Chapter 33: Bludger

Ansh POV

All around the room all I see are broken pieces of wood and dust. Padma, Dora and Penelope managed to get it down perfectly and can reduce the target to ashes, well Dora can only do it 2 out of 5 times, but still a massive success. Hermoine and Parvati can also reduce it to splinters.

'Though they don't seem to be happy about being outperformed.'

"Now that, I call a productive evening." Look at all my student's handiwork.

"We certainly got carried away." Dora says with a chuckle.

"You can say that again." Replies Parvati.

"Would we have to pay for all the damage?" Questions Hermoine.

'That is a very good question. I don't wanna pay for so all the damag-, no it is better to call it destruction.'

All of them look at me with worry etched on their faces.

"I don't think so, or at least I hope we don't. But think about it, I burned my whole dormitory and didn't have to pay anything sooooooooooo."

"How about we just get out of here." Comes up Penelope.

"Flee the crime scene, I like that idea."

With that we all race to get out of the room.

"Today was so fun, can we do it again some time?" asks Dora.

"I agree, I certainly learned a lot. Though we should be careful not to get carried away next time." Hermoine replies with some embarrassment.

"As much as it hurts my pride to say this, it really was fun AND useful. You are a good teacher Ansh." Penelope says and pats my head.

"I don't have any problem with that. I had fun as well."

We all reach the Great Hall and separate up.

Dinner was a simple affair, with nothing noteworthy happening. After dinner we retire to our room with me just pulling up another spell from the book to learn.





"This bombarda is much more interesting than reducto, and I thought they would be the same. But the sound of an explosion is unbeatable. Now I finally understand Megumin a bit."

'Now I can cross this spell off my list as well. What time is it?'

A quick tempus shows me that it is already 3:30.

'Well time to get up. I have not attended a single class this week, and to my relief Snape hasn't come for my ass. But no way am I skipping Flying classes.'

With quick movements, I make my way over to the grounds where almost all the students are present.

As I arrive there none of them even glance at me and continue their boasting and story-telling.

'You would think they would stop after last time, but noooo. Their tales are instead escalating.'

Padma approaches me after spotting my arrival.

"Look who finally decides to show his face. What happened, got bored of swinging spells alone in a room?"

"Nah, just that flying is one activity interesting enough for me to leave everything aside."

"Well, at least you are attending a class I guess. Hey, we should celebrate this with a feast."

"Okay, that's enough. I see what you are doing, but no, still not gonna go to class."

Amidst our talk, Madam Hooch comes and everybody stops their chatter.

"Good to see you are all here, and that includes you too Mr. Patil. I have heard how you are skipping other lectures and let me tell you, had you tried the same with me I would have dragged you down by your ear."

'Thank God I attended then.'

"Wouldn't miss my favourite class professor."

"Now, last time many of you were still wobbling on your brooms. Today I want you to make yourself more comfortable with the height and feeling of flying on a broom. So take your brooms and mount them, on my whistle push your feet gently and ascend. And Mr. Patil, you stay down here."

With that final command to me, Mr Hooch waited for everyone to get to their brooms and then blew her whistle. After a couple minutes of making sure everyone was up in the air safely, she turned to me.

"Now do you know why I told you to stay down here?" she questions me.

"No?" I just hope this isn't about me skipping lectures.

"It isn't about you skipping lectures, relax. This is about me believing that you will be bored if I made you do that." She eases my worries and gestures at all the other students hovering in the air.

"What do you think when you see them, just hovering in the air? Crawling at a snail's pace." She urges me.

"….. Slow?" That looks boring.

"Right. And do you want to do that? Do you want to be slow?" She asks me again, this time looking at my eyes.

"No. I want to go fast."

"Right. I thought so as well. Come with me." She smiles at my response and tells me to follow her.

We make our way to another ground, this one with a lot more space and I see McGonagall standing there.


As I try to make my escape after seeing her, my collar gets grabbed on to my Hooch stopping me.

"Stop trying to run, she isn't here to scold you for classes."

I look at her with doubtful eyes, her words seem absurd.

"Are you sure?" I ask in a small voice.

She looks her McGonagall, then in my eyes and says-

"I am not."

And begins dragging me over to the angry feline.

"Mr. Patil" McGonagall spats my name, really 'spats'.

"Good afternoon Professor. How have you been?" okay, not a good start.

"I asked Professor McGonagall to come over to supervise and instruct you. You may not know but in her days, Professor McGonagall was an amazing quidditch player. And even today I don't think any player in Hogwarts can beat her in skills."

I look at Minnie with doubtful eyes and then start to think if this is a prank or something.

"Don't doubt her skills. Now what I brought you here to do is simple, get on your broom and start flying."

I still don't believe her, but what can I do? I get on my broom, get up in the air and wait for further instructions.

"Good now I have to go back to other students and that's why I had Prof. McGonagall come here. You have one simple task, go fast."

"That's it? Just 'go fast'?"

"Yes, that's it. The only twist is, you have to dodge a bludger. Prof. McGonagall made the bludger soft enough so you wouldn't be hurt by it. But I still want you to try your best."

With that, she walks away as if she didn't just hand my life into the hands of a demon.

"Did I tell you Prof. McGonagall, you look absolutely stunning in that dress."

Seeing as she just releases the bludger without giving a response, I guess I still have a long way to go with my flattery.

'This could be fun.' With that thought I begin my game of tag with the ball.

The problem with the bludger was it was relentless, like concept of inertia wasn't working on it. Dodge it once, and you hope with its speed it will take a few seconds for it to stop or turn around, but nooo, the fudging ball came back in an instant. And it came from your blind-spots half the time, how the heck am I supposed to dodge something that I can't see?

I relied on the sound of wind getting disrupted to dodge it most of the time, which was not always successful. And to top it off, the bitch of a hag, although made the ball soft enough that I didn't feel pain, she added a kind of stinging hex to it or something. So every time it even grazed me, well it stung!

The first time that happened, I swear I saw a smirk on her face.

But all in all, it was a fun activity, minus the stinging part.

When Hooch came back, I thought I was free from this.

"Ah, finally its ove-"

I relaxed, only for a darn Bludger to hit me square in the gut. I glare at the witch responsible for it.

"Now don't relax already, we aren't stopping so soon." Came the response of my only hope.

"But class time is over."

"Yes, but its not like you have any other classes after this. So continue dodging if you don't wanna get hit."

I was about to start hurling obscenities, but the sight of the bludger approaching made me rethink my priorities.

'At least its fun, for now.' I think in an attempt to stay positive.


A/N: So...... I give up ┐(´~`)┌. Not on the story, but on the hope that you guys will comment. Was 25 comments really so much?

Fine, don't do it.┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