

"Huh? What do you know?" Jinwoo seemed worried about the situation he was in.

"Haneul told me before me and her broke up," Chung Min looked at the ground then messed his hair.

"What did she tell you?" He asked.

"Ji Hye used the fact that her father helped you to build your businesses after finding himself broke and suicide. He helped you in covering those things from being spread to reporters or it would be a shame on your family, especially you. She also used the fact that you love her so you're being with the two sides at the same time and because Myung Hoon is your best childhood friend he also stood by your side when you needed that. You can't let him down by giving her all the right info. It's like this whole game is your choice to choose how it'll go and it's going now."

"Yeah, you're right. I just don't know what to do. I can't be against Myeong Hoon. He's the only one who can understand me," He stared at Yeongi for a while and smiled then continued. "He deserves the best. He trusts me and I can't let him down. Though it'll hurt me or anything else. I'll never hurt him."

"Yeah, I know. It's okay, if you need help you can lean on me. Count on me, I won't let you down," Chung Min smiled toward Jinwoo comforting.

"But why you didn't tell him? Why you hid it on me?" Jinwoo asked.

"Well, because I understand how you feel, and how you're stuck in Ji Hye's hands. You just need help."

"If things will be worse than they are now, then there will be one and only choice to end this game," Jinwoo claimed angrily.

"What do you mean?!" He turned to look at him in a weird way.

"Well, I still didn't think about it."

"Are you crazy?! I won't allow you to do that!" Chung Min shouted.

"You won't allow him to do what?" Hyung Min asked after getting out of the sea.

"Well, he doesn't want me to tell Haneul about his feelings because he still loves her, and she's coming here," Jinwoo looked at Chung Min smirking evilly.

"Eh it's not new for me that you still love her Chung Min. But why is she coming here?" He asked sitting beside him as Yeongsoo came.

"What are you talking about guys?"

"Haneul is coming," Her boyfriend replied.

"Huh! Here? Why she's coming?" She madly asked.

"We don't know.. But I'm sure she's still by Ji Hye's side, unless our Chung Min makes her join Myung Hoon's side!" Jinwoo announced.

"You know I can't," He replied with a sad quiet voice.

"Why not?" Yeongsoo interfered.

"It's nothing," He smiled and stared at us as me and Yeongi were talking while swimming.

"I wish everything will be okay," She wished sighing.

"I don't think that unfortunately. I'm ready for the worse. Haneul will try to push Everdine away from your brother. Then Ji Hye will do another step while we'll be late by on," Jinwoo explained. He was smart enough to predict about what would happen next.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, babe. Ji Hye wants Myung Hoon. She's controlling everything about him and she wouldn't let any girl to be close to him. So because Everdine is his girlfriend and he loves her too, she will do anything to separate them. That's why she hired reporters to take pictures and videos of them together and didn't order them right away to publish them on TV and social media. She waited until he makes a wrong step to beat him. And because we're helping him and accepted not to let Everdine knows about that. She is sending Haneul to do another thing and like that we'll be late by one step from Ji Hye. She just knows how to deal with this crap!" Hyung Min explained more to Yeongsoo.

"Oh my God! I even don't like Haneul and now she's coming to blow it up!" She crazily acted while Chung Min reminded all of them that there was still a plan B. That made them also moving on by one step. Ji Hye wouldn't predict that they'll do it. Her only mistake was not to make a plan B.

"Yeah, but we don't want to do that. What if Everdine will hate Myung and she won't be back with him though we will explain? We have a lot to do before plan B," Jinwoo smirked evilly to Chung Min then winked.

"You're not thinking about..!" Chung Min cried in shock.

"Thinking about what?" Yeongsoo cut.

"Nothing!" They both replied as Hyung Min stayed quiet and couldn't say anything. He knew that both of them were hiding something.

"By the way. Did Everdine leave her phone here?" Jinwoo asked.

"Yeah it's in her bag," She replied.

"Let's check if she saw the video or no. She mustn't see it," He suggested.

"Are you crazy!? It's her personal phone!" Yeongsoo shouted.

"It's okay. We won't check everything!" He held my bag and took my phone. He knew what to do.

"Okay then. Let's check Youtube then other social media," Chung Min claimed as Jinwoo already opened Youtube and found the video in 'Watch later' list and deleted it. Yeongi's sister was worried if I saw it. However, the smart guy comforted and checked other social media. Chung Min didn't like his idea. He wanted to replace the phone by another one. All of them were minding in my own relationship with him while I was knowing nothing. Again I repeat this because I felt ashamed and so stupid the moment I knew everything. I wanted to cry and shout. I just couldn't.

"Are you crazy?! She'll find out. Also though you'll change the phone, her accounts won't be deleted!" Yeongsoo shouted.

"Woah. Your small smart part of your brain is working finally!" Chung Min made fun of her. They had always done that because she was the youngest among them.

"Chung Min," Jinwoo pronounced.


"You'll die," Hyung Min continued.

"Why again?"

"Can't you watch what you're saying? You make her look like a stupid girl who doesn't know anything!" The first one answered.

"But I was just kidding!" He looked at Yeongsoo looked so sad. "I'm sorry. Please don't be sad. I was just kidding!" He continued.

"It's okay. I'm used to," She sadly said and remembered her past memories with her friends and her brother.

"Come here," Hyung Min pulled her from her hand to hug her. "They don't know you as I do and they don't know how smart you are while you act crazily most of times," He whispered to her as she hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, they don't know," She whispered back.

"Can't I get a kiss or a smile?" He quietly asked.

"Why not?" Yeongsoo looked at him smiling then kissed him as he did.

"Why I always say the wrong things?!" Chung Min asked.

"That's what makes you special," Jinwoo positively claimed then smirked.

"You see it special?"

"Everyone see it special. You just sometimes hurt people as you're joking and that's what you must watch," He replied him tapping on his shoulder as the other one nodded. "Let's have a walk Chung Min" He continued standing up as the other one did.

"Where are you guys going?" Hyung Min interrupted.

"Having a walk that's all," Chung Min answered.

"Chung Min! I'm not mad at you really don't be sorry," Yeongsoo spoke smiling.

"Thanks. I know you can't be mad at me," He laughed and winked while both of her and her boyfriend shouted.

"Let's go!" Jinwoo started to walk and Chung Min followed him nodding. They walked all along the beach talking.

"Why you're thinking to end up the game by killing yourself?" Chung Min started seriously to ask him.

"It'll be the only solution to get rid of this game Chung. I mean, if she'll keep doing that to Myeong Hoon I must turn the game up side down on her then killing myself or she'll keep taking ways to get into him."

"But what if there will be another choice?"

