Are we reincarnated in the Guardian Tales game world?

narator:volume first it's finally out dude I'm going to tell this first volume it's going to bring the story of the three of them in the world-

Fuka:so we've reincarnated huh

Ruka:why are we ghosts?

Zika:athena what is the meaning of this!

athena : wait for the author to finish speaking first

Ruka:what are you talking about I can't hear you!

narator:It's up to me, I'll continue to make my other novels while writing this novel, you guys continue, oh yeah, welcome to the worl-

Zika:so what are our weapons?

athena:Hey, wait for him to finish talking

narator:it's okay just go on

Fuka:well let's look at our elements hopefully not wrong with what the three of us want

Zika:nice fire hahaha

Fuka:loh why i am get darkness Athena!

Ruka:oi noob who wants the earth element? I want darkness and my best friend wants the element of light

Athena:You guys are so spoiled

Ruka:appropriate skill issue no one does good deeds

Athena:OK, OK, I'll change your elements, you're right, it's more troublesome than the other visitors*changing Fuka's element which was originally darkness to light and Ruka's element which was originally earth to darkness*

Fuka:thanks a lot goddess

Ruka:finally so what should we do first?

Zika:fight alter knight?

Fuka:Oya? you want to go to that goddess again?

Ruka:you guys are pretty bad guns

Zika:bruh I only depend on my fire sword

Fuka:how do we try the skills that we imagine, right?

the three of them have high potential strength starting from hand strength obtained by Ruka and Fuka getting speed and the highest battle IQ and Zika has the highest IQ and intelligence but when the explanation continued there were several things that made Fuka distracted and started to draw his named gun

Fuka:Oya? There are disturbing creatures here and I feel there is more than one,let's test come on this gun Oya? i almost forget to named and this gun name is zest *shot at the blind and fell a huge creature *get ready everyone!

Zika:huge this is the name of my sword, Bloody rose sword*kills one big creature*

Ruka:why is there a permanent bug at the beginning of the game? *hit and remove gloves hand in name*darkness destroyer dragon gloves,so many of these

Zika:wait, if there are a lot of them, there must be a lot of villagers being held captive by them!

Fuka:I'll handle this *bang bang bang* it's one hit but there are too many of them I'll try another way*accidentally ultimate to the permanent bugs and kill them all*Oya? do i kill them all?

Zika:oi how do you do that?

Ruka:Zika! behind you

Zika:first Punctures bloody's!*

Ruka:Wow, I also want to release the ultimate

The dragon, which has a large body and considerable strength, wants to challenge the three of them. He brings 2 of his friends so that it becomes a match that is equal

Fuka:damn there are three dragons that are so big I will divide the task that is we just fight one on one


Ruka:Great idea. I'll distract him so we can split up the opponents

the three of them fought near not too far from the location of the village that had just been saved there was Kamael who was healing people together with the bari ,kamael's view of the three people who were fighting desperately against the dragon so that the dragon would not approach the village

kamael:I guess I will leave this task to you my sweet student

bari:where do you want teacher i can take care of this but i have to know where are you going?

Kamael:I will help the three youths

meanwhile inside the volcano Ruka is fighting with his maniac nature

Ruka :yehehehehaha come on here *hits with his dragon gloves hard* hehehha weakly *hits hard repeatedly even though the body is getting tired*

the dragon's roar reached the ears of Zika who was fighting with the mist dragon

Zika:oi oi oi don't hide too much let's fight*relying on instinct and concentrating energy on the sword then unleashed his first artificial technique*fire Puncture! *slashes the dragon's right wing and the dragon starts to spread its blur thicker*

a lot of blood is coming out of the forest and the blood is not human but belongs to the thunder dragon we turn to Fuka first

Fuka:Oya? I guess fighting you is not a problem *right after that there is magic that attacks him and he collapses*

the one who spontaneously attacked was mayreel her really really hate humans so he better help the dragon than help the Fuka, without realizing Fuka has healing skills and he had time to heal his body so that it wasn't too badly injured

Fuka:Oya Oya? *points the gun at the dragon's head then kills it with 8 shots*I told you it's not a big deal

mayreel:how did you manage to slay that legendary dragon?

Fuka:the answer is simple because I have fought more terrible than this (against cammie and alter knight while alive, in the game)

mayreel:no matter who you are you will die here

came up from beside mayreel and said

Fuka:why should i die?*get fatally hit by magic and get thrown from the river into the volcano*

Ruka:*catches Fuka *Yo Fukachi is it okay? Fuka?

Fuka:yeah *blood comes out of his mouth*

Ruka:what attack did you get?

Fuka:magic is quite painful huh (heals himself often silently)

Zika:oi Fuka who's attacking you?

mayreel:so you guys are human huh

Zika:so why? *prepares to draw his sword*

mayreel:No. I just want to send you guys to the afterlife

Fuka:I don't think that will happen miss *appears from behind and smacks neck*

mayreel:ouch!!??*drops from the air to the ground painfully*

Fuka:that's a pay haha

kamael:Enough! *Attacking from the front sent Fuka flying onto a large boulder*

Fuka:ah hurt hehehe

Kamael : sorry for the treatment of my students she released 3 legendary dragons just to kill you

mayreel:it was because they had a connection with the god Athena

Kamael:What ?

