Chapter 15: It's okay

Ren walked back into the house as calmly as he could, trying to contain the rage inside him.


Ren took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the little girl, intending to introduce himself and console her. When Ren got close enough for her to hear, the little girl turned to face the back of the sofa, trying to contain her sniffling.

Ren noticed this action and felt saddened, she's around Jun's age but she acted like she was walking on eggshells. Shaking this thought away, Ren put on a bright smile and stopped in front of the couch, he then crouched down to speak to her.

"Hello there, my name is Ren, what's your name?"

The little girl didn't respond, Ren could only hear stifled sobs coming from her. Not to be deterred, Ren reached into his pocket and grabbed a chocolate bar.

"Here, you must be hungry. I took this from my brother so eat it quickly!"

After a minute of silence, the little girl finally turned around with tears silently streaming from down her face. She then looked at Ren with her amber eyes and finally opened her mouth.

"Wh-Where is m-mommy-y and d-daddy?"

Ren's smile faltered at the question, not knowing how to respond just yet. However, Ren quickly regained his bright smile and told a white lie.

"Mommy and daddy are working, they told me to take care of you."

The little girl got up from the couch and shook her head, she then pointed to Elios who was standing outside.

"Liar, that brother said they didn't want to take care of me..."

Ren put the chocolate bar on the couch and patted her head.

"Your mommy and daddy asked ME to take care of you, not them. So of course they said that."

The little girl looked at Ren in suspicion, before deciding to trust Ren for now. She carefully picked up the chocolate bar and began eating, enjoying every bite. Ren watched in relieve as she bought his story, acting more her age now.

"Now that you're feeling better, could I know your name?"

The little girl looked up from her chocolate bar and at Ren's face, she quickly swallowed her food and replied.

"M-my name is Nina."

Ren smiled and patted Nina's head, he then handed her a second chocolate bar, before headed for his bag. Rummaging through, Ren found the soul container for King, it was a tiger plush modified to tougher by blue crystals. Ren took the plush out, checked that King was still asleep and walked back.

"Here Nina, I want to give you a gift for our first meeting. Do you like it?"

Nina looked at the white tiger plush, before quietly nodding her head. Ren smiled and handed her the plush, before picking her up to move upstairs.

"You're so quiet and obedient, nothing like a certain sibling I have..."

Before Ren could continue, Jun rushed down the stairs.


Nina hid in Ren's arms, startled by the yelling. Ren noticed this and lightly chopped Jun's head, silencing him.


Jun held his head, exaggerating his pain. Ren sighed and patted Jun's shoulder, he then pointed to Nina with his chin, signalling him to look closer. Jun stopped his whining when he saw the chocolate bars in Nina's hand, he then quietly following Ren upstairs.

Nina saw the dejected look on Jun's face and offered the uneaten chocolate bar in her hands. An apologetic look on her face as she looked at Jun.

"I'm sorry I ate your candy... Do you want this back?"

Jun looked at her in surprise before shaking his head, he then shyly smiled at Nina, his ears turning slightly red.

"It's okay, you can have it! But let me know your name in return okay? My name is Jun!"

Ren looked at the slightly red ears on Jun and knowingly smiled at him, prompting a swift kick to his calves from Jun. Laughing silently, Ren listened to the conversation between the two.

A few hours later, Ren picked Nina back up and made his way towards Olivia's room. When Ren got there, he knocked and waited with Nina and Jun still talking.

"Olivia! you there?"

*Click* the door opened a short while later, and Olivia peeked out from within. Her hair still wet after taking her shower.

"What's up Re-"

Olivia's eyes opened wide when she saw Ren carrying Nina, she quickly got out of the room to get a better look.

"Hello there! You're finally awake!"

After Nina and Olivia got acquainted with each other, Ren interrupted their bonding to ask his question.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have to ask you for a favour Olivia. Could Nina stay with you tonight? I don't think she should sleep in our room."

Olivia nodded in agreement and offered to take Nina off Ren's arms.

"It's okay! I can walk on my own!"

Nina pulled away from Ren and landed on her feet, she then hugged the plush tiger and waved goodnight to Ren and Jun.

"Goodnight! Thank you for giving me fluffy big brother Ren! Thank you for the candy Jun!"

Ren smiled and waved back, before dragging stun locked Jun back to their room, telling him to sleep.

"Alright lover boy, sleep tight now. I'm going to keep watch down stairs, shout for me if you're in trouble."

*Clack* Ren closed the door quickly, escaping the room before Jun could process what he was saying. Ren subconsciously smiled as he made his way downstairs, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he watched the dark outside.