"There isn't dude. I thought about that before and I couldn't find anything. She's leaning on me mostly. She really thinks she has spies and stuff like that to get his company. She doesn't know that I'm getting help only. Once I end up all this, I'll kill myself and she won't have anything against him. Even those pictures and videos,".

Jinwoo explained smirking evilly. He helpd her because he owed her and loved her. Love makes us blind.

"Listen, I'll never allow you or let you to kill yourself.." Chung Min didn't continue. Jinwoo interrupted him.

"It's up to me Chung Min. You don't have to allow or no. You don't even have to decide because it's up to me and I hate seeing my friends, and close ones especially, to get hurt and by me precisely. So you don't have to tire yourself thinking about stopping me," Jinwoo was so confident. He wasn't scared of saying that. He didn't even hesitate saying it. Smiling arrogantly, carelessly and proudly. If someone else had that chance, he would be selfish and continue until others get hurt.

"What if we move to plan B? There will be no harm and they both love each other so when Yeongi will act on Ji Hye like they'll get married we can explain everything to Everdine and she'll understand," Chung Min tried once again to convince him.

"What if she won't understand and leave him?" He asked.

"What if he must survive with that Ji Hye and you'll stay alive?"

"Do you think I'll be able to live with the fact that Ji Hye is married to Myung Hoon and I'll stay watching them?" Jinwoo looked at him with a painful smile.

"But.. We can stop the marriage," Chung Min suggested.

"Listen, since this story started and it's between two famous business persons we can't do anything about that. Especially social media is following everything about them. Also Ji Hye has a lot of things against us while we don't have any," He insisted and kept insisting about that. He knew what he had to do. He preferred the hard way only, just to protect his pride. He could have left Ji Hye expose her help thing to him and about Jinwoo's father as he had to survive with that. However, he hated his pride to be touched.

"Though we'd have proofs about her. You would never allow us to use it against her. You never want to hurt her just because you're in love with her," Chung Min continued.

"Yeah exactly," Jinwoo smiled looking straightly far and over thinking about what would happen next.

They returned back to where they were sitting. Jinwoo loved Ji Hye so much, thought she didn't before. She wanted to prove herself to her father that she could control things and ready to take his company instead of her brother. She didn't love Myung Hoon or something like that. She was selfish and never thought about others' feelings. Jinwoo always tried to make her loving him back. She didn't need that, but used that against him. She was strong and controlling enough not to let go of everything. Nobody knew what Ji Hye was doing. She was playing push and pull. Planned to take both of her father's company and Yeongi's. In case she would fail in taking her father's she would be able to take Yeongi's.

Jinwoo's father was a business man. He once lost everything. Every fortune he had before. Ji Hye's father proposed to help him just because they were friends and he never left reporters to know about it. He secretly helped him. Unfortunately he lost again. Jinwoo's father couldn't take it. All he did was suiciding letting all his family suffer from that loss. Jinwoo himself didn't want to give up. He asked Ji Hye's father to cover on what his father did as it was an accident and as he said Ji Hye's father Mr Park helped him hired him as a worker in the company. Jinwoo got back the fortune of his family and he became richer than he was and all newspaper became talking about him those days.

Ji Hye and Yong Jin are sister and brother. He was older than her and he started to work and help his father in their company. Yong Jin was supposed to take the company and become a CEO. His sister didn't allow that. She had been always the one who never took her part in the family. She wasn't that much interesting to her parents especially her father. Mr Park was always focusing and giving importance to his son because he knew someday he would be the one to be placed after him as an heir. He had always told Ji Hye that she was useless and careless and wouldn't be able to do anything. His words kept playing in her head from her childhood. She heard those words million times so she got hurt from her father first. She planned for a changing. Thought that if she would be able to control someone's company she would show him how strong and responsible she would be. She took advantage from Jinwoo because he used to love her from long, and because he was Myung Hoon's best friend from childhood. She asked him for help by using him and using the facts that without her father he wouldn't do anything and started to manipulate him. He had no choice only to accept forcefully but at the same time he didn't want to hurt or harm his best friend. He didn't cheat him, but was always by his side. Jinwoo couldn't tell Yeongi about that. He was so smart, and knew how to help both of the sides. All he needed to do was to decrease chances of having Ji Hye the company of Yeongi's father. All that burden on him and was still patient. He was the only one getting hurt.

"We're back," Chung Min started.

"Welcome," Hyung Min replied.

"Well, we didn't interrupt you right?" Jinwoo said with an evil smirk.

"Of course not," Yeongsoo replied.

"Are they still playing?" He asked.

"Yeah as it seems so," Her boyfriend replied.

After a while when me and Yeongi got out, he checked his phone and found a message from Ji Hye saying. 'Hey honey. Are you enjoying? Let's stop playing around and let's meet soon to continue our wedding plans. I sent Haneul you must welcome her. I love you!' He was confused reading that message. After joking he left us talking in there and then Jinwoo followed him. They entered the beach house as Yeongi started to throw things from fury.

"What's wrong?" Jinwoo asked worrying.

"Why she's like that? Why everything should be like that!?" Yeongi shouted hitting the wall.

"It's Ji Hye right?" He confirmed sitting on the couch shirtless.

"Yeah. Who else can make my life as hell?!". Yeongi sat in front of him looking down and messing his hair.

"What did she tell you?"

"She's sending Haneul and she wants to talk about the wedding plans. Damn it! Jinwoo I'm done of all of this. I want to live my damn life peacefully with Everdine. What if she hears about being me engaged!? That's terrible," He complained about the whole situation he was in, as Jinwoo was feeling sorry inside and blaming himself.

"I'm sorry," He quietly confessed.

"Why? It's not your fault. It's me who must say sorry. You love her and she's chasing me and my life as a dead ghost!"

"No you don't understand. It's just.." Jinwoo hesitated. He didn't find any right way to be used to tell him about the whole thing.

"What do you mean? I understand everything Jinwoo. I hate the fact being controlled. I'm not her teddy bear or her barbie doll. I don't have feelings for her, I don't even want her in my life. Why she's doing this to me and to everyone around me?"

"Well.. Why Haneul will come here?"

"I don't know she just sent me a message saying she'll be here."

"I wish she won't push Everdine away from you," Jinwoo thought.

"What do you mean?" Yeongi looked at Jinwoo and he wasn't as usual. He acted while he was hiding a lot of things inside.

"I mean that we're all helping you by not letting Everdine to check news and see the video of you and Ji Hye and those pictures taken and by distracting her from checking her phone or something like that. So I'm afraid if Haneul comes and blow it up!" He explained wishing to have a plan to stop her.

"In case she blows it up. I'll break up," Yeongi claimed.

