belial's vessel

chapter opens with Pricilla became a belial container by force and the three friends and knight and Claude would free Pricilla Pricilla is trapped in an unknown world but she has such a strong determination to take her body back

Claude:I sealed my daughter for a few hours but I have to evacuate the demons and vampires son do I really want to help this former governor?

Fuka:oya? why not?there is a plan we have to evacuate them first huh?

Claude:Citizens safety is more important but more important my beloved daughter

Fuka:the blood of your daughter I can see his memory I can feel it, she feels, her father is not very good to her daughter and her father is so cold and has no feelings

Claude:something is wrong I always protect and care for my beloved daughter

Fuka:I don't know why for sure this is the work of the damn devil can you explain when we make plans?

Claude:You are really ordered me to make a plan?

Fuka:not you the governor but us

Claude:I appreciate you okay I will order Pricilla's guard that is Valencia will take care of the citizens we can focus on my daughter

Fuka:Oya? a father who loves his daughter so much

Claude:i wish she would be governor Yang could surpass her father

Fuka:Oya? OK then, here's the plan I will be the bait so that I can get Pricilla out of the demon's influence. I can feel a tremendous power taking over her body and it gives me goosebumps and also do you know the name the devil and the history of the devil?

Claude:he is belial he will always come back when he has been defeated he was the one who killed me when Pricilla was born

Fuka:so that's it ok let's go

the two of them then left the castle and went to the place where belial was being sealed together with Pricilla

Claude:Iris I will save our daughter

meanwhile in world 11where Zika is looking for help but instead he gets into such a big problem, namely dealing with the dark wizard "Beth" she is so strong and carries his weapon "predator" and this inevitable fight ensued

Beth:I think there is an entity trapped here huh

Zika:oi oi don't be like that you dark wizard *his sword attacks that can be parried*

Beth:I think you are an interesting opponent huh

Zika:whatever "bloody circle of Devils!" *attack from Zika is enough to make Beth angry and start to get serious* I guess you'll wait for me Here huh?

Beth:loser like you I will kill here too *full mighty power has been unleashed*DIE!

the fight between the two was very hard and made Zika very tired because fighting a magician who had a lot of experience and strength was so great and strong that he was quite overwhelmed he uses gun and says

Zika:bloody's riders! Ambush's Goddamn!

Beth:useless useless useless useless useless

Beth was hit by so many attacks but was still relaxed and the fight there showed that the difference in their strength was very different and Beth would end Zika's life right there.

Zika:*lots of blood coming out and wounds that are so fatal and blurred vision* why do I have to die here?

Beth:don't worry I'll kill you with pain so fast you don't feel a thing

the predator was positioned and attacked blindly then stabbed many times and many times for so many times and he was dropped in a sea of ​​blood under the battlefield,Zika was hit by the attack and fell as he fell he said

Zika: sorry Fuka, Ruka, I can't keep my promise it seems I will die first

at the moment Zika loses a lot of blood and all parts of its body are damaged, Kanna tried to help but was immediately killed sadistically, Zika had really lost everything and he was on the verge of death suddenly his sword "rose" absorbed all the blood on the battlefield and the blood in it Zika speaks with his sword "rose"

(Zika: can I absorb all this blood? will i be strong? I guess yes I will kill that dark wizard too now)

absorbing all the blood on the battlefield and becoming a figure who has wings and then his sword is crimson his strength greatly increased greatly

Beth :There's no way you're absorbing all that blood?!?!

Zika:oi oi hahahaha I Alive and kicking

Beth:You're already dying but you've also prepared the energy to absorb all the blood

Zika:when you stabbed me with your predatory blade i already prepared energy for the first time then I combined the two energies namely Water and fire to make the energy that made me come back ,and I call this technique "bloody reverse" easier to say right? and I still don't understand why a strong man like you should be a slave

Beth:(he talks too much and what is bloody reverse i never heard of such stupid technique ,he's high) i am going to lose?*unleashes all its potential *I think our battle has just begun

Zika:oi is it? oi MAYBE SO!

Beth: I'll end it *move fast and attacks with full predator power*

The attack was dodged so easily

Beth:how about this *attacks blindly again but is dodged*(how is he behind me?)

Zika:the seventh technique " the blood-red slash!"

Beth parried the massive attack with her sword then was sent flying away

Beth: It's like fighting a harvester, luckily my bones aren't all that bad(so that's your seventh technique stupid name,I will learn your power 1 crazy speed which can be said like teleport.2 both can read attacks just by looking at them and returning them with their weapons. 3 and his third power is the taking of blood and rebirth a second time ) I guess I can hold it all in (got the idea to beat it) (something is wrong,something is wrong, not only my feelings)I'LL KILL YOU!

