Akiko Haruki: Origins

There she stood, on the brisk of Division 1 girls volleyball at the National Collegiate level. Her hair was well kept. Being kept from her face and put in a long ponytail. Her glasses tied behind her head to avoid them falling off.

"Haruki, get it!" The ball flies over the net. Taking a step back as the ball rebounds off her arms and into the air. A sharp pain shoots up her ankle as she grits her teeth. 'I can't let it end here!' She stood up, avoiding pressure on her stinging ankle. The ball being set high into the air. She watched it with her eyes as the ball floated in front of the lights.

"It's yours Haruki! No blockers!" Haruki gulps and runs forward, pain shoots down her right foot as she slams it into the ground, her eyes squint from the pain as she jumps into the air. Two blockers appear in front of her, the lights go dark as she hits the ball into the block and onto the court behind her. Landing on her ankle and shouting slightly in pain. Landing on her side but catching herself. Tears well up in her eyes as the pain makes it unbearable. In a short span of time, people huddle over her.

"Lay on your back, Haruki… we're here for you, just take deep breaths" Haruki nods and lays on her back despite the pain. Looking up at the ceiling, avoiding looking at her ankle sitting in a different direction than it was supposed to.

"In normal cases like a fracture or snap… this was a full break… she broke her ankle… and it might be a while before she returns to playing Volleyball again" Haruki looks down. Her eyes shift a bit as they water up. Her dreams went down the drain.

"You'll be able to play once again, but it won't be for another little while Miss Akiko" Haruki looks down with disbelief as her Mom pats her back.

"It's okay hunny, let's focus on your recovery first" Haruki exhales sorrowfully and nods.


She'd been given the get go. Her ankle was fully healed, she no longer needed a cast, but he recommended a brace. 'I've got this,' she thought as she stood just shy of the door leading into the volleyball gym. Taking a deep breath and taking a step forward. Her eyes widened upon seeing the volleyball net. Her heart began to race. What if that happened again? What if she failed? What if her teammates hated her?

Kurai places his hand on Professor Haruki's shoulder.

"You don't have to coach if you don't want to, it was just a suggestion" Professor Haruki rubs her ankle while smiling calmly.

"Thanks Kurai…" Kurai turns around to leave before lunch is over. But stopping just as he left.

"Oh… but just know that coaching is entirely different from playing, it provides a different perspective rather than being on the court… it's your choice Professor, but this team needs a Coach" Kurai walks out of the room leaving Professor Haruki in there alone.

[the next morning]

Kurai exhales as he walks down the sidewalk. His backpack draped over his shoulder and his now shorter gray hair blowing in the wind. Walking up to the basketball gym where practices were held. Squinting curiously upon hearing the sounds of volleyball echoing within the gym. Was everyone else already practicing without him?

"What're they doing in there…?" Kurai steps up to the door and opens it. Everyone was practicing harder than even Kurai had pushed them.

"At least they're determined now" Kurai sat on the bench and traded his college shoes for volleyball shoes. Putting on a leg brace for his right leg and a tight sleeve on his right arm.

"There you are, Kurai" Kurai looks up. His eyes widened upon seeing Professor Haruki in a T-shirt with a whistle.

"If I'm gonna be the coach here, you all gotta get better at showing up on time" Kurai smirks knowing the team now had a dedicated coach.

"Get out there and practice, they've already been going for half an hour, your late so give me 50 seal dives for being late" Kurai glares with a confident smirk, rising to stand a towering 6 foot 11

"I think I already like this new coach"