West Carter High School

Xavier sits at home quietly leaning his head down on the table. A Volleyball on the floor beside the table. Watching nationals from his phone.

"I've been running from my position…" Xavier lays his head down.

"Kurai lost his motivation… I lost mine… Or did I just use that as an excuse?" Xavier exhales sorrowfully.

"I didn't lose motivation… I'm just running away hoping the light that shines on the seniors won't bring my absence to the rest of the team…" suddenly Xaviers phone rings, picking it up.

"When did Kurai get my phone number?"

"Welcome back folks! We are now in the second round of nationals, and already there are several schools gaining nicknames, we have two of them about to play in front of us" the crowd goes crazy as the teams walk onto the court.

"Wearing white, blue, and gray, standing as giants with a well rounded team… The rising Masters of the court; LakeWood Technical High School!" The crowd goes crazy as lights fly overhead. The other commentator pointed out.

"Almost everyone on this team is someone to look out for! Their setter, Kurai Vlast and twin brother, Kaneko Vlast are rising stars here at nationals, with all sorts of skills as well rounded players!" The other continues.

"Don't forget Dougal Wilson, who in the previous match just an hour ago, blocked one of the 3 best wing spikers in the nation, Michael Winters!" The other team walks onto the court, pitch black jerseys with red accents.

"On the opposing side of the net is West Carter High School representing Maryland!" The crowd goes crazy as two players instantly stand out, one with long black hair and blue eyes, Matthew Henders. The other with bright orange hair, one eye blue, the other was brown, Devin Cintash.

"The players to look out for include Matthew Henders… who is perceived as the best middle blocker in the game, and Devin Cintash… considered one of the best strategic minds of a setter" the crowd goes crazy, cheers, cheerleaders, bands playing, and stomping to loud music.

"So not only will this be a clash of blockers, but a clash of setters as well!!"

"Let's not hold it off any longer, the match starts with Kurai for LakeWood Technical up to serve!"

"Good serve" Kurai tosses the ball and jolts forward, jumping high and slamming the ball over the net. The crowd goes crazy as Kurai proceeds to land a second serve, bringing the score to LWTHS 2-0 WCHS.

"two insane serves from Kurai Vlast!!"

"Those were almost instant across the court!"

"We're seeing the monster jump serve of LakeWood Technical in person!!"

Kurai thinks to himself. 'Dad's serves were faster than this! What did he do to get them so fast??' Kurai tosses the ball slightly forward. Running up and broad jumping. Swinging his hand, the ball a bit too far forward, swinging his whole upper body as the ball bends on the court. Bouncing into the stands with a loud echo.

"ANOTHER ACE FOR LAKEWOOD TECHNICAL!!" The crowd goes crazy as we finally get a speed rating, Coach Russ tightening his grip on the clipboard he holds.

"AN INSANE ACE MAXING OUT AT 74.5 MPH!!!" the crowd stands up in shock. Coach Russ in disbelief.

"Kurai can-... this year's freshmen are insane!"