Chapter 2: Partner

"Release me human"

The tiger growled through the shirt, glaring a hole through Ren's face. Ren sighed and rolled up his sleeves, returning the stare.

"I would if I knew how, you think I want you here?"

Ren's eyes lit up, he had an idea. *Swoooosh! Swooosh!* he began to swing his arm around in a circle, messing with the tiger.

"Stop this."

The tiger growled, making it's way towards Ren's chest. Ren smiled a little at the request, delighted at the fact that he could mess with the tiger.

"you can feel that?"

Ren asked and stopped swinging his arms, only to be met by silence.

"Not much of a talker huh?"

Ren sat down to think, while the tiger assumed a laying position on Ren's right shoulder. Ren felt annoyed at the relaxed mood the tiger was exuding.

"hey, don't just lay there, help me figure out this situation."

Ren began shaking his right shoulder in an attempt to wake up the tiger. The tiger got up and glared at Ren, disdain filled his eyes.

"What is there to figure out, I do not exist in this time, so my soul was bonded to your body as well" the tiger stretched and yawned, before laying back down.

"Wait, how old are you?"

Ren had a look of confusion in his eyes. The tiger raised it's head and stared at Ren, before answering in a deadpan voice.

"by the time of our fight, I was 6 in human years."

"wait, so you successfully destroyed Aegis city as a 1 year old?" Ren's eyes widened in shock.

"No, I was under someone at the time, that someone is who I got the time crystal from."

The tiger got up and assumed a sitting position, grooming itself.

"me and my forces were majorly weakened by the time of our fight, you are the luckiest human I know."

The tiger stared at Ren in slight hatred. "yeah yeah, I thought something was wrong at the time." Ren got up from the floor, and made way towards the kitchen.


Startled, Ren turned around and saw his 10 year old brother, who was still rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.

"Jun! you're awake?"

Ren flashed a bright smile, feeling immensely happy finally seeing his little brother after all those years. How many times has he dreamed of this moment? The years of solitude almost made him go crazy.

"yep, you talking to yourself in the bathroom woke me up, be a weirdo quieter next time yea?"

Jun flashed a cheeky smile back, and Ren's smile froze. His 5 years without his brother made his memory of him better, but reality is often disappointing.

"Shut it, just go wash up while I make breakfast"

Ren ruffled Jun's hair and pushed him towards the bathroom, opening the door for him.

"HEY!" Jun shouted in protest, but he still obediently went to the bathroom.

While making breakfast, Ren began experimenting with the tiger. Ren felt that him talking to himself is a surefire way to get labeled a maniac.

'hey, can you hear my thoughts?'

Ren thought, staring at the tiger on the back of his hand. The tiger stared back, his gaze was cold and devoid of amusement.

'of course, how did you think I was communicating with you? I couldn't talk when I had my body." the tiger then began making its way back towards the shoulder.


Ren thought, shaking his head at all the attitude he had to deal with today. Ren sighed and continued to work on the breakfast. While making breakfast in silence, Ren broke the silence to propose a contract for the tiger.

'Heres the deal tiger, can I call you Tony?'

'No' The tiger growled back.

'how about Chester?'

Ren continued, listing any big cat mascot names he remembers.

'No, I have a name' the tiger replied. Annoyance apparent in his voice.

'Oh? what is it?' Ren asked while looking at his frosted flakes box.

'I was known as King.'

'bit much, but sure.' Ren shrugs, putting the frosted flakes box back.

'heres the deal King, I need you to tell me any information you know about the higher order mutant beasts, this is for our mutual survival.'

King laid back down and casted a disgusted side glance at Ren, almost like he's looking at a lower life form.

'It's not like I can refuse, but on one condition.'

Ren raised his eyebrows, 'you just said you have no choice, what makes you think you can negotiate?' King looked Ren in the eyes 'Because I can do this for you'

*Fwoosh* a white aura began emitting around Ren's right arm, taking the shape of a tiger's paw.

Ren swings his new arm around, surprised at the strength and speed, slicing through the air with sharp whistling sounds. As King recalled his power, the aura then disappeared.

'I can offer you power, in exchange, I want you to find me a vessel as soon as possible.'

Ren raised an eyebrow, 'why would I free you, who has killed me and my brother in the future?' King started making it's way towards the spoon, before becoming a stationary tattoo in Ren's hand.

'Right now, I am possessing this spoon, but my soul is attached to that tattoo. I just want the freedom to move around, find me a suitable vessel for this.' King then began moving again, in his arm, then stared at Ren, waiting for an answer.

'Alright, but just know that if you misbehave, I will kill myself and you to save my loved ones'

Ren replied solemnly, then started on his breakfast.

'That is fine by me, I just want freedom to move around again' King laid back down on Ren's shoulder, closing his eyes.

'Roger that, Partner.'