Xaviers moment

Skylar overhand floats the ball over the net. Ajax diving forward and receiving it.

"It's low!" Xavier watches the ball float just below the net in height. His body urges him to get it, his mind urging him that he won't be fast enough to make it. Kurai suddenly appears and leans down on his knees, setting the ball to the far right where Oakleigh runs up to spike the ball. Slamming it into the block as it goes flying back and out of bounds. Xavier looked down. 'These guys are probably the strongest I'll ever play with… so why does my body urge me to make plays I can't actually do? What if I call for a spike and get blocked? What if I'm the one who gets blocked, and we lose the match!?' suddenly Kurai rests his hand on his shoulder.

"I'll be sending it left in the next rally, be prepared" Kurai walks away leaving Xavier to become overridden with anxiety. Suddenly slapping himself, Ajax shocked.

"Uh-" Xavier exhales, focusing his eyes on the ball. 'Right… we're at nationals… there's no time for thoughts like that.' Lucas smirks.

Dougal tosses the ball high and overhand serves it. Tom receives the ball as Bryson jumps up to set it. Dougal instantly reacts and jumps up to block. Bryson smirks and sets the ball left. Toby runs up to the net to spike as Dougal appears. 'From the other side of the court!?' Toby hits it past Dougal but barely, Ajax going to receive it, Kurai suddenly appears and sets the ball to the left. Xavier gulps. 'No time for second thoughts!' Xavier runs up and jumps to spike. Gritting his teeth as a wall forms. Getting blocked but Dougal suddenly appears and underhand setting the ball to the left side of the court.


Lucas jumps up to spike, Xavier running back. 'I was so close… the points right there-... but there's a wall-'

"XAVIER!!" Xavier snaps back as Lucas goes from a spike into a set to the right side of the court. Xaviers eyes widened. 'I'm really blessed… Thanks captain…' Xavier takes one step and bolts forward. His feet slamming onto the court. Suddenly flying the highest of the entire team. Coach Russ smirks. Remembering how he told Xavier he'll have his moment soon. Xavier smiles brightly as he swings his hand back, there's no longer a wall, but now there is an open view of the court. Spiking without a single blocker. The ominous echo silences the arena as Xavier lands. His heart racing, his eyes wide. Slowly lifting his hand. Coach Russ smirks.

"Welcome to volleyball… Xavier" Xavier clenches his fist, pumping it into the air and screaming. LWTHS 6-1 MVHS.