Chapter 9: Praise the Sun!

Okay, the extra chapter I said I would post. Got a bit too cheesy there, just wanted to try something new. Tell me how you feel about it. Enjoy!


"Alright that's it." Padma slams the book she was reading close and stands up. "We are going for a walk on the school grounds."

"Where did that come from?" She scared me for a second there.

"Don't you wanna go for a walk to stretch your legs after sitting around all day?" she answers with a question of her own.

"Fair point. Let us go." I get up as well. I put my book in Padma's bag since I don't have my own. 'Gotta check if my brain provided me with some everyday stuff I am gonna need.'

We quickly make our way towards the school grounds. 'The Great Lake sure looks nice.' 

"You know I never thought you will be in Ravenclaw." Padma says from my side.

"Oh really, then where did you think I would be sorted?"

"I thought you were a Hufflepuff for sure. But your 'performance' at the sorting was A+, ever thought about performing in a drama?" She says with a slight snicker.

"Well if I do participate in one, then all the attention would be on me due to my looks and superb skills. I don't want to take away the jobs of all those struggling actors nor do I want to have fans going crazy over me, so I'll refrain from doing so." I say while keeping my head high and in a boisterous tone.

She just bursts into laughter hearing me speak and after glaring at her for a few seconds I join her.

"Oh, but father won't be happy hearing about your stunt." She stays after she manages to calm herself.

'Wait, am I actually related to her? Like family or something?'

"Well, I will think about it later on." 'Like I would be scared of someone in my own dream.'

"Come now, it's almost time for dinner." She grabs my hand and we began heading inside.

"Where were you?"

As soon as we enter the castle I hear a voice from my side. I turn towards the voice and see a girl coming towards us.

'If the one with me is Padma, then she must be Parvati. Of course, if one sister knows me then the other would too.'

"Where were you for the whole day? Do you know how worried I was about you? How are you feeling now? Does it hurt anywhere?" She blasts off a flurry of questions toward me.

"Calm down Parvati, let him answer at least." Padma tries to calm her sister.

"Well after classes we were at the library, then we went for a walk by the great lake. And I am great now, doesn't hurt anywhere at all now."

"That's good. Now-"She walks towards me and hits my head.

"Ouch! hey what is that for?"

"What is that for? Let me tell you what is that for-" With that she continues her assault on me.

"What were you thinking setting your room on fire, you idiot."

I barely manage to get away from her assault, which Padma decided to join midway through, and try to calm them both. 

"Well obviously I wasn't thinking about setting my room ablaze. Now will you please stop, and why did you join her?" I point at Padma and ask.

"Because I forgot to beat you up before because of Prof. McGonagall." Came her simple reply.

"Well if both of you are done now, I'm famished and would like to deal with that first."

Parvati just huffs but still decides to accompany us to the great hall. Once there I separate and I began heading for my table when I just stopped halfway.

'Now wait a sec. This is a rare moment to interact with some the cast before this dream ends, so why am I not doing that?'

With that thought I told Padma that I was gonna go join Parvati at her table but she wanted to talk with her housemates. So I alone headed towards the Gryffindor table and sit beside Parvati.

"Did you forget your house now?" Parvati asks, shocked at seeing me sit with her.

"Well no one said that we can't sit at other tables. So here I am." I say with a smile at my face.

"Wait a sec, am I seeing this right?"

"Seems like the legend is gracing us with his presence."

"Oh brave warrior, please would you do me-"

" 'us' the honor of giving us your autograph."

Ohhhhh how could I forget about my fans here.

"My sign isn't something that is given to just anybody. You have to do something that proves that you deserve that honor." I reply with an arrogant tone that makes Parvati snicker at my side.

"What do we have to do to be worthy enough for that honor, oh brave one." Asks one of them, don't know which.

"Chaos young padwan. Cause chaos. Chaos is the answer to all problems in life."

"We are the masters of that." Claims one.

"We have got a reputation for that you know." Backs another.

"No no, you guys have a reputation for causing mischief, not chaos." 'Silly little things. No problem I will guide you down the right path.'

"They are not the same?"

"Then please tell us what is chaos, brave warrior."

"It said that in the beginning there was only Chaos, but from Chaos both Creation and Oblivion were born, the two highest dao apart from Chaos itself."

"Chaos is the truth and the reality of the world itself. It is not just an act, but a way of life. The true path to achieving enlightenment." I get too much into my own speech and shout too loud. 

But it seems they are into it too, not just them but most of Gryffindor is listening to me.

"We understand, oh great one." Exclaims one twin.

"I see the path now." Worships another.

"Now shout with me. 'Praise the Sun'" I deliver the final gospel.

"PRAISE THE SUN" screams the whole entirety of Gryffindor.

'DAMN!! That was so cool. I have got to do that again.'