Ruka: So you're attacking us just because we have connections with that noob god?

mayreel:How dare you insult the goddess Athena!?

Ruka:*wiping the blood on the head and concentrating the energy on the legs and arms then attacking spontaneously* this is for Fuka!

Kamael:enough you have taught my students a lesson

Zika:after he almost killed my best friend you said enough what do you mean god of the harvest?

Fuka:don't think I can die easily *gets up from his rock bed*it's quite painful too Oya?

kamael:Oya? What's that?

Fuka:You haven't become small. What kind of pact have you made with the goddess of water?

kamael:(How did this young man know about my intentions?)how did you know?!

Fuka:her name is Ara right? she will go to the south ocean in 2 days you can go there

mayreel:what do you really want to do?

Zika:man's secret

Kamael:I will help you as an apology for my students who have turned their backs

Fuka:thanks for the help kamael but we have business we want to do

kamael:okay then this is healing so that your body returns to normal

Fuka :Oya? my body is better

Ruka:we want to ask do you know where the weapons forge is here? and where is the gold mine?

Kamael:bari will help the three of you he will give you food anyways it's getting late

Zika:indeed wise you are the god of the harvest

they all then went to bari's house, when we got there we were greeted warmly by bari

Fuka:oyaaaaa,It's so warm and is gonna make me want to cook something delicious

bari:Don't bother, I've prepared food, you can eat it now

Zika,Fuka, Ruka:apetite bill

the three of them ate together while talking until they were visited by someone and she was mayreel

mayreel:I'm in yes

bari:sure please


Ruka:oi *shouting right and left hand to scare*

Zika:*tightly grips his sword and prepares to use his technique*

Fuka:Thanks for lending me the toilet bari,Oya?

bari:what you don't need to be embarrassed about, you can sleep here for tonight, tomorrow night too

Zika:don't bother we just want to spend the night in for the first day and thanks for the food ,bari*began to unsheathe his sword*

Ruka:*relaxes as usual*

Fuka:*continues drinking and talking to Ruka*

mayreel:bari You know who you helped this time? You can lose your memories if you help these people

bari:mayreel i have wanted to tell you this for a long time that they are good and the one who caused this problem is not you i as your best friend i don't want to blame you because of you release the legendary creature

mayreel:but they came when the light shone and they woke up talking to the god Athena

bari:What does it mean? how come you know that?

mayreel:it's because during the invasion of the permanent bugs I saw them arguing with the god Athena so that their elements could be adjusted

bari:I'll ask you to come too *pulls mayreel's hand*

loli kamael:am i invited?

mayreel:who are you!?

bari:somehow our teacher is now cute *pinch then bring them both into the house*eh Where are all the dirty dishes they used to eat?

Fuka:Oya? You're back, it turns out I cleaned up the plate we used earlier I feel bad because it bothers you

bari:(he has a very motherly nature)thank you let's talk at the dinner table

Fuka:Oya Come on

Ruka: so why are we at the dinner table or dinner phase two? *drinks*

Zika:I don't know if it's going to be a serious conversation

the six of them then gathered at the dining table and talked about how the three of them could have a connection with the god Athena they just talked for quite a while but for sure the three of them didn't say that the world they entered was just an ordinary game that has a good story And they tell about how can they be reincarnated but kamael loli believe because there was a woman who was reincarnated, the next day

Fuka:So we're going to the dungeon? gold or exp?

Ruka:Is level 90 not enough?

Zika:exceed, but what we lack is strength as well

Fuka:rings, merchandise and cards are all we don't have yet

Zika:so I've made sure we have to go to the gold dungeon first

Ruka,Fuka:Come on!

the three of them then went to the gold dungeon so they could get Gold and exp and rare items to upgrade gear so that their full power felt well

Fuka:Oya look at that there are three bosses like yesterday we split up?

Ruka:let me go first

Zika:oi wait!

Fuka:you really have to watch out for it

the three of them were dungeoned for a few weeks when they came out they were pretty hungry and weak and at that moment someone came with a lot of food

little princess:ne ne that who looks like he's starving knight give them food

Loraine:Ara What is happened here little princess?

little princess:let's eat first

Fuka:thank you we are too pushy to grind for a long time

Ruka:this is really delicious

Zika:I feel grateful after eating this thank you very much little princess

little princess:let's play together after eating

Fuka: I am coming along

Ruka:I also play

Zika:Alright oh Iyah Loraine do you know where the forge is?

Loraine:there to the right and how did you know my name?

Zika:guessing Fuka,Ruka you guys bring your weapons here I'll bring them to the forge

Ruka:Of course!

the four of them

little princess,Fuka,knight,Ruka play happily in the kingdom of tetan without them knowing there is an impending and challenging danger

narator:Yo what's up I will immediately release my other novels, thank you for reading my novels. Moreover, I only update once a week, I'm sorry