Lucas Baker: Origins

A young boy, his hair was brown and was parted so it didn't cover his blue eyes, sat there watching a Volleyball match on TV. a match between Team USA and Team Russia.

"OH MY, AND HERE COMES VLAST' WITH THE SAVE!!" under the ball appeared a 6 foot tall gray haired man. He easily receives the ball and stands up smiling. The team setter glanced over.

"Nice receive…" The man smiled as he stood up and ran straight for the net. He swings his arms back and planting his block step and flying into the sky as the ball appears in front of him. Lucas's eyes widen in awe as the sound of the ball hitting the court echoes.

"and there you have it! the Russian men's National volleyball team's first victory of the season!" Lucas jump a bit after that impressive spike. Suddenly his Mom calls.

"Lucas! Come get you your sandwich!" Lucas jerked a bit and ran to the kitchen.

"Come on Mom! I thought I told you I could make my own sandwiches now!" The TV keeps playing as the crowd goes crazy. The Russian team members huddle together. As Vlast' is walking off the court he looks at the two kids who are jumping up and down and points to them. 

[8 Years later - LWT Campus]

Lucas takes a deep breath, he was now a High School Freshman, Luccas was excited, he couldn't wait to join the Boys Volleyball team and play volleyball with someone else for the first time.


"Nope… LakeWood Technical doesn't have a Boys Volleyball team… the district doesn't have enough interest for us to have a Volleyball team" Lucas's heart sank, his worst fear had just occurred.

"B-but-" The old man who was relatively fat and angry looked down.

"Look… if you REALLY wanna try, then you can start by creating a club… but to do that you need 6 members and a teacher to proctor it" Lucas furrows his brows in determination.

"Fine, that's exactly what I'll do!" Lucas turns around and walks out of the office.

"I'll prove you wrong, I'll prove all of you wrong!" The bell goes off dismissing students to Lunch.


Lucas sits at Lunch, begrudgingly eating his food. A student with Jaw length brown hair and blue eyes looks over.

"Lucas? Are you okay? For your first week at your dream High School, you don't seem all that enthused" Lucas looks down.

"I'm fine Richmond… thanks for wondering though…" A kid with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes looks over. His name was Xavier.

"So what's the big deal?" Lucas exhales.

"This school doesn't have a Boys volleyball team!" Nathan looks over shocked.

"So we can't play Volleyball?" Lucas shakes his head.

"Our only bet is to start a club and one day hope it gets funded" Richmond and Nathan instantly agree.

"Let's do it!" Lucas chuckles and laughs a bit.

"We need a teacher and 5 students to start a club though…" Nathan reaches over and shakes Erik.

"Come on! Join! I know you've always had the urge deep inside to play a sport!" Erik keeps getting shook.

"F-fine… just stop shaking me…" Nathan stops and nervously laughs.

"Sorry" Richmond looks around.

"That's 4, we need one more…" Cameron walks over and sits down. Lucas smiling.

"Hey, Cameron, we're creating a Volleyball team, wanna join?" Cameron stuffs food into his mouth.

"Sure" Richmond smacks him.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth" everyone looks over at Xavier.

"What? I'll join if it'll make you happy… but know I'm not athletic at all" Xavier continues to eat. Lucas shrugged.


Later that Evening, Lucas's face lights up with excitement at the Boys volleyball club posters. It was official now.


Later that week, Lucas puts his long brown hair in a bun allowing his face to be visible. Taking a deep breath and walking into the unused basketball Gym, everyone was waiting for him. Lucas putting his hand in the middle.

"This is it! The first ever practice of the Boys Volleyball Club!" everyone shouts in agreement. Lucas stepped back and looked around.

"Where's Cameron?" Richmond exhales.

"He said he had a super important doctor's appointment today, so he couldn't come" this hit Lucas like a truck, his childhood friend didn't show up to the first club meeting because of an appointment. Lucas shakes his head.

"Let's get to practice, shall we?"