"No! I won't let you doing that," Jinwoo shouted.

"It's the only solution Jinwoo. I'm so selfish and I must let all this go. Also let's make a plan to make Everdine hating me and break up with me and give up on me so like that everything will be okay," He was over thinking and rushing to act. He regretted being him selfish while he wasn't.

"No. Don't say that and don't ever dare to do that! You aren't selfish. I'm selfish too because I can't even let Ji Hye to be your future wife and can't handle this fact," Jinwoo shouted then both of them became silent thinking. They were worried. There was nothing to do. Not even up to them.

"Why everyone is silent in here?" Haneul sneaked in and asked with an evil smile on her face looking at both of them.

"When did you get in?" Jinwoo asked with an angry face.

"Just now, and as I see I'm not welcomed!" She sat beside Yeongi who ignored her.

"What you're doing here?" Myung Hoon asked.

"Didn't you read Ji Hye's message?!" She asked sarcastically as he looked at her sidely and started to have some evil expressions on his face.

"Do you think I'm that stupid?"

"Eh did I say something wrong?" She replied laughing sarcastically.

"I said what you're doing here?" He repeated his question calmly.

"I want to have fun. I even miss Chung Min. Seems he's having fun," She stood up to look out from the window.

"Any other thing you're planning to do?" He asked.

"Don't you get it Myung Hoon? Ji Hye does everything to have you though she doesn't love you but she wants to have you," She smirked confidently.

"What does that suppose to mean?!" Jinwoo asked looking at her then looked at Myung Hoon.

"It means she wants the company," Yeongi replied.

"Well.. It's up to you how you get it or no but just know that she doesn't love you. She loves Jinwoo, badly," She looked at both of them as Jinwoo got shocked.

"Great she does that because I don't love her neither liking her nor looking for her! Why she's ruining my love life and my whole life!" Myung Hoon shouted standing up.

"You both better not to tell her. I came here to get back my love, my Chung Min. The rest I don't care," She looked out from the window to check up on him.

"Yeah, you better mind your own business and not make things ruined for others around you!" Yeongi had eyes full of fury and anger. He went up the stairs to take a shower as Jinwoo stayed there thinking about what had just Haneul said.

"Why you're over thinking?" Haneul asked sitting beside Jinwoo.

"You're kidding. That can't be true. You're here to play her games!" He looked at her madly.

"I'm not kidding nor playing around. I'm telling you the truth. I don't want her to know that I told you or she'll look weak. You know what she wants Jinwoo."

"I don't know what does she want anymore," He hid his face then messing his hair anxiously.

"She wants Myung Hoon's company that's all, and because he can't give up on it to her she's doing all this by using us," She replied him quietly.

"Us? Why you're including yourself with me and him?" He asked her smirking then looked at her.

"Because she's using me for real. I always look at her as my best friend and can't give up on her. She even helped me finishing my studies after my parents had that accident which leaded to their death. I owe her my life so I just do what she's saying," She looked up then around and continued smiling. "You've got a beautiful house."

"Yeah. Thanks," Jinwoo replied.

"Do you love Ji Hye?" She asked after a deep silence.

"Yeah, but I never expected her loving me back. So.. I don't believe you," He looked away as she smiled.

"I know though it's the truth. I also love Chung Min," She looked away smiling in pain.

"Why you broke up with him then?"

"Because Ji Hye asked me to. She said that I can't help her while having feelings for him so I had to threw them all away. That girly rule of best friend before boyfriend!"

"Does Ji Hye even control your love life? Feelings can't be controlled."

"I couldn't break up at first but she needed my help so I had to."

"Chung Min still loves you. You came in time. Good luck."

"So I do have a chance to be with him again?" She turned to look at him excitedly.

"Well, it depends. He might at first act pridefully and stuff as we all men do. Just don't give up."

Jinwoo cheered her up and went up stairs to take a shower and change his clothes. Myung Hoon got out from shower. He got dressed and laid down on his bed thinking. He was afraid, so scared, anxious just because he didn't want to lose me. He was messing his hair from time to time and he could've just stayed there closing the room on himself. After a while he decided to face everything. He went down the stairs meeting Haneul.

"Why you're here Haneul?" He asked madly.

"I told you before stop being like that," She nicely replied.

"You didn't answer Haneul! What the hell you're doing here?" He got closer looking at her angrily.

"Listen. It's not my fault being here or no! I'm ordered!" She shouted at him desperately.

"She ordered you to do what?"

"Well, she wants to push your girlfriend away," She replied looking apart.

"What she'll do to push her away?"

"She'll hurt her. I mean she will really do that. I came here to protect your girlfriend! She's just a victim you know! She will hurt her until you give up. She knows that you love her. Give it up Myung Hoon," She stood up shouting at him.

"Protect her! You're funny! What am I doing here?" He shouted back.

"You both are so selfish. Especially you! You don't even get how that will feel. You better break up now. Make her hating you and do as Ji Hye said! She thinks that I came here to hurt her while all I came for is Chung Min and to advice you!"

"No one will hurt her as I'm alive got it? Also she doesn't know anything. You better don't tell her or I'll make you regret it your whole life," Yeongi had flames of anger in his eyes. He didn't know what to do. He only claimed what he had to.

"Myung Hoon, I'm serious. Let the girl because she's going to get hurt the most. You can have feelings for Ji Hye later. But Everdine or whatever her name is. She will suffer a lot from loving you and she won't forgive you at all," Haneul shouted as he didn't know what to say. He just took his phone and called Ji Hye.

"What the heck you're doing!?" Yeongi shouted once Ji Hye replied.

"Myeong Hoon? Are you okay?" Yong Jin, Ji Hye's brother, replied on Ji Hye's phone.

"Yong Jin?" Yeongi replied calmly.

"Yeah. How are you dude?" He asked.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm great. Business you know! Did my sister do something wrong?"

"No. I just wanted to surprise her so I shouted that way."

"By the way, congratulations for the engagement! I have always known that you both are still in love with each other."

"Yeah man. Thanks," Yeongi knew that Yong Jin didn't know anything of what was happening and kept acting as nothing was happening.

"Well, she's preparing for this weekend a party of your engagement. Don't tell her I told you or she'll start to act like babies!" Yong Jin laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll act like I don't know anything."

"Okay then. See you there!"

He cut the call and sat down on the sofa. Confused and anxious. He sighed. Wanted to breathe normally but couldn't. Something inside was killing him.

"Yong Jin doesn't know anything. She controls by her own. If he knows and his father too she won't be alive anymore," Haneul pronounced.

"Okay then. You didn't tell me about the engagement thing on this weekend," He looked at her desperately.

