Chapter 17: Seed

After hours of walking, even the originally energetic Jun began to feel the fatigue. He and the rest of the group slowed down their pace, struggling to keep up with Ren's consistent walking.


Jun called out to Ren in exhaustion, the backpack full of supplies began feeling like a mountain resting on his shoulders.


Ren turned around to look at the exhausted group, already lagging behind a few meters. Realizing what was going on, Ren scanned the surroundings before spotting a gas station a kilometre away.

"Sorry guys, you must be exhausted. Let's rest there."

Ren pointed to the gas station down the road, and hope filled the groups eyes. With newly gained energy, Jun lead the group happily towards the gas station.


As Jun got closer, he realized that there were people hiding in the gas station. Jun immediately stopped and informed Ren, who was helping Nina with her bags. Ren looked at the gas station, before walking in front of Jun.

"Stay here."

Ren channeled King's power to his legs and dashed towards the gas station, stopping in front of the blocked off front entrance. Ren took a quick look around before knocking on the glass door.


As Ren shouted through the door, the survivors inside flinched at his shouting, scrambling to hide behind anything. Watching as the people inside hide, Ren stayed on high alert, trying to figure out what they were afraid of.

*Hissssssss* A low hissing sound filled the air, seemingly coming from nowhere. Ren readied the reversal technique as the hissing got louder, anticipating an attack. *HISSSSSSS...* The sound was deafening now, but there was no change in the surroundings.

'King, do you see anything?'

Ren's back was on the blocked off door, and there were no sign of a mutant beast anywhere, Ren made sure of it. *HIIIIIIISSSSSS!!!* The hissing sound continued as Ren kept looking.


Ren channeled King's energy and stomped as hard as he could, cracking the earth open. Expecting something to jump out, Ren quickly raised his arms in defence, but nothing happened. *HIIISSSSSS...!!!* The hissing sound continued, but seemed a bit quieter now.

'Ren, it's been scared by your display.'

Ren nodded, thinking deeply. *Hissssss....!!* The hissing sound was getting quieter, Ren was sure it was backing away. Realizing this, Ren quickly got on the ground, resting his back to the door.

'King, keep on the lookout while I pretend to be tired'

Ren closed his eyes and pretended to breathe heavily, trying to seem as weak as possible.

'What a pain, I almost wish it would attack me instead of being smart.'

Ren took a small peek around, hoping to see the hidden mutant. However, when he saw the same old scenery, he closed his eyes again.

'The hissing stopped, do you think he left?'

King looked around, trying to catch any detail before he replied.

'No mutant beast would leave a meal behind, but this one is smarter than the average beast.'

Hearing the uncertainty in King's voice, Ren sighed and got up. He tried knocking on the door again, shouting at the survivors inside.


As Ren shouted to get the group's attention, King kept a close lookout. Staying as still as possible, King waited for any change on Ren's neck. *hiss...* King perked up, a familiar yet quiet hiss sounded in the surroundings once more.

'Keep going Ren, shout as loud as you can.'

Ren understood Kings request and began shouting even louder, his voice began drowning out the quiet hiss. As Ren caused an uproar, King kept a close eye on things from Ren's neck, hoping to catch the mutant beast.

*BANG BANG BANG!* as the sound of Ren slamming the door filled the air, King noticed a shimmer in the air.

'Behind you, next to the garbage can.'

*BOOM!* Ren quickly turned around and kicked off the ground with a small explosion, blasting his way towards the mentioned location. Ren readied his fist as he got closer, King's power flowing through. *BAM* Ren struck the ground with incredible force, cracking the ground around the garbage can.

*HIIIIISSSSS!!!!* Suddenly, a large snake around 7 meters in length slowly appeared out of thin air, undoing it's near perfect camouflage. Ren smiled as the snake looked at him warily, before he slowly began disappearing from the tail.

"Oh no you don't"

Ren rushed up to the snake and grabbed it in a bear hug, strengthening his grip with each passing second. *Crack crack!* As the bone's within the snake begin to shatter, the snake cried out in pain.


Thrashing around, the snake tried to desperately shake Ren off, but his grip was too strong. *Crunch!* with the last sickening crunch of the snake's bones, it went limp in Ren's arms, dead.


Ren dropped the corpse, before ripping it's chest open, intending to find the ability stone. *Squelch* As Ren reached inside, the blood and gore made disgusting sounds, but Ren was used to it.

"That had to be a skill, where is it...?"

Ren felt around for the familiar small orb, before King interrupted.

'It's on it's head.'

Ren froze and looked at King, he took his arm out and slowly walked towards the head. As Ren looked at his bloody clothes and then the orb, he looked at King in resentment.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

King ignored Ren and curled up, falling back asleep. Sighing, Ren walked up to the ability orb and ripped it out of the snake's head. As he rolled the orb in his palms, Ren wondered if he should learn this skill.

Pocketing it for now, Ren walked back towards the gas station with the snake in tow.


Ren shouted, setting the snake down in an open area for them to see. A few moments later, a middle aged man peeked through the window.

"Oh my god...!"

The middle aged man quickly turned back, informing the others to open the doors. As the survivors inside spilled out, they had tears in their eyes when they saw the dead snake.

"Thank you so much...!"

Each survivor walked up to Ren and thanked him earnestly, causing him to feel a bit embarrassed. As the last person walked out, Ren told the group about his people up the road, asking if they could rest here.

"Of course young man, we don't own this place, and we owe you for helping us!"

Ren thanked them and quickly ran back to the group, informing them of the situation. As Jun and the rest of the group met up with the survivors, Olivia and Ren helped some of the older survivors cook while the rest waited.


As Elios watched Ren and Olivia happily chatting, he felt resentment well up inside him, threatening to explode out. He's never felt like this before, jealousy and resentment so thick he could taste it in his mouth. As Elios continued to watch Ren and Olivia, a small piece of blue snow fell on the back of his neck, disappearing into his body.