First Military Operation

With the conclusion of the briefing meeting between Duke and the first-ordinance Sentinels, they entered the futuristic elevator and headed downwards to the ground floor. Duke was surrounded by his fellow Sentinels as silence perpetuated through the air.

While shrouded in silence, numerous thoughts about the Cerberus passed through his head. The briefing period gave him insights about his future plans with Cerberus. How he would expand the organization. Or how he would govern it along with many others.

Although, these were nothing more but mere thoughts of inclusion regarding his future ideas. After all, there were many problems concerning governance. And he was someone who had no knowledge of it. A rookie of being a ruler. But one must start somewhere, and he starts as a noob.

'Hmm... I wonder how I should rule over the survivors I would sooner or later rescue from the clutches of the pitch-black.' While thinking about the ways of governance, Duke remembered the existence of an income stream known as survivors.

Even though it was a strange thought, especially thinking about how one should rule over strangers, gaining survivors was unavoidable in the growth of Cerberus. Survivors were resources for him. Though, they weren't a priority for him compared to his precious subordinates. 

Besides... While the Cerberus hadn't reached the circumstances to worry about such things, it was better not to stay ignorant as the Director. 

Nonetheless, as an ordinary human, Duke naturally was a selfish man seeking benefits for himself. It was as natural as the flowing water. He wouldn't deny this simple fact. So, while this might sound like the thoughts of a tyrant, which it was, authority should be under his control.

So, with this in mind, democratic rule over the people he had rescued from the grasp of the eternal night wasn't something he wanted to accept. Besides, the Cerberus was entirely under his authority. No matter how much temptations power-hungry bastards would give.

The Cerberus would stand by him.

No matter what they do, the military will only follow his wishes, desires, and commands. Unless, of course, the survivors he had saved created their own army. But before that could happen, they would have their heads in the gallows, executed in front of everyone as usurpers. 

Obviously, Duke wasn't planning on using them as slaves of some sort. He also didn't have any use for slaves since the Cerberus were efficient at doing their jobs. He also didn't wish to restrict the natural freedom of humans. However... The moment the survivors sought more power.

He would consider them rebels. They would either be exiled or executed.

'Why am I becoming more like a dictator? Oh, well... I don't plan on making them stick with me, along with Cerberus. They could leave if they wanted to. That is, if they want to, of course.' He couldn't help but smirk to himself. He would make it so that life within Cerberus would be too comfortable.

Without the dangers of the Dark Cataclysmic Era. The terrors of aberrants and mutated beasts. Along with the horrors of the unknown future. 

And to be honest, the survivors, as thought before, were nothing more but an extra stream of income. Instead, his primary focus would be annihilating aberrants and building more settlements for human civilization. 

Their freedoms, lives, or thoughts weren't a problem of his. He didn't care about it. As long as they don't bother him for no reason other than annoying him and humbly follow the laws of Cerberus, they can do whatever they want. It wasn't his responsibility to treat them as treasures. 

He would treat them like normal, but no one should expect him to be a public servant. Especially in the Dark Cataclysmic Era, anyone having such thoughts was foolish. 

"I guess this must be the Cerberus rubbing off me, or was I already like this?" Duke quietly muttered to himself, not wanting the Sentinels surrounding him to hear his words. 

The elevator continued lowering until it reached the ground floor, where the cargo area resided. Duke felt the hard floor pushing him as the metallic doors slid open, revealing the vast ground cargo area. Lustrous light lit up the surroundings and unveiled the roaming Sentinels.

The Sentinels around him left the elevator one after another until he was the only one left. With a deep breath, he stepped out of the elevator and observed his surroundings. He glanced at the dozens of roaming Sentinels, and the edges of his lips rose. 

It was an intriguing sight. 

The Sentinels were arming themselves for the first military operation of Cerberus. Delivering ammunition and food supply crates to designated H10 Armored Trucks while the Sentinel Leaders began briefing their members after their arrival. 

The strategies, target locations, and platoon groups have been briefed to the remaining Sentinels. 

Duke found the efficiency of the Sentinels to be somewhat astounding. They resembled veterans preparing for war, like the special forces of an antagonistic faction. With their speed, the preparation might not take longer than five minutes. 

'I wonder how much we can accomplish.' A small thought appeared in Duke's calm mind. It was curiosity and admiration of the future they would partake in. With the Dark Cataclysmic Era, human civilization has crumbled. 

And anyone with power can rebuild it in their image.

This was a dangerous yet exciting thought.

'But I'm not so arrogant to think it would be an easy path.' The current Cerberus was incredibly weak despite the armed forces Duke had already gathered. He needed heavy armored vehicles, an air force, and more soldiers. Though for now, he must concentrate on the mission.

After the Sentinels placed all the ammunition and supply crates in the H10 Armored Trucks, they immediately lined up before the first H10 Armored Truck. The lines were divided into two groups of platoons, Alpha and Bravo. Each group had four lines with eight Sentinels in each line.

Duke understood their intentions and climbed up of the H10 Armored Truck. He gazed upon the army he had built with pride in his heart. The first-ordinance Sentinels encompassed the armored truck like knights and calmly awaited the words of their Director.

