Ajax Adams

Dougal tosses the ball and serves it over the net. Shaun receives the ball as Dougal runs up to the net. Memories running through his mind of his older brother telling him he can't do anything right because he is a slow learner. Dougal grits his teeth as he feels a strange pull to the right. Dougal grabs the back of Kurai's shirt and runs over to the far left. Jumping up in front of Michael. 

Michael grits his teeth. Remembering back to his middle school years when he didn't have a good volleyball team and had to do everything alone. Until one day he was shut down. 'I won't let that happen ever again!!' Michael slams the ball onto Dougal's arm and hits Ajax in the face, the ball full speed bouncing into the upper stands of the arena. The arena is quiet for a moment as Ajax stands up. Coach Russ called for a timeout.

"Oh! LakeWood Technical is taking their first timeout!"

Everyone walks over to the bench as Chloe rushes over with a medical kit, helping Ajax with his bloody nose and busted lip.

"I'm sorry guys… Im'ma have to take a break from the court" Lucas looks over.

"Don't worry about it Ajax, you did amazing, we await your return!" Kurai walks over and holds out his hand. Ajax looks up as Kurai hands Ajax his tooth.

"I found it on the court… it seems you lost it" Ajax takes it from Kurai.

"Thanks…" Kurai puts his hand on Ajax's shoulder.

"You may not be on the court, but we'll keep fighting for you until you return… Now go and get better… come back stronger!" Ajax nods and walks away with Chloe as his eyes water up, angry and sad that he has to leave the court after having such a breakthrough. Coach Russ looks over at the bench.

"Richmond, get ready to sub in… you're swapping in for Ajax until he gets back from the medical booth" Richmond nods as a buzzer rings, calling them back to the court.

"What's this? It seems LakeWood Technical swapped out their prized Libero for Richmond Walker"

"It seemed as though Ajax had a bloody nose of some sort, hope he's okay"

"The next rally starts with Devon up to serve for Louisiana State"