Chapter 4: Power

'Tastes like candy.'

Ren rolled the ability rock in his mouth as it rapidly dissolves. King stared expectantly at Ren, waiting for any indication of the ability manifesting. As more and more time passed by, King became increasingly irritated at the lack of change.

'Do you feel anything yet?'

King asked, irritation apparent in his voice. Ren looked apologetically at King, he didn't feel any change at all.

'No, not rea-' *Fwump* Ren suddenly falls over, his eyes emitting a faint blue light.

'Ren! Is it happening?'

King shouted with excitement, pacing back and forth within Ren's arm. 30 Minutes goes by, and Ren still hasn't woken up, King began feeling worried, and he checked if he felt anything threatening his existence.

After confirming he was fine, King relaxed. As he and Ren were connected, if he was fine, Ren was as well. King then laid down, quietly waiting for Ren to wake up.

"where is this place?"

Ren wondered out loud, looking around at his pure white surroundings. The place seems to have no walls, ceiling or floor. Ren could walk around, but he doesn't know which way was up or down.

Suddenly, an old man appeared, and with him came a beautiful grassy landscape. Ren quickly composed him self and turned to look at the old man. He did the best bow he could and politely spoke.

"Hello sir, may I ask if you are to teach me an ability?"

The old man silently looks at Ren, before he takes off his robe, revealing a scarred and battered body. He gestures for Ren to follow him, before leaving towards a forest.

Ren quickly catches up, not wanting to miss anything the old man was supposed to show him. After walking for a while, the two arrives at an opening, where one training dummy and multiple contraptions laid. The old man assumed position in front of the dummy, and glanced at Ren.

"I'm watching, please begin when you're ready."

Ren sat down, eyes glued onto the old man. The old man turned back, took a deep breath and flipped a switch. Click, multiple trap contraptions came to life and shot attacks at the old man, arrows, logs, rocks and bullets flew at the old man.

"Huuuuuuuu..." The old man breathed out, a white aura slowly surrounds him.

*Clink clink clink, BOOM.* The attacks hit the old man all at once, and when the dust settled, the old man seemed unscathed.

"Is it a defensive ability?"

Ren wondered out loud, eyes glued to the old man, fascinated at how the frail old man withstood a small army's worth of attacks. Ren felt delighted at the prospect of him obtaining that defence skill, but his thoughts were soon interrupted.


The old man shouted, his white aura turns golden and he punches out at the dummy, blasting it to nothing, as well as a small portion of the forest behind it.


Ren quickly stood up, running towards the old man. Excitement was overflowing from him.

"Is this the ability?"

Ren excitedly asked the old man, looking at him in anticipation. The old man looked at Ren, before nodding and steps to the side.

As the old man sits down, the training grounds returned to it's original state. Ren, now standing in the position of the old man nervously looked around, noticing all the traps surrounding him.

"From now on, you will learn my reversal technique."

The old man slowly explained, a slight change to his expression began setting in.

"The training will be harsh, but since you cannot die here, There is no problem."

The old man flashed a sadistic smile at Ren, sending shivers down his back.

"Wait, I thought I would learn an ability instantly?" Ren nervously asked, glancing at the weapons surrounding him.

"Time works different here, you will have time to learn."

The old man explained, then he pulled out a button and flashed a smile at Ren. "I have sent the fundamental theories behind the technique to your mind, it is now time for you to practice."

"Wait, I'm not read-" *Click.*