"What thing?"

"The party?"

"Is she making a party for your engagement?!"

"Yeah. Whatever, I got to go," Yeongi stood up and was going out as Jinwoo went down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Jinwoo stopped him.

"To take some fresh air," Yeongi replied. He was so hard to deal with. Leos had always been like that. Jinwoo nodded entering the kitchen to drink few of water.

"Jinwoo," Haneul started calmly.


"I want to help you and him but would you like to help me too."

"What do you mean?" He looked at her strangely.

"I'll help you to get Ji Hye and help Myung Hoon to stay with his girlfriend. Will you help me to get Chung Min back?" She begged.

"I don't know. We have plans to do. We aren't selfish Haneul."

"I know. Ji Hye is making a party for her and Hoon's engagement this weekend. I better push Everdine away before she gets hurt.

"What you'll do?" He asked.

"I'll let her know about the engagement."

"Did you tell Myeong Hoon?"

"He called Ji Hye's phone but seemed her brother replied him and told him. I don't want Everdine to get hurt just as I did before. It's better to tell her now before the engagement party," Haneul suggested. Her hurtful past pushed her to help me. However, she looked rude. As they had always said. Listen to who makes you cry and not to who laughs with you.

"Yea, but let him decide that. Because if he doesn't want to, no one will oblige him or force him. He might do something else," Jinwoo knew what to do, he needed permission which was hard to be given.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure it's something serious that no one of us will be able to stop him."

"I won't force him but I'll push her away from not getting hurt because Ji Hye told me to do something else that will make her feel hurt more than she'd ever feel. She knows Everdine from years ago. She told me that she's soft hearted and she loves him. It'll be easy to hurt her using him."

"What did she order you to do?"

"To call her to come here and to flirt him and seduce him in front of her and she might make him sleep with her just to let Everdine away from him."

"That's harsh. For me even, I don't want her to be touched by other men and she loves me why she'd do that with him?" Jinwoo claimed.

"Because she swore she'd do anything to prove herself in front of her father and step on her feelings and cross on her heart for that!"

"I won't let her do that then," He sat on the couch then laid down closing his eyes while Haneul kept staring from the window at Chung Min.

After a while Myung Hoon entered the house finding Jinwoo taking a nap and Haneul looking out from the window. He took a look on the fridge to find something to be eaten. He was so hungry.

"I'm sorry," Haneul said out of a sudden.

"For what?"

"For what I'm going to do."

"What will you do?" Yeongi asked coldly.

"I will push Everdine away from all this. You don't want her to get hurt right?" She got closer to him.

"I don't want her to get hurt but it's none of your business Haneul," He turned to look at her seriously.

"Okay. If you won't stop this I'll do it," She warned sitting on the couch as Jinwoo got up and messed his hair.

"Myeong Hoon. Let's go out for dinner and have a plan for this engagement party you're going to have this weekend," Jinwoo suggested.

"You also heard so.. Hmm.. I don't know. I'm having a plan but.." Yeongi suddenly stopped. He felt it was hard to be said.

"But what? What's your plan?"

"I don't want her to be away from me. I've always wanted to have her in my life. It's unfair right?" Yeongi smirked messing his hair and taking a deep breath.

"I understand. It's okay if you won't be away from her," Jinwoo relaxed him.

"No. Let's make the plan since Haneul is here to help," Yeongi looked at her.

"Yeah, what should I do?" She asked.

"Let's act a little bit. Continue to be the bad girl Haneul and try to tell her about the engagement. I will be by her side at first then I'll push myself away. Jinwoo you stay beside Everdine. If Ji Hye really loves you she will feel jealous being you stick to Everdine. I wonder what's my girl's reaction," Myeong Hoon was thinking and he gave a plan while Jinwoo and Haneul were there to help him as the others and from them me didn't hear about it at all.

"So you want me to be rude with her?" Haneul asked.

"Yeah, but not that much," He allowed hardly.

"And I must stay by her side," Jinwoo continued.

"Yeah. If you want to tell the others just tell them."

"I just want everything to be okay at the end. I know Ji Hye is ruining our lives but she's good inside," Haneul smiled sadly looking away.

"Yeah we know that," Yeongi replied.

After few minutes, we decided to enter. I was happy that time because I was playing and having fun and enjoying. Having that little terrifying conversation and after she introduced herself, I went up stairs anxiously. I was so worried. Yeongsoo was going up the stairs while both of Hyung Min and Chung Min stood up staring and wondering why Haneul would be there.

"Yeongsoo, wait for a little bit we need to talk," Haneul stopped her.

"What do you want?" Yeongsoo madly shouted.

"Listen to her sister. Go both of you to your room and change your clothes. We're going outside for dinner," Yeongi looked at her ordering.

"But brother.."

"There's no but, just listen to what I'm saying," He moved to sit on the couch while both of them went up stairs.

"Myeong Hoon is everything okay?" Hyung Min asked as Chung Min's heart was beating fast.

"Yeah, I think we're moving to plan B soon," Yeongi crossed both of his hands' fingers looking far.

"What does that suppose to mean?" He asked.

"Jinwoo will explain to both of you if you want to help. I'm tired that's all," He replied taking a deep breathe.

"What's going on Jinwoo?" Hyung Min started to be worried while Chung Min was freezing in his place.

"Go to wash yourselves both of you then I'll explain," Jinwoo quietly ordered.

"Okay then. Let's go Chung Min!" He turned to look at him staring at the ground. "Chung Min!" He shouted.

"Huh? Yeah."

Chung Min suddenly moved to go up the stairs while the three guys noticed that he was over thinking. The first one went to his room taking a shower as the second one did while he kept thinking and wondering why his ex girlfriend was there.

"What you're doing here Haneul?" Yeongsoo asked with an angry face.

"I'm here to help," She replied.

"Help in what? You mean helping Ji Hye."

"No. I'm here to help your brother and Jinwoo. I also need help," She gently confessed.

"I can't believe you."

"Why you're mad? Did I do something wrong again? Or you still didn't forgive me from what happened before?" Haneul asked feeling guilty.

"Yeah. I don't have the mood to forgive you. I even won't have it," Yeongsoo looked at her after she was preparing her stuffs to take shower.

"I'm sorry. I am asking forgiveness now, and I'll help hoping you forgive me."

"You were my best friend, you and Ji Hye, but you turned against me both of you for no reason! I trusted you and you knew that I loved him so much though he wasn't my boyfriend that time how could you do that?!"

"Ji Hye ordered me to do that Yeongsoo. Please try to understand my situation. I never meant to hurt you and I always consider you as my best friend," Haneul tried to explain.

"Really? So you want me to understand you while you didn't that time!"

