Doomsday Base Upgrade: Hope Shelter and the Goshen County

➤| Vulture Gunship(Military): The Vulture Gunship is a VTOL rotor-wing heavy gunship used by the Cerberus for transport in hazardous airspace. Outfitted with two 75mm chainguns and two Cathartes guided-missiles platforms at the front. The gunship has two-wing ordinance platforms fully stocked with 200 Storm rockets and 24 Thanatos missiles. The aircraft is constructed with a high-grade, reinforced, lightweight metal. It's also equipped with level-15 bulletproof glass capable of resisting heavy armament fire. It has a top speed of 1,250 kilometers per hour with the activation of maximum propulsion. The gunship has an operating range of 1,500 kilometers in a full tank. It could also carry an external cargo of 15 tons with an operational limit of 26 people, including the two pilots. (LOCKED) | 

It took some time for Duke to read the detailed information of the Vulture Gunship. And after reading the digital display, he took a long and deep breath. He never thought the gorgeous and menacing aircraft would be extremely dangerous. Besides, why was it built like a tank? 

The Vulture gunship's speed wasn't to be underestimated since it was over the max speed limit of average airliners. The aircraft also has a vast and extensive operating range at full tank, but its fuel consumption must be incredibly high. 

The external cargo it could carry was 15 tons, which shouldn't be underestimated. It might be capable of transporting an H10 Armored Truck and a Vanguard, making it remarkable in Duke's eyes. Followed by the operational limit of 26 people, the aircraft could also transport a squad or two. 

'And it doesn't even end there... Two 75mm chainguns are extremely powerful in this day and age. Along with the Cathartes guided-missiles platform, it could handle an enemy aircraft alone. However, it also has ground support capabilities with the 200 Storm rockets.'

'How could a single aircraft have so many rockets?' Duke couldn't help but think before shaking his head. The Cerberus has always been power extensive in its vehicles. It would make sense for an aircraft to be so filled with armaments. 

Nonetheless, he closed the digital display and gazed at the intimidating aircraft with his sapphire-like irises. In the crusade against the aberrants, it would be a powerful ground support for the Sentinels. The emergence of aberrant floods wouldn't be too problematic anymore.

Though obviously, the Vulture Gunship did make Duke think of new threats. Especially ones in the air. The heavens shouldn't be as peaceful as one would expect. Otherwise, the Imperium Military would have dominated the continent by now. 

And judging from the circumstances of the world, there should be something impeding the heavens. So, continuing from this thought, it should be the mutated beasts. Precisely the former flying animals known as birds. 

"Birds shouldn't disappear out of nowhere, so they should dominate the skies in this continent. This means I must be careful when deploying the Vulture Gunship and ensure the airspace is clear of threats. I'm sure it could tank attacks, but I'd be against scratching the beauty." 

Duke mumbled and decided against willfully deploying the gunship without any precaution. In his eyes, it was a treasure that should be used carefully. One could consider it as his trump card against dangerous foes.

Since he had reached a viable conclusion, it was time to return to the main tent. He needed to examine the information-related materials collected by the Sentinels. Who knows what he could find within the mountain of papers. And Aurora should be waiting for him.

He didn't wish to waste time and start discussing with her regarding the future path of Cerberus.

The rear Vanguards were already guarding the gunship, so there was no need to worry about it. It was time for the Director to go back. With this in mind, Duke returned to the southern shelter's entrance.

It didn't take long for him to arrive before the main tent. He walked inside the tent and saw Aurora gracefully arranging and examining the information-related materials gathered by the Sentinels. Duke smiled and stepped forward while waving his hands to the Administrator.

"I didn't think the Administrator would be so excited of her duty." He remarked as he sat beside her. Aurora stopped and glanced at him, gradually forming a smile. "Perhaps I feel excitement for my duty, but it is entirely due to interest." 

Duke coolly glanced around and saw no signs of the two aviation pilots he had sent to Aurora. Aurora, noticing his scrutinizing gaze, released a soothing smile. "There's no need to worry about them, Director."

"I was busy investigating the information-related materials in the main tent, so I sent them to platoon leader Bet for briefing. Besides, an experienced Sentinel would have a better explanation of our circumstances than myself." 

Aurora softly explained and continued with the subject regarding the newly gained materials. 

"The information I had learned from the materials collected by the Sentinels is staggering. I am now confident that the southern shelter was formerly a military outpost. It even has a name called Hope."

The words of Aurora deeply interested Duke, so he quietly looked at her as if wanting her to continue. He didn't desire to cease her analysis since the information gained from it would be valuable. Besides, Aurora also seemed to not plan on stopping. 

"According to the papers, the Hope shelter was the third military outpost in Goshen County alongside the Torrington outpost and the Fort Laramie outpost. When the two outposts in the north fell, bridges were ordered to be destroyed to not let the hundreds of thousands of potentially infected flood the south."

"It was a ruthless order from the military, but it did work somehow. The river became a natural barrier between the north and the south. Since the destruction of the bridges, the north couldn't influence the south, resulting in the formation of multiple settlements."

"But even though the plan worked, the military was still called back. So, the army had to abandon the refugee center and leave thousands of survivors behind. However, some didn't go with the military, and they let them be. These remaining soldiers became the force of the shelter."

