Target A: The First Step and The First Obstacle

In the south was a desolated and devastated village formerly considered as the southern shelter of Goshen County. Enveloped by a battlefield of epic proportions, the grim darkness shrouded the entirety of the ruined settlement. But near its entrance was a tiny encampment.

With two armored vehicles guarding the front while the other two armored vehicles secured the rear, a tent resided beside two armored trucks near the center of the southern shelter's entrance. Inside such a tent was the glorious Director of Cerberus, Duke Shepherd.

He was calmly observing the interior of the command tent, which had been established by his fellow Sentinels. A couple of ammunition and supply crates littered throughout the tent, and a simple table stood at the center. 

"How did they even get a table?" Duke silently muttered before shaking his head and walking towards the table. Several squad leaders were standing beside the table, along with the platoon leaders. Obviously, the current number of squad leaders was lacking. 

But it was understandable since four squads were preparing to raid the buildings near the FOB. They needed to be cautious and mustn't underestimate the Dark Cataclysmic Era. It was better to be safe than sorry. 

"Director, we have prepared everything we need for the operation. After the raid of the nearby buildings, we will officially start the strategy against the southern shelter." The Platoon Leader of Alpha, or Aleph, calmly reported to their grand Director.

Hearing his report, Duke nodded with understanding and stood in front of the table with a calm and cold expression plastered on his face. Numerous thoughts passed through his mind of possible strategies. But since the plan has been refined, he didn't find the need to make some last-minute changes. 

"Well, then. Let's start the raid." He responded while the others nodded and began giving messages to the four squads preparing for the raid. A couple of seconds later, a clear reply was heard through the radio carried by Aleph. 

"This is Alpha 2, reporting!"

"This is Alpha 3, reporting!"

"This is Bravo 1, reporting!"

"This is Bravo 4, reporting!"

""""Commencing Raiding Operation!!!""""

With that, the raiding operation of the two buildings began. The four squads penetrated through the doors while slowly securing the ground floor of the buildings. Duke could hear the static of the radios as anticipation filled the air. 

"ZZZZ... Aberrant spotted, dispatching!"


A thunderous gunfire followed as a fiery light shone from one of the buildings. Alpha 1 was the first squad that uncovered an aberrant and swiftly eliminated it with one bullet from their rifles. A report then came through the radio.

"Aberrant successfully dispatched!"

"The ground floor has been cleared."

"This is Bravo. The ground floor has also been cleared."

A minute hadn't passed, and the ground floor of the two buildings was rapidly secured by the squad of Sentinels. Fortunately, the number of aberrants on the lowest floor was lacking. Though, the same couldn't be said for the upper floors. Who knows what lurks from above.

In the western building where the two squads of Alpha dwelled, footsteps from the upper floors could be heard. These footsteps came from aberrants attracted by the gunfire that had resounded throughout the walls of the western building.

The two squad leaders of Alpha glance at one another before nodding simultaneously. They gestured their fellow Sentinels towards the staircase, preparing for a stampede. The Sentinels calmly waited and pointed their ferocious and futuristic rifles at the opening of the second floor. 

Silence covered the two squads as one of the squad leaders calmly reported to the FOB.

"Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 will be facing an incoming stampede. A defense line has been formed in the staircase. Probable assaults from the broken windows are high, so it is advised to prepare our comrades for an unexpected attack." 

With his calm yet terrorizing report, Duke coldly nodded and gazed at the surrounding squad leaders who were listening beside him. "Caution is recommended. Prepare yourselves for unexpected variables." Following his words, all of the squad leaders left the tent. 

The ones who remained were the platoon leaders in charge of command and logistics of their respective platoons. Aleph and Bet had serious expressions since a single casualty was unacceptable in the eyes of their Director.

"Take care and complete your mission." Aleph cooly uttered towards his subordinates who were raiding the dangerous western building, which was a bank of some sort. A reply swiftly followed. "The task will be accomplished, Platoon Leader!"

After the response of the squad leaders, who were about to face a stampede of aberrants, a bellowing silence engulfed the tent. Duke clenched his fist, hoping that his subordinates would be safe. He wasn't exceptionally naive as to believe in zero casualty.

But one could hope, right? 

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

*BRRrrrrttt!!!* *BRRrrrrttt!!!* *BRRrrrrttt!!!*

Soon, gunfire sounded from the western building as it echoed throughout the FOB. The piercing cries of thunder covered the air while Duke turned his gaze toward the direction of the bank. Muzzle flashes flickered like lustrous and twinkling stars, gleaming and fading in milliseconds. 

After a short while, the battle calmed down as the three in the tent waited for the report of the two squads. Even Bet found himself tense by the circumstances despite not being the platoon leader of the respective Alpha squads. 

"Alpha 2 Reporting, no casualties, heading to the second floor!"

"Alpha 3 Reporting, no casualties, 53 aberrants dispatched!"

The tense and silent atmosphere of the tent was broken after the reports of the two squads. Fortunately, there were no casualties amongst the Sentinels in the western building. It made him feel relief, though critical about the upcoming operation.

The raiding mission was a test of the Sentinel's capabilities against aberrants. However, it can be considered successful. The Sentinels had done well against the high numbers of aberrants. As long as no variable appeared, there should be no problems in the later operation. 

