Double match day!

Dougal overhand serves the ball again. Their Libero receiving it. The ball set down the left where a Wing Spiker runs up. A wall forming in front of him. He swings his hand and misses. The Middle Blocker flying in behind him as Kurai, Kaneko, and Dougal hit the ground.

"Clear sky!" A massive tower stretches up into the sky as the ball hits the ground behind him. The Libero diving but not making it in time. Dougal lands having double jumped. Looking down on them from above.

"You did well.. But this match goes to us" The Wing spikers eyes widen. His hopes and dreams crushed as he hits the ground.

"NOOO!!!" A whistle blows out twice as silence filled the court. LCHS 12-25 LWTHS wins [4-25 (LWTHS) / 12-25 (LWTHS) / 2-0] Kurai relaxes a bit as he breathes heavily.

"We… won?" Lucas smiles.

"We won!" Russ crosses his arms as The team rush onto the court and huddle. Screaming in victory.

Everyone huddles around the bench. Coach Russ smiling at their accomplishment. 

"good job everyone… I'm so proud of you… but this is only one of plenty matches due to come… I know you guys will go far… And I'm here to help you… So get some rest… don't eat too much… and keep an eye on your Hygiene… We'll meet back in the main lobby in about one hour for our next match, got it?" Everyone agrees as Kurai looks over at the Physically and Mentally defeated Lewis County High School Volleyball Team. Kurai turning and walking away with his duffle bag.

 Coach Russ sits in a hallway thinking to himself. 'How did I not notice his declining health…? I could have said something and we wouldn't be here right now…' He sighs and rubs his forehead.

"Coach?... are you okay?... You've been pretty quiet since that phone call earlier…" Coach Russ looks up at Chloe; The teams Manager.

"It's nothing you kids would understand… you're only High schoolers" Chloe sighs and turns around.

"Just cause we're in highschool doesn't mean we haven't experienced our own difficulties… Just don't let whatever you're keeping to yourself stop the teams momentum" Chloe scoffs and walks away. Russ sighing to himself and resting his head in his hands.

 Chloe walks over seemingly looking for someone. Speed walking when she finds Lucas watching other matches.

"Hey Lucas, do you know where Kurai is?... I need to ask him something…" Lucas turns to her.

"oh?... He's up in the bleachers writing in his journal" Chloe squints and looks where Lucas was pointing. Finally spotting him blending into the grey Bleachers.

"His journal?" Lucas smiles.

"Yeah, he keeps a journal with him and inputs everything he thought during the last match, including the balls path in every rally in that journal… Not to mention, keeping his nails perfectly filed, along with his diet… He takes Volleyball very seriously…" Chloe tilts her head.

"You say that like YOU don't take Volleyball seriously? Lucas emanates a terrifying aura. Glaring in Kurai's direction.

"No, just seeing him taking care of all the small details and not leaving one thing out?... Makes me wanna play even more!"

 Kaneko walks over to the court side and putting his stuff down. 

"Here we are… just in time…" In front of him on court 4 was Mason County VS Harrison County.

Derek easily blocks a spike as Harrison's Libero receives it.

"Get It!" Their setter jumps up and power dumps the ball over the net. Conner easily receives the Ball. Eric running up and spiking the ball onto the court. A double whistle rings out. HCHS 12-25 MCHS wins [18-25 (MCHS)/ 25-23 (HCHS)/ 12-25 (MCHS)/ 2-1] Kaneko locks eyes with Cameron. Cameron glaring back with a smile as sparks fly. 'Which one is he again?' The announcements ring.

"Will LakeWood Technical High School and Braken County High School report to Court 2? LakeWood Technical and Braken County to court 2." Kaneko shakes his head and grabs his bag. Walking away from court 4.