Triple Decoy Pipe attack

"Back up to serve is OPU, and up to serve is Owen Willsburough!"

Owen tosses the ball and runs forward, flying high. Slamming the ball over the net. Daisuke bringing the ball up.

"It's high!" Kaito nods.

"Got it! Takumi!" Jazz and Owen rush over and jump to block Takumi, the ball being set to Leo instead.

"A decoy!?" Leo jumps up and swings to spike as Kurai appears. Leo barely hit it past him 'How did he get there that fast!?' Kurai lands back on the court, his knee slightly stinging. Jaden lowering his hand.

"You good, Kurai?" Kurai nods.

"Yeah, just slight exhaustion, I'll be fine" Jaden exhales.

"Okay, if you say so" The score bumps up. OPU 8-8 ESU.

Kaito tosses the ball, sending it flying across the net with a curve.

"Carlos!" Carlos holds his breath, leaning to his right to bring the ball up.

"It's high!" Kurai smirks.

"Thanks!" Kurai runs and jumps up, Owen jumping up the middle of the court for a quick as the blockers jump up to block. 'Got ya!' Kurai sets the ball to the far right as Jaden runs up to jump, the blockers react instantly, running across the court, and jumping up to block Jaden, Kurai smirks. 'Exactly what I expected!' Jaden swings and misses as Liam flies in from behind, spiking the ball over the block. Haruki smirked. 'A triple decoy lagged pipe attack!' Kurai lands, his eyes glowing as he locks eyes with Kaito. Kaito smirking.

"You're a monster, you know that?" Kurai chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that" Kaito grits his teeth.

"Y-You're supposed to be condescending to your opponents as the Emperor of the Court!" Kurai chuckles.

"Yeah, but that's not my style anymore."


The tension in the arena was thick as the scoreboard displayed a slim lead for OPU: 15-13. Kurai's knee had been throbbing ever since he made that last quick dive to save the ball, but he gritted his teeth through it, unwilling to let his team down.

"What an amazing score by Jaden Ramirez!"

"Let's not forget about that tumble set from Kurai!"

"And now Kurai steps up to serve, can ESU get him out of the serving spot before he starts landing successive power serves?"

Kurai exhales and tosses the ball, his face serene. Jumping forward as his knee twinged with pain. Slamming his whole weight into the ball as it warps. Bolting across the net with a sharp curve. Daisuke dives forward and brings the ball up. Kurai's eyes glow, everything moving in slow motion. Kaito runs up to set, several others run to spike. Carlos moving to receive, Jaden and Owen rushing to block. The ball lands on Carlos's arms, flying into the air.

"Kurai!" Kurai runs to the net and jumps, landing a strong quick attack with Jaden. OPU 16-13 ESU.

Kurai slammed the ball over the net, Fujita bringing it up. Kurai gritted his teeth, his knee stinging for a moment. 'That serve didn't land where I wanted it to!' The ball floats over the net as Carlos rushes to save it, pancaking it before it hits the ground. Kurai bending down on his knees and setting the ball backwards. Pain shooting down his leg as he hits the floor.

"Good set!" Jaden jumps forward and reaches, barely tapping the ball over the block. OPU 17-13 ESU. Jazz helped Kurai off the floor. Kurai's knee buckled slightly as he stood there for a moment to catch his balance.

"You sure you okay Kurai?" Kurai nods silently.

"Yes, I'm fine" Kurai pulls up his arm sleeve covering his burn scar.