"Bravo 1 Reporting, the eastern building has been cleared."

"Bravo 4 Reporting, 30 aberrants have been eliminated."

The Bravo squads had done well with their raiding mission and were about to return to the FOB to replenish their ammunition. Meanwhile, the Alpha squads were still securing the bank's second floor. Aberrant strays were all over the second floor, but each stray was quickly eliminated.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

"Alpha 2, a total of 7 strays have been eliminated."

"We will be climbing to the third floor."

Inside the bank, two squads of Sentinels were slowly climbing the staircase while having their rifles pointed at the opening of the third floor. The crimson lenses of their gas mask glinted as a group of aberrants appeared out of nowhere.

Without hesitation or delay, the Sentinels pulled the trigger and began terminating the incoming aberrants. Gunfire flashed over their black clothing with a radiant light as the smell of chemical powder shrouded the air. 

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

*Bang!* *Bang!*

The Alpha squads didn't waste any bullets as each pull of their trigger amounted to a clear headshot. Their accuracy couldn't be underestimated, as their most effective range was over 300 meters while the least effective range was near a kilometer. 

As the Sentinels reached the third floor, they cautiously secured the final floor and couldn't find any more aberrants. It was a complete victory for Cerberus as the squads had no casualties in their raiding mission. So, the squad leaders reported the conclusion of their raid to the main tent.

"Western Building has been secured!"

"Eastern Building secured!"

"Good! I want all of you to return and mount the defenses for the upcoming horde." Duke began throwing their next order, which was to defend the FOB along with the others. Since they had discovered the aberrants and eliminated them, it was to be expected for others to uncover their existence.

""Understood, Director"" The squad leaders responded and went back down to the ground floor through the staircase. They exited the buildings and advanced to Vanguard One and Vanguard Two to prepare for battle. 

On the other hand, Duke glanced at Aleph and Bet, who were awaiting further orders. He had a calm expression as he uttered his orders to the two. "Defend the FOB using Vanguard One and Vanguard Two. Be careful when dealing with the upcoming horde and report if a variable appears."

As he had said before, aberrants have a weird ability to call about other bastards of their kind in a kilometer radius. It was why a single aberrant would transform into a horde in half an hour. Because of this and their current location... It was to be expected for a horde to stampede towards the entrance.

"Understood, my Director. We will defend the FOB no matter what." Aleph saluted before their Director while Bet bowed and also responded. "Not a single aberrant will pass through our line of defense." It was a simple sentence that portrayed Bet's determination.

Duke nodded at them with a smile. He was somewhat delighted by their determination to defend the FOB. This will be the first large-scale battle against an aberrant horde with the Sentinels. Unlike before, where he was hiding in a tiny corner, now they were hiding in an even bigger corner.

Aleph and Bet left the tent, and Duke was left alone for the first time since his arrival in the desolated southern shelter. His appearance hadn't changed since he left New Torrington with the Sentinels. However, Duke did take a short bath that lasted five minutes in the headquarters.

So, he was a bit refreshed compared to before. One can't simply lounge around for an hour while waiting for the Sentinels to adapt and prepare themselves for the operation.

Duke took Dobermann from his holster and glanced at it with a cold gaze. After a short while, he shook his head and left the tent. Duke gazed forward and walked towards the front defense line where Vanguard One and Vanguard Two dwelled. He noticed the armed Sentinels preparing for the battle.

The Sentinels also noticed and gave a swift salute before returning to their former positions. He stood beside Aleph, who was leading the front defense line. Bet should be defending the back against unwanted sneak attacks from the outside.

"Has the preparation concluded?" Duke calmly questioned, and Aleph immediately responded. "The preparation is complete, Director. We are simply awaiting the upcoming wave of aberrants."

"Upcoming wave, huh?" Duke stared at the empty streets in front of them. The Sentinels have already formed a temporary barricade with the help of Vanguard One and Vanguard Two. Fortunately, the street wasn't too wide. Otherwise, it would be problematic for them to defend. 

A cold and damped silence enveloped the air. An army of Sentinels stood before the defense line, pointing their muzzles forward, preparing for the inevitable. The crimson lenses of their gas mask flickered as their muffled breaths could be heard from the filter.

*Tap!* *Tap!* *Tap!* *Tap!* *Tap!*

Amidst the silence was a quiet rumble of footsteps. Duke squinted his eyes before hearing the cries and roars of the monstrous abominations called aberrants. He raised his arms upward with an open hand. The horde of aberrants got nearer and nearer as his hands swiftly closed into a fist. 

The Sentinels were finally given a signal.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

Vanguard One and Vanguard Two fired a couple canisters of yellowish flares into the air. Their radiant light gleamed through the eternal darkness, giving perception to those veiled by it. As the brilliant flares plummeted from the heavens. The horde emerged from the pitch-black. 

The numbers weren't to be underestimated since the horde resembled a monstrous and unstoppable flood. There should be about a thousand of them. And it was beyond what he had expected. He furrowed his eyebrows before pointing Dobermann towards the stampeding horde.

"Oh, well... I can treat them as extra source points." Duke muttered to himself and pulled the trigger without blinking.


A brilliant light enveloped him as the Sentinels around him followed suit and started firing toward the incoming Aberrant Flood. 

Let this be the first step of Cerberus and its first obstacle.