Chapter 56: Secrets of Vitality- Blood and Flesh

'Okay, let's see what this is.'

I open the book to read about the magic and its workings. The mage tried to gain the strength of trolls with this method, but looks like he couldn't get past strengthening the arm.

'FUDGEEE! Useless idiot. Write that thing down at the start, not randomly in between! Out of every spell in there, I took one that isn't even complete.'

'Though he did somewhat succeed in that so maybe it's not all useless. Whatever, let's just give it shot since I took it anyway.'

I keep the book at the desk and start going through it seriously. The mage described all the ways the magic is supposed to flow through the body, how to channel it and how much. He put some serious work into it. He also mentioned using runes to stabilize the magic at the end.

The idea itself is simple, it simply strengthens the muscles and bones with magic flow, and the runes are simple healing ones, to help in case things go a bit south.

I read through every bit of bit carefully. The book was good, but it had no structure. The book started with how to control magic, then derails into his pet cat's food habits, and then randomly throws in runes, and then starts with magic flow again. If you just skim through it, you are likely to lose the details.

'Okay, time to try this.'

The good part about this- I can do this in my room since it doesn't have any fire, ice or explosions.

I sit down on the floor-

'No, that's cold. Bed. Let us do this on bed.'

I sit down on the bed, and start to try to channel magic. The book said to do it like you are going to cast a spell, then stop and try to hold. I follow it and try to keep the magic there, the only indication of me doing it right is the slight pressure I feel in my hand.

'Good, step one done.'

Now I slowly try to ease this pressure through my fingers, out into the air.

I loose the sensation of magic quiet a few times at this step, but it was still doable nonetheless. Though I did use Episkey a few times to heal my nails whenever I pushed magic too fast or too much.

'Phew! This is exhausting. Just this took me a few hours to get down. I hope this thing is done by the end of today. Time for a little break.....'

'Okay, took care of my tummy, now back to work.'

I continue to practice it a few more times, then move on to the next step. Making the magic flow to my arm instead of my fingers. This one is tougher since if I did it wrong, instead of me bleeding through my nails, my arm muscles can burst, and excessive pressure can even break bones.

'Okay, do it just like before, slowl- Holy Morgana!'

'This thing hurts! A lot!!'

I have had muscles torn before from exercising or playing, but this is next level pain.

'*Episkey* Good thing I learned this spell. I thought vein or artery rupture are bad, but this may be worse.

I take a moment to calm my breathing, then try again.

'Slowly this time. No hurry, take it step by step. Yes, just like that. Smoothly without an- Mummy!'

This time my forearm started swelling and took a bluish tint.

'Okay, I take my words back. Veins hurt more.'

'*Episkey*... Fuck!!'

I quickly reach out for my wand and try the spell again, this time it healed.

'Better to keep my wand beside me. The pain makes it hard to focus and cast the spell properly without it.'

I took a bit longer this time to gather the courage, then go again.

'Okay that's it. Keep it going. Yes now move it higher, a bit less. Now steady like that. Yes at this pa-!'


I try to scream but no voice comes out.

If I thought muscles and veins were bad, I was wrong. They were atmost a light sting compared this agony.

I grab my wand for the spell.

"*Espiskey* *Epeskey* *Episkey*!." I hardly remembered the spell through the pain.

"Okay, arteries are the worst. Noted. Whatever I do, don't rupture an artery. Better 10 veins than this."

Good this was, now I had suffered the worst. So no more fear…. Instead of suffering it again, but still. This time I got right back at it.


"*Wistle~* Sweet! This thing is cool."

I easily lift the bed with a single hand. The strength of the troll was no joke.

This thing took the whole day to work. I had to go through several bouts of pain to get here. I even broke my bones a few times, though they hurt the least.

'Good thing I got here with only 3 more cases of artery rupture.'

I got the trick down now, instead of pouring magic just one part at a time, cover all the things as you go upwards from the hands. There are fewer chances of something bursting that way.

'Should I try it out some more?.... Nah, time for sleep.'

My arm was starting to tremble. Even with Episkey, it still suffered a lot today.

I lay down on the bed and quickly fall asleep...…..


A/N: Exams over!!! Did not go great, but at least they are over. Now give me enough motivation and I might post a chapter every two days (^v^)

No but seriously, I have my break and will try to write and post a chapter every 2-3 days.

No promises tho~

Troll coming soon...