Chapter 31: Choo Choo

'Ugh, my head hurts.'

Opening my eyes I see Padma sitting in front of I immediately close them back.

'Pretend you are sleeping and the demon won't be able to see you.'

"I saw you opening your eyes."

'Fudge, this demon is smart.'

"Good Morning!" Pretend nothing happened.

"It's noon Mr. Patil." Didn't see Pomfrey sitting there.

A minute or two passed with all of us just calmly enjoying the breeze that came out of the open window.

"It is great whether outside."

"Mr. Patil, just tell us the reason for your fever and cold." Pomfrey says, failing my attempt at ignoring that conversation.

"Well....... What can I say? Magic?"


"Okay, okay, don't get angry. I was practicing the 'Galcius' spell last night, hence the frozen room. I just slept after an hour practicing that spell. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I was shivering, so I sought some way to melt the ice. I came upon the 'Aestus' spell (Hot Air Charm) and tried to melt the ice, but I got too tired in a while........ so I just, gave up and went to sleep. Not a good decision I realise now."

After my explanation, both Padma and Pomfrey were sporting annoyed expressions.

"I guess I should be glad I wasn't a fire spell this time." Quipped Pomfrey.

"Oh I definitely thought of practicing that, but held back. Didn't wanna burn my room again." At her glare, I decided to shut up.

"Ansh, just why? Your room isn't a lab of some sort. At least do it somewhere where you won't be harmed. If that is too hard, tell me. I'll stay with you when you practice those spells, to watch over you. Just, don't get hurt again." Padma shifts on the bed to hug me.

"Come on, look I am fine. Just a bit of cold, I'll be good in a jiffy. No need to worry about me, I hate pain myself. So believe me, our goal of keeping me safe aligns." I say, hugging her back.

"As good as this heartfelt moment is, Mr. Patil down this potion." Pomfrey says handing me a vial.

I down it and instantly I feel a warmth spreading through my body.

"This stuff is good...…."


"Don't look at me like I have some grudge with you, it is just how peperup potion works." Says Pomfrey, trying to cover her laugh, but failing somewhat.

"You can probably replace a steam engine, hey come on, whistle once, come on."

"I hate you"

"No, you don't. Still, whistle pleaseeeeeee."

"*sigh* Choo Choo." She did carry me here.

"Hahahahaha, this is golden. Oh I wish Parvati was here."

"Okay, you guys had your fun. Now run along, I have got work to do here."

We both got up to leave, with steam coming out of my ears and Padma failing to suppress her laughs.

"And Mr. Patil-"

I look back to see what Madam Pomfrey was saying.

"That was a damn good whistle." She says, now not even bothering to hide her laugh.

What can I say here, other than-

"Choo choo"

With Padma on aboard the Ansh Express, we make our way toward the Great Hall.



"Sure, laugh it off. When you get a cold I will make sure to pay it back in full." I say, glaring at the 4 witches before me.

That didn't do anything to deter them.

"This made my day." Parvati comments.

"And my week." Claims Dora-the-Explorer.

"You got anything to add." I say looking at the only person not commenting on how this made her week or month.

"No..... just whistle once more, maybe?" She is lucky she is cute.

"Okay, hahaha, now if you are all done with the steam engine jokes, ready for the class?"

"Which class?" Oh, we forgot about Parvati.

"Ansh said he would teach us all some spells, and I generously accepted. But are you sure, maybe you should rest a today." Padma is a nice girl, sometimes.

"Oh don't worry, how could I decline when you 'oh so generously accepted'."

"Jokes aside, I really think you should rest today. We can do this tomorrow."

"And why wasn't I invited." Parvati has different concerns.

"Don't worry, I am fine now. And Parvati… we just forgot about you."

"Is he serious?" She asks her sister.

"I was going to ask you at lunch anyway, and you know he is kidding." Padma says, soothing Parvati.

"Well, if all of us are Let's go."

Just as I take a step forward, I fell my shirt tightening around my neck.

'This is happening way too often now.'

"Who the fud-, yeah yeah laugh at it."

I look around to see Penelope was behind this attempt to murder, and the murder in question was making no attempts to hide her amusement at seeing me.

"Oh I definitely am, but that aside, I heard you guys talking about practicing a spell. Is that right?"

"Yeah, we were gonna practice a few. I have got students now so you may address me as Professor now." Maybe I should make them call me sensei.

"Well, I am coming with you."


"Do you all really trust him not to cause another incident." She doesn't even answer me, instead questions my students.

"Not me."

"Definitely not."


"Not at all."

'....... Nice to see they all have the same impression of me.'

Penelope looks at me after that, with that look on her face as if she just won.

"Okay, but you are gonna find the place we are going to practice in."

NO way am I showing my wizarding-room to them, I like my peace.

She agrees easily and we all follow her lead ahead, like baby chicks following their mother.


A/N: My exams are going are going to start on 6 May, and lab exams have begun soooooooooo...... updates may be rocky for a bit. Till 15May.

Even this chapter was from the stockpile I keep as I couldn't get around to write any more.

I'll try to keep publishing from my stockpile but no promises.....┐(´~`)┌