"The first months since the military left wasn't too problematic. Sadly, it all changed when another group of survivors appeared. They came from the south, the Dominion of Colorado. The group was armed to the teeth and wanted supplies as a price to not attack the shelter."

"While the shelter could fight back, the leaders decided against it. The damages it would bring would be too much. So they paid the group to leave them alone, and the creation of a wall in the rear was halted. The vehicle wall was temporarily created to fill the gap." 

"Unfortunately, they underestimated the greed of the survivors. The outside group wanted more supplies, and it didn't take weeks before a battle started between them. The final material was about the unexpected appearance of an aberrant flood devastating two groups and leaving none alive." 

The information about the southern shelter was a lot. But it did explain a lot of things to Duke. The reason why there were numerous vehicles pointed at the shelter. The insurmountable amounts of casings left behind on the battlefield. And the population spike of aberrants.

After Aurora concluded her deep and detailed analysis, she took out the final information left behind by the fallen settlement. It was a massive map with the entirety of the Goshen Country imprinted on it. Duke gazes at it with shock apparent all over his face. 

What he needed the most was the entire map of the Goshen Country. And he finally had it. 

"Although the map is somewhat damaged, I could still withdraw some information from it. This map should be a resource map since it mainly portrays information on natural resources in Goshen County. Whether mining, farming, lumbering, or many more industrial sectors."

"This map has it all."

The map of Goshen County was wide open for Duke to see. There were many cross marks on the map, signifying some importance. There were also shaded parts indicating the unexplored regions. Duke looked at it with curiosity and calmly remarked. 

"The destruction of the bridges is a well-known information for the survivors of the Goshen County. But the survivors only knew of the Torrington outpost as the only military base in Goshen County. It appears that we underestimated the military."

"There may be many things hidden in the Goshen County, but with the help of this map. At the very least, we wouldn't be going in blind. The resources crossed all over the dozens of locations are valuable. We must secure them and get the resources."

"Though, securing them would be for later. The operation only needs four more locations before its completion. We could target one of the nearby resource depots, but I don't plan on conquering all. After all, we must return to the headquarters to consolidate some things." 

Duke explained his view regarding the subject. While he wanted to get the resources in the locations crossed on the map, he had to take care of the Cerberus and the mission first. The rewards of the operation will be a lot. He must ingest them slowly. Otherwise, he'll choke.

"That does make sense, Director. We must not be impatient in terms of procuring materials for the Cerberus. Since we might bite off more than we could chew. I am in agreement with your views, Director." The edges of Aurora's lips rose as she nodded in understanding.

'As expected of the Director, he knows when to take something and back off. This is a needed mentality when guiding an organization. One must not be greedy, but one must not also be too timid. When a goal is given, accomplish it no matter what.'

'Other rewards or wealth will be for later.'

Aurora felt ecstatic to be working for someone like the Director. A strange individual with excellent capabilities. Even in such a despicable world, the Director appears more human than anyone else. She couldn't stop herself from wondering about their future.

"So what does the Director plan to do next? Shall we leave the southern shelter and head to the next target?" Aurora questioned as her golden irises gazed at the Duke's sapphire-like eyes. Her gaze wasn't scrutinizing as one would expect. It was calm, simply waiting for an answer.

'Next steps, huh? I did plan on heading to other locations for the operation. But I never expected the termination mission to be completed so fast. I have a budget to build an army of Sentinels, but I want something else.'

'Having only Sentinels in an army is bound to have some problems. After all, an army is comprised of multiple types of soldiers. Not one type.' With this thought process, Duke decided to do something before opening the Doomsday Mall. 

"At the moment, I plan on building an army," Duke smirked at the surprised Aurora. He knew she was already thinking of ways to build an army. But there was no need for complexities. 

In mere seconds, a digital display materialized before. Duke looked at it with interest while Aurora had numerous ideas forming inside her head. These ideas were far-reaching, and if Duke ever saw them. He would have been somewhat horrified since some were connected to survivors. 

Nonetheless, the digital display was about one of the rewards he received from the termination mission. It was the Doomsday Base Upgrade Slip.

| Does the Director wish to activate the Doomsday Base Upgrade Slip? (Yes/No) |

Duke swiftly thought of 'Yes' with no hesitation and delay. There was no need to think much about it since it was simply the Doomsday Base Upgrade. Nothing more, nothing less.

| Activating Doomsday Base Upgrade Slip... |

| General Upgrade Cost 20,000 Source Points have been written off! |

| Doomsday Base Level 0 > Doomsday Base Level 1 |

| Congratulations, the Director has upgraded his Doomsday Base to the next level! |


|| Duke Shepherd ||

●| Rank : Director |

●| Doomsday Base : [Level 1] |

●| Domain : [10 square kilometers/ 2,500 acres] |

●| Summoned Unit(s) : [79/1,000] |

●| Constructed Building(s) : [1/20] |

●| Civilian Population(s) : [0/0] |


Duke's status display materialized out of nowhere. He noticed some changes. The size of his Domain increased 10x, and the number of units he could handle was 5x more than before. Before he could react to the changes, more notifications bombarded him as if he was Pearl Harbor in 1941. 

| You have unlocked... |