"Listen, Ji Hye helped me so much and I owe her my life that's why I do everything for her to pay her back. The day she wanted to take your brother and started to make plans, she wanted to push you away from both of us. She ordered me to seduce her brother though he had no interests in me. And to break up with Chung Min that time. Yong Jin was drunk and wasn't aware of what he was doing. You know that I loved my boyfriend and I still! But her orders made me lose a friend and a best friend and my dear boyfriend."

"Why do you want to help us now? It's all destroyed especially for brother," After a deep silence Yeongsoo asked quietly.

"Because Ji Hye is going out of control. She lost her mind and she's being selfish by hurting her best friends and friends and the ones whom are closer to her only to get her own satisfaction from her father."

"So why you're here exactly? What we'll do?"

"Myung Hoon allowed me to push Everdine away. He doesn't want her to get hurt. He wants me to play the rude girl role and let her know of the engagement like that she'll break up with him," Haneul sat on Yeongsoo's bed taking a look around.

"Is my brother getting crazy suddenly!? Hell why he's doing that?" She shouted from shock.

"Because Ji Hye is preparing for the engagement party this weekend and seems she doesn't want to tell him until the day before the ceremony. He called her but Yong Jin replied and it seems also that he doesn't know everything from what she's doing."

"Huh! Engagement ceremony!? Hell. So that means my brother's sweet relationship with Everdine is going to end in few days!" Yeongsoo was getting shocked. She was so sincere, naive, and she loved me to be with her brother.

"Yeah, but then we don't know what will happen later."

"So Yong Jin doesn't know.." Yeongsoo thought loudly.

"Yeah. Anyway, stand by her side because I'm going to be rude. Your brother asked us to act. You and Jinwoo will be beside her as he will act rudely too," Haneul explained.

"You mean he will make her hating him?"

"Yeah, rudely means he will act like he has never known her. That will hurt the both of them, but at the end every sacrifice will give good results."

"Good results in what? He'll give up on his love just to stop that Ji Hye! And helping his friends to get rid of that. It's totally unfair!" She didn't like what her brother was going to do. It was really unfair, he was giving up on me totally.

"We have no choice."

"There's always a choice. I'm going to have a shower. I'll see what I can do," Yeongsoo was about to enter the shower room.

"Don't ruin the plan Yeongsoo. Everything will be alright in the future," Haneul warned again.

She entered to take her shower as the other one was there for a while thinking. While all that happened and after Hyung Min and Chung Min went up the stairs. Myung Hoon and Jinwoo were in the living room. The first on the couch and the other was looking out from the window. Silence was their talk. Over thinking started to be their routine.

"Myung Hoon," Jinwoo quietly started as Yeongi looking at him.

"Yes," He replied without looking at him.

"No one wants you to break up with Everdine. Especially that you both love each other and want each other and.."

"Jinwoo," He interrupted as the other one nodded. "We have no choice. One of us must sacrifice for others. I'm taking that sacrifice so things will be better in the future and she won't hurt anyone again," He continued looking at him as Jinwoo didn't know what to say.


"But what?"

"How sacrificing for others?"

"You guys are getting hurt with me. I mean she is using your weakness points to be against me and I never say anything about that. Especially you Jinwoo. I know everything and I know you've handled more than me and suffered more because it's a choice you've been given to be by who's side. Friendship and love. You couldn't choose at first but it was easy for you to prefer helping me than being by your love's side. You just stepped on your heart and many times for me. I can't allow that again," Myung Hoon confessed confidently while Jinwoo had a shocked expression on his face didn't realise that he was knowing that before.

"But.. How did you know?" Jinwoo looked at him surprisingly.

"I've known that before from Haneul and I hired someone to watch over you and I confirmed it later from Ji Hye. Jinwoo, you don't have to hurt yourself for me. Whatever you'll do to me you'll always stay my best friend. You know that," Yeongi smiled sadly and laid down.

"I didn't want to show anything or let anything to happen to you because of her. We both know she's the one who's wrong," Jinwoo replied feeling sorry somehow.

"Yeah, but it's fine. No more sufferance for you. I've been selfish all this time. It's my turn to help you."

After a long silence, both of the two guys were going down the stairs. Once Chung Min was hearing what Yeongsoo and Haneul were talking about he stood in front of the door listening to them and hearing that Haneul was still loving him. He was shocked and surprised. Hyung Min was behind him.

"Is everything okay?" He began asking.

"Yeah, don't worry," He turned to look at him then went down the stairs with him.

"There's so much silence in here," Hyung Min started.

"Welcome both," Jinwoo replied looking at both of them.

"Thanks," Chung Min smiled sitting on the sofa which was in front of where Myung Hoon was sitting.

"So what's wrong? Why Haneul is here?" Hyung Min asked anxiously.

"Well, we're moving to plan B as it seems," Jinwoo replied.

"It doesn't seem. We're moving already," Yeongi confirmed.

"What do you mean? This morning you said you won't break up and now you changed your mind?" Chung Min cried.

"Yeah, it's complicated. I have no choice guys. You've been through a lot because of me, now it's my turn to pay you back," Yeongi replied with serious expressions on his face and was anxious from what would happen next.

"Myung Hoon, we're your friends and we did nothing because it's our duty to help you. We're your friends aren't we?" Hyung Min confirmed.

"Yeah, you're right and I'm also your friend so what I'm going to do is for everybody's good."

"How about what's good for you?" Chung Min interrupted.

"Enough Chung Min. Let him do whatever he wants. We can't force him for something he won't be able to," Jinwoo replied.

"What do you mean?" Yeongsoo's boyfriend asked.

"I want you guys to be against me at the end. I'll be by Ji Hye's side. I'll break up with Everdine. I'll go to my engagement ceremony with Ji Hye and start to prepare for the wedding," Yeongi replied.

"Huh! What the hell are you saying? How about Everdine's feelings? Don't you know how much she loves you?!" Chung Min shouted.

"Chung Min, it's up to him. But I'll never let him to be close to my girl and won't let him marry her. I'm against him from now," Jinwoo replied coldly as Yeongi smirked confidently.

"Are you crazy? Guys you've been best friends since childhood. Now because of a girl who's gaming and playing around you'll be against each other?!"

"Whatever. He didn't break up yet but he will and there where I'll start to stop him," Jinwoo confidently replied Hyung Min.

"When is the engagement ceremony and since when there's one?" Chung Min asked.

"This weekend. Ji Hye doesn't know that we know about it so she sent Haneul to make me and Everdine break up."

"What should we do?" Hyung Min wondered.

"Nothing. It's up to Myung Hoon now," Jinwoo answered.

