
Kurai thinks to himself about the team as he prepares to set for them. 'this should be interesting… let's see what these guys have got' Kurai overhand serves the ball to Dougal. Dougal has no emotion as he receives the ball and runs forward pulling his arm back and spiking. Coach ross marking something on a clipboard.

"Nice spike Dougal… go to the other side with Ajax and start trying to block." Dougal nods and goes to the other side as Nate steps up and receives the ball.

"HAA!" Nate jumps up really high as Dougal appears in front of him and he gets blocked. Kurai snickering.

"I think I already like this team… good job Dougal… and Nate… work on your receives a bit more… I don't care how bad they are… as long as the ball ends up within the attack line…" Nate gives Kurai a blank stare.

"wow.. Thanks for the encouragement…" Nate thinking to himself 'Flip… as much as I hate to say it that sounded so cool.' Coach Ross marking something.

"to the other side to work on receives Nate…" Nate reluctantly goes to the other side as Kurai serves the ball overhand to Jools Harris. Who receives the ball sending it really high. 'that was such a bad receive!' Jools start running forward and jumps up. Kurai grits his teeth and sets the ball to him. Jools spikes the ball at high speed allowing no one time to react. Kurai sighing.

"I already like you Jools… keep it up" Jools goes past the net as Kurai serves the ball to Marv, Oakleigh, and Oswin all coming out the same. Coach Ross smirking.

"You all have done so good so far… next up and lastly is… Kaneko" Kurai exhales as he sets the ball super high giving Kaneko an expression of 'come on, I know you can receive that… right?' Kaneko smiles as he leans to his left receiving the ball and turning his momentum into his run-up. Kurai lifts his hands looking firmly at Kaneko as he sets the ball directly to him. Kaneko smiles as Dougal and Nate appear in front of him in an attempt to block. 'That won't… stop me!' Kaneko slams his hand into the ball as it bends from the strength. The ball flies through the block pushing it out of the way with ease and bouncing off the ground exerting a loud echo across the gym. Coach Ross speechless as Kaneko lands on the ground. Both Kurai and Kaneko turn to look at each other with large grins. Ross marking something on his clipboard.

"You two have some insane potential, and i'm willing to help you level up."

{one week later}

Kurai jogs down the sidewalk as Kaneko struggles to keep up.

"I know you're nervous about the game… but there's no reason to be scared…" Kurai keeps jogging not even glancing at Kaneko.

"I… I know that!... But I saw one of the senior players at a school meeting yesterday and he looked super intimidating…" Kaneko barely keeping up.

"How are you even sure that he played on the team? We don't even know what they look like yet…" Kaneko complains.

"well… he had an intense aura-" Kaneko getting cut off by Kurai.

"anyone who plays sports of some sort can have an intense aura idiot…" Kurai bonks him on the head.

"ow man… what was that for??" Kurai exhales. The clouds overhead causing a gloomy glow. A cold chill blowing in as Kaneko shivers. Kurai unfazed by the wind.

"i'm keeping you in check…" Kaneko gives up and looks at the sky.

"be sure to set a few to me, got it?" Kurai turns back around and continuing to jog as Kaneko rushes to keep up.

"only if your spikes are good enough…" Kaneko smiles brightly and saluting.

"ay ay captain!" Kurai scoffs.

"don't say that… i'm not the team captain…" Kaneko pauses and exhales.

"oh… okay…" There was an awkward silence as a car drives by.