Chapter 27: Tension


Ren sat up in a hurry, sweat trickling down his face. As he looked around at his surroundings, he breathed a sigh of relieve. King watched Ren as he breathed heavily, curiosity dyed his face. Normally, he would wake up with the most murderous aura, so why does he just seem relieved?

'You always wake up angry after an ability stone, what's different this time?'

Ren looked down at the curious gaze, silently begging him for an answer. However, when he remembered what he went through, Ren shuddered, deciding to stay quiet. His silence only fuelled King's curiosity, making him ask the question over and over again.

'It doesn't matter how many times you ask, I don't even want to think about, much less talk about it.'

As Ren adamantly stood his ground, King could only give up in defeat. While King sulked silently, Ren stood up, making his way back to camp.

'Alright, enough sulking, let's test the skill in the real world. Ready?'

Ren closed his eyes in concentration, standing beneath a tree. He remembered the training he received, manifesting it to the best of his ability. A split second later, Ren disappeared into the tree's shadow. *Fwip*

*Fwip* Jumping meters after meters in quick succession, Ren made his way back to the group. Sneaking back into his sleeping bag, Ren rested easy, tired from his accomplishments tonight.

"-en, REN!!"

Opening his eyes, Ren groggily looked at Jun, who was in a bad mood. Slowly sitting up, Ren took a long stretch, ignoring the glares from Jun.

"Finally, thought you kicked the bucket."

Hearing that comment, Ren grabbed Jun's head, and ruthlessly ruffled his hair. *Smack! Smack! Smack!* Jun repeatedly tried to slap Ren's hand away, but he only succeeded in hurting his own hand.


As Jun repeatedly surrendered, Ren decided he was bored of punishing Jun. Letting go of Jun's head, Ren stood up from his sleeping bag.

"What a nice day."

Ren took a deep breath, a slight smile appeared on his face as he took in the fresh morning air. However, Jun stood behind Ren as a stark contrast. Jun's hair looked like he was electrocuted, and his sour face didn't help his case either. As Jun fixed his hair carefully, Nina approached Ren.

"You're awake big brother! I hope you had nice dreams!"

Ren looked at the sweet smile on Nina's face, then looked back at Jun. The contrast between the two was too much, Ren sighed in disappointment. After lamenting about Jun in his head, Ren put on a big smile to return Nina's greeting.

"Thank you Nina, I slept great!"

As Ren, Jun and Nina chatted happily, they worked together to pack their bags. Ren decided that the kids don't really need to help here, so he sent them away with a few granola bars. While the kids rested, Ren picked up the pace.

"Phew, Thats the last one."

*Ziip* Ren closed the last bag shut, after making sure that he had everything needed for the day. Satisfied with his packing skills, Ren looked around for the kids. Scanning the area slightly, Ren easily found the kids chatting with Olivia. As he watched the happy scene, Ren felt a sense of warmth within his heart, making him unconsciously smile. Ren was about to make his way over, but a cold voice stopped him.

"Hey weakling."

Ren stopped in his tracks, that voice and tone could only belong to one person. Ren turned around to face Elios, his expression turning stone cold. As Ren and Elios glared at each other, a strange atmosphere began to form.

"What do you want, Elios."

Ren's voice was quiet, but the chilling frost within his tone carried his hatred forward. Elios noticed the hatred and disrespect within Ren's tone, which angered him deeply. How fucking dare this human talk to him like this. Sure he might've been strong in the beginning, but Elios was sure he was superior right now.

"Watch the way you speak to me, I'm the hero of this group."

Ren rolled his eyes, then turned around to leave. Just before Ren took his first step away, Elios threw a punch. *WOOSH* Elios punched out with all his strength, the air pressure from his fist alone felt dangerous. As the fist was about to reach Ren, Ren disappeared. *Fwip*


When Elios's fist connected with air, confusion flashed across his face. How did that bastard dodge my attack? I used all my physical strength to punch. Basking in confusion, Elios stood there stunned, failing to detect Ren appearing out of his shadow. *WHOOSH* *BOOM* Ren threw a punch, knocking Elios to the ground.

Ren looked down at the shocked Elios in disgust, then turned his vision back to the group. As Ren slowly walked away, Elios recovered from his shock.


Ren ignored Elios, his foot never stopped moving. Elios watched Ren's back as he walked away, jealousy and anger burned inside him.


Ren stopped in his tracks, turning his head to face Elios. As Ren looked at Elios with a cold and expressionless face, he gave his answer.

"Sure. Weakling."