Chapter 35: Victory (2)

As the sun begins to set, Ren and Elios silently stared at each other, each holding their bags confidently. When Jun and Nina saw Elios's bag, they watched this scene nervously. Although they believed in Ren, they also couldn't deny Elios's full bag as well.

"You don't think Ren is going to lose right?"

Jun nervously looked at Elios's bag, then back at Ren's, he could barely tell the difference between them. But before Jun continues down this path of self doubt, Nina shook him out of it.

"Believe in big brother Jun, he will win, he said so. When has he ever lied to us?"

Jun nodded his head slowly, recalling Ren's actions in the last few weeks. The more he recalls, the more he realizes Nina was right. Ren has never went back on his word, and he won't start now. After dispelling his doubt, Jun continued to watch the showdown.

"How about you go first Elios, I'm dying to know how many mana stones you managed to collect."

Upon hearing Ren's taunting tone, Elios's eyes grew colder, and another strand of his hair turned silver. As he calmed back down, Elios took out his bag, unzipping it under the expectant gaze of three people. *Ziiiiiip* *Clink, Clink, Clink* Colourful mana stones spilled out of Elios's bag, littering the ground with glittering mana stones.

"34, you can count them if you want."

As Elios looked at the shocked expression on Ren's face, he flashed a perfect smile, reminiscent of a certain demon...

"Wow, 34. I'm surprised..."

Ren covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes counted the mana stones over and over again. After confirming that Elios's number was correct, he let go of his chin, revealing a big smile.

"I overestimated you."

Elios's smiled faded away, and a stunned expression replaced it. Watching as Ren pulls out his own bag, Elios was surprised when Ren pulled out a black leather bundle as well. *Ziiiiip* *Fwump* *Clink, Clink, Clink, Clink, Clink, Clink* Dozens of mana stones bursted out from the two bags, covering the ground beneath.

"This... This isn't possible... I even went out of the forest for more mutants..."

Elios dropped to the ground, a look of despair was on his face as he counted the stones on Ren's side. As Jun and Nina ran up to Ren in excitement, Elios finished his counting.

"86. How? How did you do it?"

Looking at Elios's defeated face, Ren coldly smiled.

"Why would I tell you? That wasn't part of the competition. But you know what was?"

Ren let down Nina, then slowly walked towards Elios. *Step, Step, Step* Elios felt more and more humiliated with each step, shame filled his heart as Ren dragged this out. As Ren stopped in front of him, Elios had to look up to face Ren.

"I want you, Elios, to stay the FUCK out of my sight. I'll allow you to stay, but it's only because of Olivia and Liam."

With that final word, Ren turned back around, never looking back. Elios watched as Ren, Jun and Nina celebrated loudly, happily picking up each mana stone. When Elios compared Ren and himself, he felt a burning feeling inside him, eating away at his rationality.

Elios held his head as he sat there, staring blankly towards the ground. The more he replayed the recent events, the more he burned. As dark thoughts flowed like water inside his mind, his last strand of hair turned silver.

"Why...? Why is he always special?!?!?"

Screaming as loudly as he could, Elios let out all of his frustration towards the ground. *BOOM* As his voiced died out, Elios punched the ground, dust clouds formed in an instant, and a crater appeared beneath him. Standing up while the dust settled, Elios took a deep breath.


Elios swept back his silver hair, styling it into a familiar hairstyle. After perfectly fixing his hair, Elios walked out of the crater, fixing his clothes. *Step, Step, Step* As Elios stepped out of the dust clouds, he looked around, his glowing golden eyes seems to pierce through anything he looks at.