Chapter 22: Difference in strength

Over the next few days, the group steadily made their way towards zone 3. The journey had been smooth sailing for Ren, because Elios has taken it upon himself to do all the fighting. Jun and the rest was surprised at Elios's newfound strength at first, but they decided to not pry deeper, due to the instinctual fear they felt towards Elios.

With every monster Elios massacred in glee, the group felt more and more fear. While Ren didn't feel fear towards Elios, he did feel less confident in his ability to beat Elios. This is because over the few days of travel, King and Ren observed that Elios was leagues stronger and faster than Ren. This difference in physical ability should've been overcome by the reversal technique, but King was convinced Elios had a non physical ability he was hiding.

'Each primal demon is unimaginably powerful. When they decide to mutate a human, the human should gain more than physical enhancements.' King said, quietly observing Elios.

King tried to recall all the primal demons he knows, while trying to match it to Elios. King watched as Elios giggled uncontrollably, ripping apart a mutant bear with his hands. He watched the uncontrollable joy on Elios's face as the blood sprayed all over the place.

'Is it the demon of Wrath? Or perhaps the demon of Hatred?'

King couldn't figure it out, Elios's behaviour seemed to have no primal emotion behind it. Was he wrong? Maybe Elios isn't being mutated, maybe he just grew stronger in the mana rich world.

'No, the humans don't have mana until a year later, he has to be mutating.'

As King fell in deep thought, Ren listened to King's monologue quietly. He was impatient, he had no information on this matter, and letting this guy stay a second longer is bad news. Ren thought back to the forest, what did Elios say back then?

'King, do you remember what Elios said to me in the forest a few days ago?'

Breaking his concentration for a moment, King repeated the words that day back to Ren. As Ren repeated the words again and again, he suddenly realized something.

'Is there a demon of pettiness? He seemed awfully obsessed with me helping people.'

King ignored that comment, demon of pettiness? The primal demons all represent a primal emotion, and pettiness wasn't on that list. King tried to go back to his thoughts, but Ren's comment stuck with him.

'Pettiness... pettiness... obsessing over someone else... obsession...'

King could feel an answer coming, he was close. Which primal demon obsessed over small things? Which demon would choose Elios? Elios didn't seem too special to King in the past, although he did feel the occasional murderous look... Wait, why did he feel the murderous looks? King closed his eyes in concentration, trying to remember every detail about Elios.


King finally understands, he remembers why Elios shot glares. It was jealousy, Elios felt immense jealousy when Ren talked to Olivia. This intense jealousy must've attracted the attention of a primal demon, the demon of envy, Leviathan.

'This doesn't seem too impossible now Ren, Elios gained power from Leviathan.'

Ren felt a rush of excitement when he heard King, causing his face to uncontrollably smile. Realizing this, Ren quickly put on a poker face. When he calmed down, he quietly continued the conversation.

'Why is it not impossible? is Leviathan weak?'

Ren was curious, he thought all primal demons were practically gods, so why is it easier when it's Leviathan? King almost laughed at the ridiculous statement Ren made, this was the first time he's heard weak and a primal demon spoken in the same sentence.

'Obviously not, Leviathan is one of the stronger ones. However, intense jealousy is a common emotion in humans, which means his power is more spread out.'

King slowly explained how primal demons operated, while Ren listened attentively.

'I get it now, Leviathan lends out too much power, making it easier to beat.'

King nodded at that answer, it seems like he didn't waste his time explaining. Seeing that they figured out who was lending Elios power, they need to come up with a plan. While King did say Leviathan is weaker, thats only in comparison to the other primal demons.

'We'll have to find and hunt humans mutated by Leviathan.'

Ren looked confused at King's solution, wouldn't that make Leviathan stronger? Since the power will return after their death, this plan seemed counter productive. King looked at the confused look on Ren's face with a slight smile in his eyes, eager to show his trump card.

'While I wasn't as powerful as a primal demon, I was as close as you could get. I even defeated a near primal level beast who had that time crystal.'

Ren's eyes lit up as he remembered who King was, he was the definitive leader of all mutant beasts in Aegis city, he had to have a trump card somewhere. Seeing the smug look on King, Ren had his hopes up.

'I was born with this skill, and it made me different from other tiger beasts. Behold, MY POWER!'

King opened his jaws wide, showing his sharp, white fangs. Ren looked at King in anticipation, waiting for anything to happen. Almost a minute later, Ren didn't notice any change.

'Um, was something supposed to happen?'

Ren felt disappointment welling up inside him, King had great teeth, but that won't help against a primal demon. While Ren openly displayed his disappointment, King closed his mouth, offended by Ren's actions.

'Of course something happened, my mouth and stomach are my skills.'

Ren almost let out a laugh at King's offended tone, he's never seen King speak with so much emotion before. Ren coughed to clear his throat, calming his urge to laugh. He then asked King to explain how its special, if he can.

'My teeth allow me to bite souls, and my stomach allows me to absorb mana and life force from the souls. Do you understand my greatness now?'

Ren's eyes widened in surprise at King's explanation, he didn't expect such a skill to be hidden within King. This changes everything, if King can absorb the primal demon powers...

'There's a chance.'