Chapter 35: Some Spells


'Ah, I'll go to the Great Lake today.' I thought while filling my mouth with omelette.

"So what are your plans for today? And in case you ask, no. I am not helping you today, ask me later tonight or tomorrow."

"Don't worry. I have plans today as well, in fact I just came up with one. Today I'll go to the lake to try out some more fire-y spells. Being near a large body of water would be reassuring."

''Wow! I did not expect you to think so maturely. Well done." She says and pats my back.

"What can I say, I live to impress. Now I have a lot of spells to try, so adios." I hurry to my room to get my things and head to my training grounds for today.

(The Great Lake)

"No people around? Perfect!"

With no one in sight, I don't have to worry about someone getting hurt and can practice with ease.

Okay, to start things off let's try something light.


'Now THIS feels like magic. Fire is indeed the best. But this is weak.'

The fire coming from my fingertip seems weak and too thin, I want BIG.

I try to concentrate on the fire, trying to increase the output of flames. It was hard, the flames got unstable or died completely. But as they say 'Geniuses can do anything', I manage to get a stronger stream of fire.

'Though the fire dies down way too soon for my taste. Nothing in the book tells about increasing the range of flames. Maybe try adding a spin?'

The second I thought of that, the flames raged like a wild beast, getting stronger and going farther than expected.

'That's what I am talking about. Though it's good that I didn't try this in my room. This would have burned the room under a minute.'

"This one was easy, maybe because I read it up beforehand? Now let's learn the spell of a real wizard."

You aren't a real wizard till you can perform this spell- fire ball...….


"You seem tired, again." Padma comments on my state.

"That's because I am."

"Were you practicing spells the whole day?"

"Nah, that wouldn't make me so tired."

"Then what did?"

"Well I kinda-sorta froze a good portion of the great lake, so I thought 'Why not use this opportunity to skate?'"

"You FROZE the giant lake?"

"I understand the scepticism, and I did not. Not completely, more like the surface part of the lake in a wide enough area."

"What spell were you even doing for that to happen."

"'Glacius Terra'. I was trying to make a castle by stepping on the ground, but that was all I could achieve."

"*Pfft* what were you thinking, making a castle."

"Ha-ha-ha, laugh it off. I just 'let it go~'."

"Sure, and where did you get the skates?"

"Transfigured them." Where else am I supposed to get them?

"Of course. And you didn't think about inviting me."

"Honestly, I did. But I had no idea where you were."

"Fair enough. So you are tired because of skating?"

"Yeah. And one more thing I came to know- the giant squid hates ice."

"I don't wanna ask but, how did you know that?"

"After I got off the ice rink, it smashed it with its tentacle. Like literally demolished it."

"You didn't get hurt did you."

"Nah, don't worry. As I said, it only did it after I got off the ice. But I tried to ask it afterward if I can freeze it again sometime and I think it agreed. Kind of hard to judge the sign language of a huge tentacle."

"I don't even know what to say. So you learned how to freeze water today."

"No, not water. Any surface that I come in contact with. It can be solid ground or even this hall right now. Just got to slam my foot and done."

"NO! I believe you, don't slam your foot."

"Don't worry, I won't…. I'll try not to."

"Please don't do it." Came another voice.

"Do you even know what we are talking about?" I asked our prefect.

"No, but if you are trying to do something and Padma is stopping you, it can't be good."

"We were talking about him freezing the hall." Why do these people gang up on me?

"So definitely don't do that. And can you even? That's a really advanced spell."

"Want a demonstration." This would be on her.

"NO! I am sorry sir I doubted your capability, forgive this foolish one." Well, hard to deny someone who is holding my foot.

Seeing me relax she lets go of my foot.

"So, what else did you learn?" Penelope asks.

"First Incendio, then Fire-Ball (Ignis Iacio), then for a change of mood I learned Glacius Terra, then I just skated for a long time, then to end it all I learned fire-whip (Ignis Flagell). Now this last one was fun as well, you can do so much with a rope of fire- elongate it however you like, wrap around whatever you want." Imagine training a dragon with fire whip.

"Hmmmm, nice. Well good to know that you had fun." Then she began discussing something with Padma in a low voice, probably so that I don't hear it.

"Hey Ansh, are we still meeting tomorrow after lunch." Asks Dora from behind me.

"Yes we are Dora. And don't you try to get away."

"Stop calling me that." She says that and after making some other small talk walks back to her table.

"Now I am gonna go to bed, so Good Night to you too."

They both snap their heads at me.

"You are sleeping?"

"So soon?"

I didn't know they were twins.

"Yeah, just feeling sleepy today. I won't be able to learn any spell in this state, so better just sleep."

"At least I know that there won't be an incident tonight."

"Yeah, I can finally sleep without worrying."

I hate these two.


A/N: Chapter was late because i forgot to post it.......Tehee~