Chapter 59: Heartbeat

Pomfrey POV


"Aahhh! Sweet hot chocolate at the end of the day, this is called life."

'Today was relatively calm. Only had a student with a broken bone and a couple down with a cold.'

'But soon those darn quidditch matches will start and then it's going to be one after another. Better enjoy this peace while it lasts.'



And there goes my peace.

'Why do I talk?'

As soon as I stepped out I saw Dumbledore, Snape and Flitwick huddled together.

"What happened?"

"Ah Pomfrey come here fast, the boy he-" Dumbledore hesitates to speak ahead.

I hurriedly reach to the bed where they are gathered around to see….


"Pomfrey the bo-"

"Shut up. Continue what you are doing, don't stop."

I don't have time to listen to Dumbledore, I hurriedly go back to the cabinet to get everything I can think of that can help in this situation.

"Step aside Snape and Flitwick, make some room around him."

I open the bottle for the blood clotting potion and move it to his mout-

Plan 2, I pour them over his wounds.

'Going to be less effective but he isn't in a state to drink them.'

"Snape take this vial and bring me every blood-clotting potion you can find in that cabinet, fast."

"Pomfrey is he going to be alrig-"

"I don't know Filius! Now shut up or get out if you are not going to be useful here."

"Stop for a second Dumbledore."

I wave my wand over him to check for the extent of his injuries.

...…Not good.

"Continue it on the heart. Don't stop till I tell you to and focus on just the heart."

"Snape where are those potions."

"Here, I found 7 of them."

"Open them and give them to me."

'Okay first, protect the head, then the arms and legs….'

I pour all the potions except two.

"Stop Dumbledore."

I take my wand out, making an incision-

"Shhhh!" Flitwick, if this fails, next I am going to cut you.

"I am going to stand out. I can't watch this." It looks like he finally understood.

I put my focus back, right above his heart, careful not to disturb it.




"Don't get lost now, we have to save the boy." Dumbledore brought me back.

'But what do I do?'

His heart, it couldn't even be called that at this moment. It was a mess, I don't even know how it was beating.

"What is happening here Brian? His heart…. But he is still alive… how? It should have given out long ago." I look at the only person I hope has some idea.

Dumbledore looks over at what I am saying and even he froze….

"I don't know what is happening, but somehow his magic is keeping his heart together and beating." He replies after a second.

"It's almost unheard of," Dumbledore murmured, his eyes narrowing. "Magic holding a heart together like this… it's as if it's fighting to keep him alive."

"...Okay, let us focus on what we can do for now, and stop your magic. Don't disturb his heart."

I ready my wand, my hand trembling a bit-

'You don't have time for this, panic later. Right now, his life depends on you.'

I steady my hand make another cut over his right lung and pour another potion here.

"Snape bring the blood replenishing potions, all of them."

'Stay strong kid.'

While he is bringing them over, I take another look at his condition.

'He is dying. He lost too much blood and has severe internal organ damage, the shock to the head is another big concern, and his arms and legs look like they exploded, his rib cage is barely held together. The worst of all, his heart.'

'I've seen broken bones, ruptured organs, but this… this is a catastrophe. It's a miracle he's alive at all.'

Snape brings back the potions and I inject them into his body.

"We have to take him to St. Mungo's."

"We can use the floo powder." Snape says.


"Fawkes can take us there." Dumbledore offers.

"No, we can't use magical means to transport him. It can worsen his condition. We have to fly there and ke-"

"Wait, what did you say?" I ask Dumbledore.

"That Fawkes can take us there." Dumbledore repeats.

"Call him over!" Both Snape and I shout.

"His tears! They can get him out of danger instantly."

Dumbledore's eyes widen in realization and he calls his bird, which arrives in a flash of fire.

"Fawkes, we need some of your tears for the boy." Dumbledore asks his phoenix.

The bird looks at Ansh and hops over to stand at his chest, bringing his eyes closer to his face. I understand what he is trying to do and open Ansh's mouth. Fawkes's tears fall into his mouth. He then shifts and drops a few over his head injury.

"Wait a second" Wait, I stopped him as I saw Fawkes let up.

I hurriedly cut open Ansh's chest once more, right above his heart.

"His magic won't be able to hold out for much longer."

Fawkes takes one look and understands and drops a few over right inside. Stepping back immediately after.

"Thank you, my friend."

Fawkes gives a low, tired chirp and perches beside the bedside table, his feathers drooping slightly.

'Even a phoenix has its limits, he'd likely poured everything he had into those final tears.'

I check and the wounds on his heart start to mend somewhat, gaining its once familiar shape, Fawkes's tears somehow working with his magic in tandem, keeping it together, keeping him alive.

A few seconds later some colour begins to return to Ansh's face.

I check on him again with magic, while he is through the worst, his condition is still not stable.

'He is still alive. He will live.' I remember to breathe finally.

"We have to take him, right now. His heart is barely holding on." I tell them.

"Why not heal him completely with Fawkes's tears? It healed a heart, I don't know of any potion that can achieve that." Snape asks.

"Fawkes can't cry rivers. Otherwise, we wouldn't have potions. He pushed his limit just now to save Ansh. He won't be able to make anymore more a long while." Dumbledore shares.

"Moreover a phoenix's tears can heal a lot Severus, they can detoxify the most potent of poisons, heal most flesh wounds, but bone damage, it cannot. And Ansh over here looks like he has a couple of them." Dumbledore adds.

"A couple? He has the whole number system. It's like a dragon chewed him out." I say pointing at him.

"Let us make haste. Snape you stay over here. Pomfrey and I will be enough." Dumbledore Says to Snape and hovers Ansh.

We make our way to the floo with haste and I grab the floo powder and throw it with all the precision of someone working against time itself.

"St. Mungo's Hospital!"

The emerald flames engulf us, the Floo powder swirling around. The air roared in my ears as the world blurred, and we stumbled into St. Mungo's.

The second the healers take one look at Ansh, their demeanour shifts to alarm, another look at Dumbledore beside us doubles it and they hurry to call the Mediwitch.

With Dumbledore with us, the boy is given VIP treatment.

I hurriedly explain his situation to the Mediwitch, about his heart and how phoenix tears were used.

She looks at me as if I was making it up. She takes out her wand to check on him, her eyes sharpening immediately.

"Merlin's beard... you weren't exaggerating" she muttered, snapping into action. Orders flying from her mouth, sharp and decisive.

"He will be safe, right?" Dumbledore asks me once he is taken away for further healing.

"He will live." I look at him as I speak, "Fawkes got us through the worst, so he will live."

"But this goes beyond just broken bones. An injury like this can be….. life-altering. He may heal from the physical wounds, but injury like these tend to leave scars on the mind." I say worriedly.

"We will be here to help him through this." Dumbledore calmly says.

"Now, I would like to know something." I face Dumbledore and ask.

"What is it?"

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" I asked him. Calmly.

"...…That," Dumbledore replied, sinking into a nearby chair, "is something I'd like to know after I catch my breath."