What it Looks Like to Have Friend

"Hey there, hey Big Broo, hey! Ready for a little guessing game?" Viona's voice bubbled over with enthusiasm as she playfully tugged at the fabric of Gilang's sleeve, a contagious energy in her eyes.

Gilang's lips curled into an amused smile, his curiosity piqued. "Alright, spill it, Viii. What's the mystery?"

A grin danced across her face as she practically beamed. "Guess what? I've got myself a new buddy!"

"Hmm?" Gilang's raised eyebrow and skeptical expression showed his intrigue.

Viona nodded vigorously, her eyes gleaming like stars on a clear night. "No kidding! Her name's Kiara, and she's the one who threw out the 'let's be friends' offer!"

"Kiara?" Gilang repeated thoughtfully. "The name does ring a bell, I'll give you that. Wait, don't tell me... Kiara, the same one who jokingly calls me 'Uncle'?"

Bursting into infectious laughter, Viona clapped her hands in delight. "Bingo! You've got it, Brother! Kiara's the one and the same – she's the 'Uncle'-calling expert!"

Gilang couldn't help but slap his forehead with a mix of disbelief and humor. "What are the odds, seriously? The world's a tiny place, I swear."

Unfazed by Gilang's comically exasperated reaction, Viona shifted her attention to her phone, her thoughts already drifting towards a message she could send to Kiara.

This marked a new chapter for Viona. She'd ventured into friendship territory with someone who not only had previous knowledge of her family dynamics but also seemed unfazed by the quirks that defined the Amethyst family. It was a refreshing change from the individuals who would approach her family with ulterior motives, aiming to extract any advantages they could.

Take Queena, for example. Back when Viona and Queena had first clicked, Queena had come across as a reserved and self-reliant individual. Yet, as time flowed, Queena's confessions started revolving around her family's financial woes, leaving her helpless.

Out of genuine sympathy, Viona had rallied her connections, working anonymously to provide Queena's family with resources like advertisements and drama opportunities. However, in hindsight, Viona couldn't shake off the feeling that Queena might have discerned the source and purpose of these kindnesses. Instead of gratitude, Queena had ultimately swiped someone dear from Viona's life.

Shaking off the unwelcome thoughts, Viona forced her focus back to the present – a future paved with the promise of a friend who cherished her for herself, unburdened by the demands of wealth and status. It was a bond she intended to nurture with all the care in the world.

Viona's excitement was palpable as she scrolled through her phone, contemplating what message to send to her new friend Kiara. Gilang's irritation seemed to dissipate as he watched Viona's enthusiasm, unable to stay frustrated for long in the face of her infectious energy.

"Absolutely, Viii," Gilang remarked with a chuckle, his eyes reflecting the amusement in his tone. "The fact that Kiara is the same one who playfully calls me 'Uncle' is beyond surprising. Talk about a small world, huh?"

Viona's lips curled into a delighted grin, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of excitement and contentment. "Isn't it? Life has its own way of weaving these unexpected connections."

As Viona continued typing away on her phone, Gilang's curiosity burned bright. "So, spill the beans, Viona. How did you and Kiara end up becoming fast friends, of all things?"

With a brief pause to gather her thoughts, Viona's fingers danced across the screen as she recounted the story. "It started with a simple compliment, really. Kiara mentioned how much she admired my voice and wondered why I hadn't ventured into singing. I explained that acting was my passion, and that sparked a back-and-forth. We discovered shared interests, clicked instantly, and the conversation just flowed. She's genuine, Gilang, and that's what matters the most. She doesn't judge based on my family's reputation."

Gilang nodded in understanding, his gaze attentive. "It's heartwarming to find someone who sees beyond the surface and appreciates the real you."

Viona's agreement was fervent. "Absolutely! Kiara's positivity is infectious, and her sincerity is a breath of fresh air. She's not like those who come around with ulterior motives, aiming to ride on our coattails."

Gilang leaned back, a thoughtful expression gracing his features. "You know, genuine friendships are like precious gems. They're rare, but when you find them, they're invaluable."

Viona's smile widened, mirroring Gilang's sentiment. "You're so right, Gilang. Kiara feels like a gem in my life, and I intend to treasure and nurture our friendship."

As Viona continued composing her message, the atmosphere was one of shared understanding – a recognition of the importance of authenticity and connection in a world often driven by opportunism. And Gilang smiled, realizing that Viona had found a genuine friend who could provide the companionship she truly deserved. "Well, I'm glad you've found someone like that."

Viona finished typing her message and showed it to Gilang before sending it. "What do you think, should I send this?"

Gilang read the message and nodded approvingly. "Perfect. Just be yourself."

Viona hit the send button, her heart racing a little with excitement. Moments later, her phone buzzed with a response from Kiara. Viona's eyes lit up as she read the message, and she couldn't help but giggle.

"What did she say?" Gilang asked, curious.

Viona held up her phone, showing Gilang the screen. Kiara's message read: "Hey Viii! So glad you messaged. Let's plan something fun together soon! 🎉"

Gilang chuckled. "Looks like you've got plans now."

Viona grinned from ear to ear. "Definitely! I can't wait. This is going to be so much fun!"

As Viona and Gilang continued chatting about Viona's new friend and the exciting prospects ahead, Viona couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected connection she had made with Kiara. And as for Kiara, little did she know that her friendship with Viona would bring a refreshing change to both their lives, filled with genuine camaraderie and shared adventures.

And so, a new chapter began in Viona's life, one filled with the promise of a true and lasting friendship.