*starts the fight and starts the action*

Zika:(Sorry, Ruka, Fuka ,I'm not scolding myself right now,because I'm weak)

*looked around and went up to the sky and said*


eighth technique "blood of the dimension breaker" *the attack was successfully parried and Zika has fallen into Beth*'s trap

Beth :(what did he say and what power is that?!)I guess you'll be back to your friends *opens a portal and teleports Zika to where Fuka is and says* dumbass

after going to world 14 If and Clause along with Fuka work together but something absurd happens during their meeting

Claude:do you like my daughter?

Zika:nah nah i just help my best friend sir

Claude:watch him Fuka *run first*

Fuka:okay governor

Zika:how did you get the governor's trust?

Fuka:simple I just help her child but I'm aga simple I just help his child but I was surprised he became belial's vessel and we must destroy it

Zika:ok i will help you guys

Fuka:thank you bro

they then came to the place where Pricilla was sealed and they were quite surprised because the seal had been released and Pricilla was already there Claude tried but there was a barrier blocking him and ordered Zika to enter and Fuka too but unknowingly belial was trapping them and at that time belial slashed Fuka in the chest but was protected by Zika

Zika:retreat idiot we have to destroy this barrier first" the blood-red slash!"

Fuka:cool, bro, I want to learn what kind of technique that is

Zika: no let's not now we have to fight him first

Claude:thanks for breaking the barrier you were so helpful ,the fight has just started


three against one has taken place and the fight was enough to make the demon world shake because the aftermath of that fight was so harsh and also this fight was so much fun but Claude remained focused on one goal, namely to save his daughter Fuka, and then performed a skill, namely separating the body from body and it works but there is one thing we have to worry about, namely the hands must be sacrificed

Claude :you fool do you really want to sacrifice your right hand to save my daughter what is it that you want to marry her?

Fuka:this is not about romance or marriage the governor, she was the first person who liked the bread that I made hahaha "spacial racial Hands off!"

Zika:you really are more than stupid , Fukachi

Claude:damn Zika let's make a diversion

the three of them then did it and that fight Fuka managed to take back Pricilla then his right hand was indeed lost but he could be healed BELIAL it was really very strong but the battle IQ of Claude and Fuka as well as their knowledge and determination managed to prevent the destruction of the demon world.everyone then announced that we had won and Claude took them all back to the castle while holding Pricilla (a little explanation that Pricilla's memory had returned and realized her father is a good person and cares so much for his beloved daughter then when Fuka takes care of little Pricilla something happens.

Fuka:Oya? this is very cool Oh, Pricilla, let's eat with your father

Pricilla:yes I'll be there (lust wants to suck my blood so strong)

Zika:I don't know it seems I feel the desire to suck blood is so strong

Fuka:don't assume Zika you will mess up this banquet

Zika:nah sorry sorry I didn't mean it like that

Claude:where are you?

Pricilla:I'm here dad

Claude:(dad? I'm so so happy to see my daughter doesn't hate me, damn it) let's go to the dinner table

while they were all eating at the dining table and finishing eating Pricilla came to Fuka and said

Pricilla:sorry Fuka you are a good person but I hurt

Fuka:Oya? no what hurts me it is bel-

Pricilla:*bites his neck and sucks Fuka's blood with such lust*

Claude:Damn Pricilla she must have lost because the blood didn't last long huh

Zika:I told you stupid*want to pull but hesitate* I don't think it's necessary to just let the governor he can heal himself

Claude:What do you mean? is he a healer?

Fuka:so weak my blood sucked all of it *passes out*

Pricilla:sorry sorry Fuka I didn't mean it like that, Fuka? Fuka? Fuka's father why? did i kill him?

Claude:daddy don't know just ask Zika

Zika:he's about to heal himself *feels the sucked blood is all*damn drink this blood Fukachi

fuka then drank all the blood that was given and got better because he was saved

Pricilla:I will do anything to get your apology please forgive me

Fuka:don't hate your dad,I've heard everything from your father you're just being tooled up by that damn demon god

Pricilla :can i cry and hug you?

Fuka:without you asking me to allow it

so much crying and so many words were thrown from fuka to advise Pricilla and we turn to Ruka he is facing a person who has lost everything alter knight

Ruka:I think I have to end this stupid battle

alter:I don't think I'm weak I'll kill you!

the fight from these two sides is enough to make three buildings in world 12 destroyed because of Ruka's large-scale attacks that can destroy anything while being a psychopathic fighter and the strength is big enough and makes the fight worth it, the fight doesn't really take many words out of the previous fight what I'm saying here is the fight this is a fight called"chaos chaotic of lifes"

the ending of this fight i will announce in volume four someone from volume zero will return with a different face the end of volume three has ended.finally done bro now i am gonna work on volume four anyway i haven't had the chance to continue the arifureta spin off because i haven't got the material for the story to make it more interesting, so that's all from me sayonara