Silence encapsulated the cargo area as every Sentinel looked upon the young man who was their Director. The young man with jet-black hair had a cold expression on his handsome face as his mere presence demanded authority and respect. It was quite a sight to behold.

A few seconds later, the Director of Cerberus started uttering his grand words to the Sentinels before his gaze.

"My Sentinels of Cerberus... We are trapped in an apocalyptic age known as the Dark Cataclysmic Era. A century where the world will be covered in eternal night and pitch darkness. With monsters roaming the former lands of humanity, human civilization has long crumbled into its pitiful form."

"But do not fret, for we humans have always adapted through the dangers brought about by the world. We are the ones who brought civilization to this world, and we can do so again. No matter how much we regress from our fated throne. It will sooner or later become ours."

"We, the Cerberus, will be the hounds of humanity. The guards of the gates of the underworld. As long as the Cerberus exists, human civilization shall not pass through these abominable gates."

"The Cerberus will be leading the counter-offensive of humanity. We will take back our stolen lands and reclaim true glory. Even in the darkness of the pitch-black, we will thrive with the torches of wisdom burning lustrously under the eternal night."


Duke raised his fist upward and roared with all his might. His words echoed throughout the ground floor of the Cerberus Headquarters. Following it were the thunderous war cries of the Sentinels.

*URAH!!!* *URAH!!!* *URAH!!!* *URAH!!!*

*URAH!!!* *URAH!!!* *URAH!!!* *URAH!!!*

Determination swelled in the air as the flames of glory burned within the hearts of every Sentinel. The Sentinel Leaders also couldn't stop themselves from quietly sniffing with pride after hearing the grand speech of their Director.

Seeing the reactions of the Sentinels and their roaring war cries, Duke couldn't help but reveal a smile. It was good to have higher morale than none. He also wondered if he had secret skills or wisdom.

After all, unknowingly, his speech was a perfect speech construct of certain politicians who were known dictators. Using glory or faith in something, then ruining it while presenting an enemy faction as the reason for its ruin, and finally uniting them through hope and revenge. 

If Duke was a complete dictator without any qualms of human morality. He would have been the second-coming tyrant that would shake the world. Fortunately, Duke wasn't someone who'd massacred everyone for being lower than him. Or was he?

"I have become what I hated." Duke lowered his gaze and shook his head with a bit of disappointment. But it soon disappeared and was replaced with crystal clear arrogance. Politics was a must-have in governing. It was something that was needed in governance. 

'Even the remaining settlements of human civilization had politics in its shadows. As long as hierarchy existed, it wouldn't easily topple down or collapse like modern human society.'

'Besides, as the Director of Cerberus, I must use any cards to ensure the high morale of my precious subordinates. Whether it be speech, rewards, or faith. After all, everything is fair in love and war.' The young Dictator was slowly learning the ways of a ruler. 

One can't help but wonder how history would depict him. 

Anyhow, after the passionate speech of the Director, he entered the H10 Armored Truck along with other Sentinels. Near him were crates of food and ammunition residing atop one another. These were supplies needed in the lengthy operation. 

Nevertheless, Duke kept glancing at the interior of the armored truck. It was his first time inside, and it was somewhat spacious. It also didn't sacrifice comfort for efficiency. It was a good truck, which was to be expected for the vehicle he had fallen in love with. 

As the final preparation of the Sentinels reached its completion, the Sentinels entered their respective vehicles. It didn't take a minute for the cargo area to be empty of anyone other than six armored vehicles. 

Duke soon entered the front bridge of the H10 Armored Truck, where four seats resided. He sat on one of them while observing the futuristic bridge. It had more technology than the Vanguard and seemed slicker. After a few seconds, he finally heard the Sentinels through the communication port.


""H10 Alpha! This is Vanguard One... On Standby!"

"H10 Alpha! This is Vanguard Two... On Standby!"

"ZZZZ... H10 Alpha! This is H10 Bravo... On Standby!"

"H10 Alpha! This is Vanguard Three... On Standby!"

"H10 Alpha! This is Vanguard Four... On Standby!" 

Hearing their words, Duke calmly replied with the needed orders for the first military operation of the Cerberus. Despite having a calm facade, he was somewhat nervous inside. But he must get used to the pressure and calmly lead the Sentinels. One could consider this a challenge for him.

"Alpha and Bravo, prepare for departure. First Operation Location, Target A." 

Following his words were the response of the Sentinels.

"Orders Received!" 

"Orders Received!" 

"Orders Received!" 

"Orders Received!" 

"Orders Received!" 

And at the end of the Sentinel's responses was the emergence of an unexpected digital display. It was a notification display regarding the appearance of a new and unexpected mission. It was the first Liberation Mission.


| For Cerberus!(Liberation Mission) |

●| The world had been devoured by the forces of the Dark Cataclysmic Era. The Cerberus must liberate the expanse through force, faith, and glory. The Sentinels needed to seize five locations in Goshen County. This will be a long crusade, and the Director must not return unless it is completed. Otherwise, the mission will be considered a failure. The mission reward is [1x Special Building: Deflector Shield Array, 1x Base Building Protocol Upgrade, Entire Armored Train Tech Tree, 1x Mammoth Armored Train]. | 
