Chapter 42: I Love You

"What to do today?"

The past few days after have been kind of monotonous learning one spell after the other, and although I enjoy it like nothing else still.........… the last interesting thing I did was that tickle war with them.

'What to do...'

'Maybe I should try to visit fluffy? Because why not?...... Nah, he is a big dog, a REALLY big dog. That reason's enough to drop that idea.'

"Library it is...…"

Arriving at the library, I first return the book I previously issued and then got the next volume of the same 'The Random Spell Book'.

'Now that I am here, lets look at the other books and find something interesting.'

I look around various bookshelves to see if something catches my eye.

'Mythological beasts..... Divination, check your chances of passing this year........ Astrology, see if the stars of love align...... Runes, symbols of power.....'

The second one seems useful, but the fourth one has my curiosity.

Picking up the book on runes I find myself an empty spot and begin with my study on the 'ancient symbols of power'........


", wake up."

"Wake up you idiot."

"I wasn't sleeping."

'When did I sleep?'

"Finally, I have been trying to wake you up for 5 mins now." Parvati says from my side.

"I wasn't sleeping, I was awake the whole time."

'Where am I? Ah, the library!'

"Right, you weren't sleeping. So what were you doing?"

"I was... practicing being dead."


"Ouch! What was that for?"

"For saying stupid stuff like that." How is SHE angry after hitting ME?

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. What were you doing?"

'So she ruined my slee…. my meditation for nothing?'

"I was…. What was I doing?... Ah, right, I was reading up on ancient runes."

"With your eyes closed?" this bitch.

"No, I was studying them before closing my eyes. Then I got bored and decided to…. Close my eyes for a bit."

"Wow, a Ravenclaw sleeping from a book. That's rare."

"Hey, the book was boring, not my fault. It had just pages upon pages of theory about runes were used in this…., derived from that…., could do this… and yada yada yada without any actual way of writing them."

"Then why read it?"

"Eh, the stories were kinda fun to read."

"Okay, don't worry. You are smart, I know you can easily learn how to write runes."

"Thank yo-, wait a minute. What did you say?"

"What? Don't worry?"

"No, after that."

"Just that, you are really intelligent so I know that you will learn them fast."

"What happened to you.?!"

"What happened to me?"

"Is this a prank? Are you going to do something I am not going to like or do you want something?"

"What? No way. Do I need to have a reason to talk to my favourite person?"

"For talking, no. For complimenting, yes."

"This is an accusation on my love for you. How could you?"

"Hmmm, okay. Then if you don't have anything to say, I am gonna go-"

"No wait!"


"That.... I just said I love you, don't you have anything to say back?"


"Come on, you know you want to."

"I really don't."

"Say it, say it. Its easy, like this- 'I Love You.'"

She doesn't seem to be in the mood to let me go.

"*Sigh* I love you."

"Yay! See it was easy right."

"Yes. Now that we have established that we love each other, I'll go."


"What now?"

"Well, since you said you love me, help me with my homework."


"What? Hey you can't take it back now. Since you love me you have to help me. Please." She says with a warped version of puppy dog eyes.

'It looks cute though.'

"You just ruined any iota of love I felt for you."

"What's iota? Doesn't matter. Look please help me, I have to submit these assignments tomorrow and I haven't even started, and you are a Ravenclaw, who better to ask?"

"Padma is in Ravenclaw as well."

"Yes..... and she already refused to help me. Look please help me this time."

"I don't even attend the classes, what am I supposed to do."

"Doesn't matter, we have to just find stuff in the book and copy it. I'll do anything just help me, please."


"Anything yes."

"Hmmm, write it on a paper and sign it."


She quickly takes out parchment from her bag and starts scribbling down, soon we have our contract made up with both our signatures.

"Hehehe, I am so gonna enjoy using this."

"... I don't even want to know how you are gonna use it, just help me first."

"Sure, bring it out. I wanna complete it my dinner."

"Okay. So I transfiguration, potions and defence against the dark arts to complete by tomorrow."

"Okay, seems doable. I'll get started on transfiguration, you get started and bring me a glass of milk."

"Okay, I'll do th-, wait, do what?"

"Bring me a glass of milk, I am hungry. You don't expect me to do this on an empty stomach do you? Or do you want me to go myself and have something to eat?"

"No. You sit here and focus on the assignment, let me go and bring you that."

'Hmm, you know. This power feels intoxicating.'

With Parvati gone, I open the transfiguration assignment and get started on it.

'...Okay, so I just have to copy the related part from the book and its done, seems easy enough.....'

"Here you go." Parvati returned with my glass of milk.

'This tastes ultra good.'

"You looked at the assignments?"

"Yeah, seems simple enough. Long but simple."

"I know, but if I do this alone I would have to be up all night and it still won't be finished."

"True that. And one more thing, wouldn't the Professor know that its not your handwriting?"

She looked at me as if I just spoke something weird.

"...Ansh, you don't go to any classes."

"Yes, I am aware of that."

"So you never did any assignments, which means none of the Professors know your writing."

"...…. That is..... I can't find anything wrong with that logic."

"Yep, which makes you the perfect person for this task."

"Well, okay. Now get started on the potions assignment."

We pass the next few hours in silence with only the noise of pages flipping and quills scribbling accompanying us.....

"So she found you for her homework."

I turn around to see Padma standing behind me.

"What can I say, she made a really good offer."


I show her our contract.

"Wow, so what are you planning to make her do? Make her bark in the Great Hall, or make her partner with Harry during Potions, or we ca-"

"Calm down, I already have in mind what I am going to have her do."

"What? Tell me."

"You'll know later. Now wait 10 mins, I just have to write this small part and then it's over. Then we can go and have dinner."


A/N: I know, I know. I went MIA for a month, my bad. In my defense I was extremely busy,,,,,,,, watching Olympics.

Now before you say anything about how that doesn't take up much time- When I say I watched Olympics, I meant I watched every match I could.

Literally my laptop opened up in the morning with Badminton or Marathon(they were the first events of the day) and closed with Swimming or Surfing(Usually the last events).

Heck I went bathroom in between those 2-min breaks there are between sets. So yeah, I went a bit crazy about them. Since this was the first time I got to watch them as it was my summer-break. (Before I was in school, so I had to sleep early for next day. And Olympics usually happen mostly in night according to my time-zone. So I got a bit over-exited (^◇^;))

But I am back now, I will try to churn out a chapter every 3 days. Keyword 'try'.

And one more thing- druiseeker, what do you like about this story so much bro (o_O) ? Like I opened the app after all these days and all the messages are about your power stones. I loved it, but just can't make sense why? Anyway, I loved to see that. I thought I would be getting cursed at for leaving like that, but seeing that was a really good booster. Thanks brother (^v^.