Chapter 11: No Giant Squid?

Setting down on my bed I take out the book I issued from the library. I continued reading about the full body-bind curse. After about half an hour I felt ready to try the spell.

Getting up and concentrating on the spell I point my wand towards the bedside table and chant the spell-"Petrificus Totalus"...…

"Ok, now one question. How do I make sure that the spell took effect? It wasn't moving to begin with!!! Damn it."

'Ok no problem, I can just learn another spell.' With that thought I sat down and began reading on another spell.

'Lumos? Nah, way too boring. Brackium Emendo? Nope, don't like pain. Accio? Hmmm, this could work. I could verify its completion immediately as well. Alright, Accio it is.'

With my spell chosen, I got right into it. This book went a bit into the spell's history, its casting and effects and I made sure to read about it all and properly understand the spells working. Or as much I could with this book.

It took me around an hour to read all about it. 'Alright, last try. Then I am sleeping. It's not fair that I have to sleep in a dream as well!' Knowing that whining wouldn't get me anywhere, I get up for the attempt.

'What to summon? Meh, the book itself will work.' 

Clearly picturing the book in my head, I point my palm at it "Accio", and as expected the book comes straight away flying into my hand. 'As expected, only idiots would need a wand for such a basic spell.'

Feeling good about my success, I change before going to sleep. 'I have a flying class tomorrow, wonder how that would feel? Well I'm going to leave that up to my brain.'


*knock knock*

*knock knock*



"Huh.. what, who the fudge is it?"

Waking up to someone banging on my door isn't my idea of a morning. 'Whoever it is, they better have a damn good reason for disturbing my sleep.'

Walking over to the door I open it up to see some unknown kid in front of me.

"What happen-"

"Get up right this instant and get down!!"

"What the- who the fudge is screeching like that? I almost lost my ears to that." The kid in front of me just points down towards the common room and walks away.

'Who was he? Anyway, lets see who has problems with my sleep.' Walking down I see a bunch of kids gathered around.

"You still aren't ready? How long will you take? Please don't tell me you just woke up." Came the voice from my right. So Padma is here as well. Ok but I wanna know who was that banshee from before.

"You got any idea who that screeching voice belonged to earlier? Disturbed my peaceful sleep."

"It belonged to me" I look to the side to see Penelope standing there with her arms crossed and glaring at me. 'Is this going to be a trend. Everyone seems to be glaring at me for some reason always."

"And are you planning to bunk your class or something?" She asks me while smiling at me.

"What class?" what the heck is she on abo-...wait, class? Right class! I have class. Fudge I'm still in this dream. "Wait I get it. I forgot to set the alarm. What time is it?" I stop her when she seemed ready to blow her fuse.

"Its 8:50. And guess what is your first lecture?" 'Yeah, something about her smile seems off. Whose class is it anyway?'

"Its potions." Padma informs me seeing my confusion. 'Potions. Okay, potions are nice. Wait! Potions means Snape. SHITTTT!'

I look towards Penelope and she seems to enjoy the thought of me suffering. I now understand that smile.

"Well we are leaving because we don't want to be late. You can take your sweet time getting ready." Oh the bitch is enjoying it.

I rush upwards to my room and search for my brush, I hurry to towards the bathroom-'wait a sec. I am in my dream. Why do I need to brush in my dream? I can just skip it. Same with bath. Why waste time on the small things? And what if water ruins my dream and wakes me up. Yup, no need for these things.'

With that sorted out, I just put on my uniform and rush down to try and catch up with the rest. I meet up with them just outside the common room door.

"Wait how did you get ready so fast?" seeing me Padma questioned.

"I. Am. Speed." Yes, that is my response and I refuse to elaborate further. She stares at me for a sec then just shrugs and moves on.

Soon we reach our classroom on the first floor. 'Wasn't the potions lab in the dungeons? Why are we here?'

'Well, everyone is here. We all can't be wrong at the same time...I think.' With that thought I entered the class with my fellow classmates and take a seat and eventually got joined my Padma. 'The class is clearly divided into two halves. Was there anyone of notice in Hufflepuff? I think there was that niece of Amelia there. What was her name.... Susie, no Susan I remember. But which one is her?'

Before I could make use of my expert analytical abilities to figure out the crimi-, I mean Susan Bones, Snape enters the classroom with his robes trying to catch up to him. 'Yo brain, make his robes get stuck in a nail or some edge. I wanna see what happens.' Now I know my brain isn't really listening to me right now, but what is the harm in trying?

"Since you all had the opportunity to make your first potion yesterday, in which most of you failed, it is about time you know how to store a potion. In case by some stoke of luck you managed to brew a decent one. Open page no. 25 of your textbooks."

'Even potions has theory classes now. Why, why would you do that?' Ignoring my tears, Snape began teaching about the various ways in which potions can be stored. And I don't know how much homework my brain did for this, but there were a dozen ways of doing that simple task. And they weren't all either. They were just the ones taught to first years. You had to take care of the potion types, there quantity, the material of the tube or bottle or whatever you are keeping it in and other similar criteria.

And since Padma was nagging me constantly, I had to take notes in the class. Well, I mean I didn't take notes per se, I just underlined the important parts in the book itself and just added the additional information wherever needed in the book.

After 45 min of that boring lecture, we were finally free. And seeing as my stomach was trying to communicate with me through weird noises, I made my way towards the great hall for some breakfast.

Ok, maybe I should have come early for breakfast. But who stops breakfast at 10:00. Looks like I will have to get up early from now onwards. On the bright side, at least there are fruits here. Well, apple and bananas will have to do for today.

Grabbing my breakfast, I make my way towards the great lake. 'This season is good for some studies outside. And I sure as heck want to try and meet the giant squid in there.'


So as it turns out, maybe my mind didn't make the giant squid. Or it is asleep. Or it didn't like me jumping around and trying to get its attention somehow. 'Never ever am I doing that again. Others were laughing at me. Doesn't matter if it is just my brain, still not a good feeling.'

Giving up on the giant squid, I sit down and begin reading the next spell in my book. And since I was near a body of water, I decided on aguamenti for my next spell. This spell was weak as heck but still, it is magic so I decided to learn it.

All right, maybe it's not such a useless spell. Seeing as it's taught to sixth-years. But it still seems easy enough, so why wait till so late? Maybe my mind got it wrong. Anyway, not like I'm going to stop because some random sixth-year student made fun of me for trying to learn this spell. I am different from these plebeians anyway.

Setting the book down as I didn't want it to get wet, I point my wand fore- 'Wait a sec, why am I using a wand? Wands are for weaklings, not a genius like me.'

So, keeping my wand in my pocket, I point my finger forward and form a wave with it and spell out *aguamenti*. And lo-and-behold, a clear stream of water is gushing out from my finger. 'Hahaha in your face you nameless sixth year.'

'But the stream is still too weak, how do I increase it? What if I use my palm instead of my finger…. Worth a shot.' This time using my palm instead of my finger, I make a wave *aguamenti*...…and nothing happened.

'Ok, so what went wrong? Maybe the wand movement has to be done by something pointy? If that makes sense. Well, I don't have any time so a last try before I go to my next class. Lets do this.'

This time, I make the wand motion with my finger but before completing the incantation, I opened my palm and willed the water to come from the palm instead of my finger *aguamenti*...…..and it happened. A strong wave of water rushed from my palm. "hahahahaha, I knew I was great." 'But its still weak to do any significant damage. Maybe I should look into some more water-based spells later.'

Ending my evil laughter, I gather my things and move toward my next class. 'I just hope my brain makes flying interesting.'