Ajax's determination shines!

"Good serve" Kurai tosses the ball high and jump serving it. Richmond in the perfect spot as it flies straight at him. 'It's here… Isn't it Kurai?' Richmond receives the ball but falls backwards.

"High ball!" Richmond in disbelief. 'That was A LOT of power!' Nathan runs forward.

"On it!" Ajax watching intensely. 'Why do I feel this way?... I've never felt like this before… I'm in the presence of a better libero than me… So why do I feel so Excited?' Nathan jumps behind the 3 meter line and setting the ball to the left. Kurai and Dougal reacting instinctively and jumping for a block. Richmond, Xavier, and Lucas all run up to the net at different tempo's. Lucas swings his arm. 'I feel honoured by this set Nathan' Lucas slams the ball hitting Dougal's arm. The ball heading straight towards the ground. Dougal turning to try and receive it. Ajax appearing under the ball sending it into the air.

"HYAAAA!!" an intense aura radiates off him. 'I… Have to learn from him or else I won't get better!' Erik in shock.

"He actually got that!?" Lucas lands and turns around.

"Don't get distracted… The balls still in play-" The ball hits the court beside Lucas suprising him. Turning to look past the net. 'I got distracted!... They can pull off a quick too huh?... Kurai Vlast'... You really are something.' Dougal lands.

"I can hit too you know…" Erik grits his teeth. "uh… what-… gah! The score is currently 6-1 Freshman are still in the lead."

 Lucas looks at the Freshman.

 "Just how… Do we get past them…?" Richmond looks between the two.

 "I think you know what we have to do… Can you handle that Nathan?" Nathan nods

 "Oh definitely… I'm excited for it actually" Xavier is confused before remembering.

 "Oh, I remember now!" Kurai grits his teeth.

 "Hey Kaneko! Keep focus!" Kurai thinks to himself. 'If only Kaneko was paying more attention in that last rally… I'd've had more options' Kaneko shouts back.

"I know that!" Kaneko gets in position while thinking. 'Kurai is right… I can't get distracted by the mistakes i've made… I've gotta focus on the current point!' Kurai takes a deep breath.

"Good serve" Kurai thinks as he tosses the ball a bit too far forward. 'Focus… on the here and now… focus… on me Kaneko!' Kurai hits the ball straight into the net as it hits the floor.

"Gah!" Kurai grits his teeth and looks away. Lucas shocked.

"No one's perfect… I guess…" Richmond sighs.

"Honestly kind of relieved…" Xavier exhales sadly.

"Awe man…" Erik blows the whistle.

"current score… freshman are still in the lead with 6-2" Richmond tosses the ball and overhand serves it. Kurai gritting his teeth annoyed. 'This guy's got some insane positioning sending it straight to me' Kurai prepares to recieve.

"Got i-" Ajax jumps in front of him.

"MINE!" Ajax perfectly overhand receives it.

"Good save Ajax" Kurai runs in front of Ajax and sets the ball to the left. Kaneko flying in front of the net. 'This is my ball now!' Kaneko swings his hand as the ball lands behind him. Ajax diving after it but not making it in time.

 "Hey, Hey, Hey! Now i'm starting to get warmed up!" Xavier smiles at Kaneko.

 "Man! You're incredible!" Kaneko realizing. 'Those reflexes are insane!' Xavier smiles.

 "Thanks for the compliment…" Kurai walks over to Kaneko.

 "Hey… Kaneko?... Did you do your warm-up's this morning or not?... You tend to forget jump Warm-ups…" Kaneko gulps and looks away rubbing the back of his neck.

 "I… might have…" Kurai sighs.

 "Guess I'll have to be more strict with warm-ups then… Get into position everyone…"