"Yeah. It stayed 4 days for the ceremony," Yeongi pronounced.

"What you're talking about guys?" Haneul and Yeongsoo went down the stairs as the first asked looking at the four of them.

"Nothing," Hyung Min replied as Chung Min turned his head not to look at her.

"Didn't Everdine come yet?" Yeongsoo asked.

"Do you see her here?" Yeongi asked.


"Means she isn't here," He replied coldly.

"You're making fun of me!"

"No. It was a stupid question."

"You always think I'm the stupid one here while you are!" Yeongsoo shouted madly.

"Calm down Yeongsoo," Haneul hugged her.

"Why would I be?" Her brother asked.

"Because you're making the most stupid step ever brother! You'll break up with her really!?"

"It's up to me and it's none of your business," He didn't even bother himself to look at her when he was replying.

"Really? You played her feelings then! I've never imagined you like that. You better think before making any other mistake."

"Okay, enough babe," Her boyfriend stopped her and calmed her down. Silence again in that living room was dragging the air. Waiting for me to go down the stairs while looks and thoughts were speeding with time. I, after that, went down and got out all for dinner.

"Is he going to break up really?" Chung Min asked Jinwoo.

"I don't know, but I want you guys to stop him. Everdine is a good girl and doesn't deserve to be hurt or broken because of Ji Hye's game," He replied.

"I'll try my best to do that," Chung Min replied.

"We'll stop him for sure," Hyung Min confirmed holding Yeongsoo's hand and walk as Haneul walked beside Jinwoo.

Jinwoo picked a restaurant to have dinner there. We entered and ate quietly. Plates were full and from all kinds. We started to eat in silence. It was horrible.

"Choi Myung Hoon with you," Yeongi answered on his phone when it rang.

"Are you enjoying honey?" Ji Hye asked on phone.

"Hell," Yeongi went outside and continued his talk.

"Are you surprised because I called?" Ji Hye asked evilly. She knew she was winning.

"Why would I since you always call in the wrong time?" Yeongi replied.

"Em good. I heard you called me and Yong Jin replied and told me you were mad at me," She giggled getting on his nerve.

"Yeah, because you invited someone I didn't invite to Jinwoo's house," He replied madly.

"Yeah, Jinwoo accepted so why not?"

"Ji Hye you're playing around honey. Try to stop and I'll be yours. I have a suggestion."

"Em, you called me honey. Sounds sweet, and I'd love to hear your suggestion, babe."

"I want you to come here tomorrow. I'm a bit stressed before our engagement and I want you to take away that stress. Can you?" He proposed sweetly and seriously.

"I thought you have that Everdine don't you?"

"I'll break up tonight, I can't continue with her especially we'll plan for our wedding and all. We should make a party to make it official. Don't you agree?"

"You will really do that?" She was surprised from what he suggested. She had never imagined he'd give up to her like that.

"Don't you believe me sweety?" Yeongi had no choice. He had to push me away because he made a huge decision to save his close friends from being used because of him.

"Well, I'll come tomorrow just for you and I'll announce our engagement. Poor your girlfriend," Ji Hye smirked and cut the call while I went fast crying outside because of what Haneul said. He saw me and followed me.

"Why you did that to her?" Hyung Min asked.

"I had to do that. It's the only solution for now. She needs to be away from him or she'll get hurt," Haneul replied.

"Isn't there any other way to push her away?" Yeongsoo asked sadly.

"No, because she loves him, and by the way you all acted great by defending her. You better stay with her until all this game will be done," Haneul replied looking at everyone in there while a deep silence came after that little sad conversation.

"I wish she's fine," Yeongsoo quietly wished.

"She'll be fine. She seems strong and able to move on," She comforted her.

"Why you're here?" Chung Min asked out of a sudden.

"I'm here to help you guys," She answered while her heart started to race. She didn't wait him to ask.

"Why you're here Haneul. You know we don't need help in here. We've been quiet cool without you," He claimed seriously looking at her.

"What do you mean?" She looked at him. She was getting hurt and being broken inside into pieces.

"You know what I mean!" He shouted.

"Then why you're asking since we both know," She answered calmly trying to keep it cool. She was strong.

"Hell Haneul! You came here to ruin everything between them. You know that they love each other and they want to be with each other. How could you do that!? How dare you come to ruin their relationship as you did with ours!" Chung Min was so angry. He was shouting at her and looking at her in a mad way.

"Our relationship was ruined because of Ji Hye not me! And I'm not here to ruin it again because I want you back badly!" She shouted back looking at him with deep looks as she was saying 'I miss you'.

"Ji Hye, Ji Hye, Ji Hye.. Why the hell her! Who used to be my girlfriend!? You or her?" Chung Min asked madly. It was like all those scars he had had before inside were going out that time.

"You don't understand! You never will," Haneul tried to calm herself as everyone was looking at both of them.

"Then make me understand Haneul! Especially since I saw you kissing my friend! And where?! In my house! Good job really," He kept shouting and hitting the table

"It wasn't my fault! For God sake it wasn't me who wanted that!"

"Enough! Shut up both of you!" Jinwoo shouted at them trying to calm things down.

"But!.." Chung Min wanted to talk. He looked at him then away. Past scars started to be opened again.

"I said enough! It's not the right time to talk about these relationships. Let's focus on Myung Hoon and Ji Hye. He'll be by her side against us. We need to fight hardly for Everdine and stay by her side," Jinwoo announced.

"Isn't that going to be an act?" Yeongsoo asked.

"No unfortunately. The act was before few minutes ago but from now on, Myung won't be by our side. He's giving up everything for us. He's helping us to get back ourselves just as before. Before this game starts with me and Haneul and Ji Hye," He claimed.

"What do you mean?" Hyung Min got out of his silence.

"Well, I've always hidden this from you but because it's the right time to say, I'll tell you and Haneul will help me right?" Jinwoo looked at her.

"Yeah, just start because I hate beginnings," She replied quietly.

"Well, me and Haneul had been helped by Ji Hye and not just a help but it's an owe of life, so it had to be a game for Ji Hye."

"What does that suppose to mean?" Yeongsoo asked.

"Well as you all know that Ji Hye's father has always appreciated Yong Jin and always preferred him than her since they were children. Their company will someday be to Yong Jin while Ji Hye won't get anything because she'll get married to someone who already has a company before and won't take her part of her father's. Also she doesn't accept the fact that he prefers her brother than her so she started to control by making this little game," Jinwoo resumed things while others were excited to know what the game was.

"A game? What is it Jinwoo. What's the relation of you and Haneul with Ji Hye's desires," Hyung Min asked while Chung Min stayed quiet because he knew about the whole story by himself.

"Well, Ji Hye wants to prove herself to her father by taking someone else's company by controlling it and spy on it, then take the whole company," Jinwoo continued.

"So she chose my brother!" Yeongsoo concluded in shock.

"Yeah. She uses us to spy and to tell her everything. It's not spying but like watching Myung Hoon's steps," Haneul explained.

"Oh my God! Why all that?" Yeongsoo asked.

"Or she'll publish and reveal all our secrets and her help and her father's for both of us. At first it wasn't like that. We thought she is kidding and we started to joke about that but it started to be serious and she became out of control like she wants Myung Hoon's company badly," She continued.

"Exactly. She uses the fact of my father's suicide and her parents' accident," Jinwoo said.

"So you guys are still with her?" Yeongsoo asked.

"Not anymore. We were selfish. We didn't think of what would happen next. I was thinking about myself. Just afraid of not being on newspaper as a small person who accepted help and that my father was just a loser in his work and that's what I've never wanted," Jinwoo replied.

"How about Haneul cheating on me?" Chung Min went out of silence and asked out of a sudden.

"Well, Ji Hye wanted us to cut every friendship with Myung Hoon and his close friends. She forced Haneul to do that especially to break up with you. Haneul didn't want that because she loves you so much and she didn't want to look like a silly girl to you or as a cheater," Jinwoo explained more. "Yeongsoo, Haneul was your best friend wasn't she?" He contined asking.

"Yeah I guess," She replied.

"Then Ji Hye took chance of that to push Haneul away from her best friend and her boyfriend at once. Yeongsoo you were in love with Yong Jin. I mean you had crush on him. She knew that so she gave Haneul a mission to push you both away. She knew that her brother was going to Chung Min's house so she sent her there to tell him few sweet words and make him kissing her and stuff so when Chung Min sees that he'll hate her and break up of course. And it was exactly what happened also Yeongsoo heard about it from Chung Min and she hated her too," Jinwoo explained while Haneul started to cry in silence.

"So is that really what happened?" Hyung Min asked quietly.

"Yeah," She answered.

"How about you? What did Ji Hye order you to ruin your friendships?" He asked again.

"She didn't order me anything. She knew that I love her and she took opportunity of that. She became my girlfriend and when she got what she wanted about Myung Hoon she broke up with me," He replied feeling guilty.

"I see."

"Myung Hoon knew all of this. I would never hurt my best friend, at all," Jinwoo promised.

"We know that Jinwoo. You've been suffering from the two sides and a lot of pressure was on you and still, so it's fine," Chung Min answered.

"Roles are being opposed. Now Myung Hoon is risking to be by Ji Hye's side while we're by Everdine's. I wish he won't get married that witch. She wants his company no more," Haneul stated.

"What we'll do now?" Yeongsoo asked while Jinwoo took his phone to read a message which was sent by Ji Hye.

"Damn!" Jinwoo suddenly cried.

"What?" They all asked.

"She's coming tomorrow," He replied.

"She said she won't! Why she's coming?!" Haneul shouted.

"Maybe he told her to come!" Jinwoo answered in shock.

"What that suppose to mean?" Yeongsoo asked.

"Your brother is against us now. Tomorrow is a different day. War began," Haneul replied terrified.

"What should we do?" Hyung Min asked.

"I'll call him to ask about Everdine. Later I'll ask him about Ji Hye, and all we have to do is to protect Everdine and never give up to make their relationship up," Jinwoo answered worrying as he held his phone calling Yeongi. He asked him about me and if he called Ji Hye. He confirmed that when he was with me. I still ask myself how could he do that. Playing two roles at once. Jinwoo cursed once he knew. He told the guys while they suggested to go home.

Everyone went back home. The whole thing was Ji Hye's game. A war started that time a harmful war its consequences were going to be expectable. They all entered Jinwoo's house. The couple went up the stairs to change their clothes while the other three sat in the living room. Silence was their talk and looks were the words or expressions. They were waiting for us to get in home.

"What we will do Jinwoo?" Haneul asked.

"Just keep doing as you always did. I mean pushing Everdine away from Myeong Hoon."

"He won't be able to hurt her. He's in love with her he can't hurt her," Chung Min announced.

"But he'll push her away by hurting her. He doesn't want her to be in this game," Jinwoo replied.

"Then I'll step in here if he does that," Chung Min smirked.

"No, don't do that. I will!" He stopped him.

"Step in what?" Haneul asked.

"To make Myung Hoon jealous. I must get closer to Everdine. I mean to be closer to her," Jinwoo replied.

"Oh okay," Haneul said looking at Chung Min.

After few minutes me and Yeongi entered the house then in the living room. I looked at Haneul as she was looking at me and smiling evilly.

"We're back," Yeongi started while he was looking at Haneul first then at me.

"Welcome back dude," Chung Min said the he looked at me. "Everdine! Are you okay?". He continued asking.

"Yeah don't worry," I smiled toward him.

"Why she would be fine after I told her the truth?" Haneul sarcastically said and kept looking at me.

"You told her what?" Yeongi asked madly. He was acting. He knew she would do that at first place.

"What she should have known," She stood up getting closer as Chung Min was staring and Yeongi held my hand. "Whatever you'll say and whatever you'll do. You won't save yourself Myung Hoon. You're sinking, just let everything goes," She continued while looking at the all of us.

"Stay away from her!" Yeongi was so mad. At least that was the thing I believed. Not until I knew the truth about all this.

"We'll see who'll do that!" Haneul replied going up stairs to a room she picked already as me and him went to our room.

"Did they come?" Hyung Min asked after going down the stairs.

"Yeah, and seems Myung Hoon is trying to keep her for tomorrow," Jinwoo replied.

"Tomorrow you mean when Ji Hye will come here," He wondered.

"Yeah, I don't want her to get hurt in front of that witch," Haneul said going down again as Jinwoo looked at her coldly.

"The witch is whom I love," He replied then looked at his phone.

"What we'll do now?" Chung Min asked.

"Nothing, just stay away from her," Myung Hoon went down stairs holding his laptop replying them.

"Myung Hoon, you're ruining it with the girl. Don't hurt her," Hyung Min warned.

"Who said I will? I won't hurt her and it's none of your business guys. I'm helping you in here can't you just thank me and shut up?"

Yeongi madly replied them. He was looking like he was out of mind. Then checked his phone again to look at the pictures which were sent to him. They were our pictures me and him when we were hanging out in the city that night and there was a message from Ji Hye. 'Honey if you can't get rid of her I'll publish those pictures saying that you're cheating on me and we'll see what will happen. Your love Ji Hye.' He had no choice only to let me go. He was under pressure. He had a plan before but seemed it had been changed because of that message. He wanted to stay more with me, to have more time with me to enjoy with me but it was time to let me go.

"Why your face is changed?" Jinwoo asked trying to take the phone from him. He failed.

"Do whatever you want guys. I'm with Ji Hye," Myung Hoon announced.

"You'll be back to her at the end because we'll stop Ji Hye and you'll see that," Haneul answered.

"Whatever. I'll go out. I won't be with Everdine again. You protect her Jinwoo, for me," Yeongi stood up and got out that night while everyone felt confused.

"He just changed his mind about keeping Everdine why he's saying that?" Chung Min wondered.

"Because he knows he'd hurt her later and he doesn't want that," Yeongsoo's boyfriend replied.

"I'm confused about what to do. I mean how we'll tell Everdine before Ji Hye comes tomorrow?" Jinwoo was thinking about what to do while everyone was so confused.

"Where's Yeongsoo?" Haneul asked after a long silence.

"She's asleep already."

"Let's go to sleep then, tomorrow we'll see what to do," Jinwoo suggested.

"Do you have a room for me because seems that I put my stuffs in the wrong room before when I picked one," Haneul claimed.

"Well, there are five rooms actually. Seems the fifth is taken by Myeong Hoon and one for me and one for Chung Min and the other for the happy couple," He answered.

"So there is no room for me," Haneul said looking strangely at Jinwoo.

"Unless you sleep with.." Jinwoo started.

"Him!" Hyung Min continued looking at Chung Min while they both smirked.

"Huh? No way!" Chung Min replied.

"You'll let her sleeping here on the couch!?". Jinwoo wondered.

"Huh.. Damn.. Hell.. Okay then, I'll take my stuffs and go down. I'll change my clothes first," Chung Min went up stairs entering his room.

"Good then we solved it!" Hyung Min said standing up and looking at both of Haneul and Jinwoo.

"Go for it Haneul. It's your chance to get him back," Jinwoo winked smirking to her.

"Yeah I'll go up!" She went fast up stairs to Chung Min's room.

"So she wants to be back with him," The boyfriend started.

"Yeah," Jinwoo answered.

"It'll stay you and Myeong Hoon. Do your best dude. I'll back you up," He smirked at Jinwoo comforting.

"Yeah, we'll see," He replied worrying.

Hyung Min went up the stairs to sleep as Jinwoo took a cold drink and kept thinking, sitting on the couch and closing his eyes. Suddenly his phone rang.

"What?" Jinwoo started it was Ji Hye.

"Did you sleep babe?" Ji Hye asked.

"No," He answered coldly.

"Ah great. Well, I wanted to tell you that your mission is done. I got him and that's the important right?" She claimed.

"Great then, don't call me again," He coldly pronounced.

"Why? Won't you miss me? I'll miss you Jinwoo. Don't be that harsh," She declined.

"You want him and you got him. You have no right now to look after me," He threw it on table.


"But what?" He asked hurtful while she took a deep breathe.

"Do whatever you want. I'll be always around," She sighed.

He cut the call and madly hitting his phone with the wall. Messing his hair and taking a deep breathe. After a while he went out walking finding Yeongi with tears.

"I understand you," Jinwoo started as Yeongi wipped his tears fast.

"Yeah, I know," He answered smiling and looking above to the sky.

"Don't worry, everything will be ending soon and everything will be alright."

"Don't comfort me, I'm fine since I decided. I'll hurt her by ignoring her and not looking at her and being with Ji Hye and damn stuffs," Myung Hoon confessed.

"I know, she loves you and I don't think she'll let you go easily," He announced.

"I guess. Take care of her and be by her side whatever happens and whatever Ji Hye tells you or things get worse. It's my last favour for you though you went through a lot of things because of me."

"Don't worry. Ji Hye released me and I'm your friend Myung I'll help at anytime," Jinwoo smiled toward him putting his arm on his shoulders to calm him down.

"Great you're free now," Yeongi smiled back looking at him then smirked.

"Okay then, let's go inside and sleep. Tomorrow will be different," He smiled brightly. Acting as he had always done.

"Get in first. I'll be in later," Yeongi replied as his best friend nodded leaving him alone thinking.

When Haneul went up the stairs she found Chung Min taking off his T-shirt. She ran hugging him from his back as he was surprised. He took a deep breathe taking her hands off of him.

"What you're doing?" He asked quietly without looking at her.

"I wanted to hug you," She replied regretfully with a sad expression was shown on her face.

"Why you wanted that?" He questioned again.

"I want you back. I've been patient all this time. Can't I get one chance to prove that I love you?" She whispered looking at him.

"You know what you did Haneul. How could you just forget that and comeback to me as nothing happened?" He started to shout from anger. Past shadows made him remember that accident. That mistake whom the girl he loved made it.

"Please, I didn't mean it. I didn't want to hurt you at all but at the end I hurt both of us. I still love you Chung Min!" She shouted back crying.

"If you want me back prove me that you really still love me. Then I'll be yours," He calmly replied wearing his shirt and taking his stuffs going down the stairs leaving Haneul crying on the bed as he headed to the living room laying down on the couch. Suddenly Jinwoo entered.

"Huh Chung Min?" Jinwoo was surprised finding him there.

"Yeah," He replied.

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to sleep here," He coldly replied.

"Are you crazy? Why you left Haneul?"

"I'm not her boyfriend to sleep with her Jinwoo. I'll sleep here."

"She loves you. It's up to you now," Jinwoo announced then went to sleep as Chung closed his eyes to sleep. '

She seemed tired and so unhappy. Sorrow was getting out of her skin as I was watching closely that horrible scene of her tears falling in front of that mirror.

"Are you okay?" I thought of asking her a different question. However, I asked what was the only right thing to be asked.

"I'm always okay. I'm always strong. I'm always cool. I always laugh. I'm not weak. I can handle. I can do all this by myself. But guess what? I'm broken into million pieces and still smiling. Even my tears are dried on my pitiful beautiful face!" She turned to look at me. Her voice tone was strong. Like she wanted to kill someone but couldn't.

"We can stop. I mean, you don't have to tell the story if it makes you sad," I suggested gently. I've always been calmed. I wanted to comfort her, but it was not by my hands. I was clueless of what to do.

"No. I'll finish it soon. Because, as I told you, I'm traveling again," She claimed, wiped her tears then faked a smile again. Like she wasn't crying and her face wasn't changing.

I've always wondered how could she do it after all what happened to her. She didn't go mad either. She left that evening. I was alone, kept staring at that mirror of mine for a long time. I wanted to know what would happen to me in the future since I had a boyfriend from the other side of the world just as she did.