Hunting Tartaros: Kyoka's Location

(A/N: I am very inconsistent in my promises. Instead of two, I gave you guys two extra chapters before I go to Patreon. This chapter will be on patreon for free later today, the next chapter will be a sex chapter locked in the tier on patreon. It should be released by tomorrow or Monday. Slow updates will now be in effect starting today.)

(Jason's POV)

"You guys too?" I asked, "That makes three now! Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were also attacked. This is how I managed to turn Seilah...."

Kagura nodded, "Yes." She said, "We were attacked by a member of The Nine Demon Gates. He wielded Ice magic."

Seilah spoke up, "Silver…"

I sat down in front of Kagura, "So Tartaros is going around attacking guilds, huh?" I said crossing my arms, "I wonder why."

Kagura looked at me, "That is what I wish to find out." She said seriously, "Tartaros severely hurt several of my guildmates. They will pay."

"I understand." I said, "Erza said you had information."

She nodded, "I do." She said, "I've done tireless investigations on how and where to find them. I came across two discoveries."

"Oh?" I said, "And what's that?"

She gave me a serious look, "A Demon walks with a human. A Human whose loyalty is unclear." She said, "That is an unsettling matter."

I gave her a slight smile, "If you're referring to me…" I said, "I must let you know, Seilah is truly loyal to me. And who am I loyal to? Well, that answer is quite easy, Me. My loyalty is to myself."

"If you wish to speak your mind on where Jason-sama's loyalty lies, do so now." Seilah said as she stood behind me, "My reaction will vary on what you say."

"Easy." I told Seilah, "Let her speak her second discovery."

Kagura didn't look away with her serious expression.

"My second discovery is that within the next few days, there will be another Demon here in Crocus." She said, "The one known as Kyoka."

My eyes lit up, "Oh?" I said leaning into the table, "Where exactly?"

Kagura gave me a confused look, "Not sure." She said, "From the intel I have, she's currently out of the country. But she'll appear in the city soon."

"How'd you know this?" I asked

"I will protect my source." Kagura said

I nodded, "Fair enough." I said

"I have allied myself with Sabertooth to confront the demon." She said, "We have reason to believe that she won't be the only one to appear. We have to take measures for another Demon Gate to appear."

"If Kyoka is to appear, then so is Franmalth." Seilah spoke up, "He rarely leaves her side."

"Well, in that case, leave Kyoka to me." I said smiling slightly, "I'll handle her. You guys can do what you want with the other one. All I have to do is stay in the city for a couple of days, eh?"

I stood up and stretched as Kagura looked at me.

"What is your intention with Kyoka?" She asked

I looked at her, "What's it matter to you?"

She shook her head, "It doesn't." She said, "But I have to be cautious with an unknown force in this situation. You and this demon are still a wild card. What makes you think we don't consider you a threat?"

I smiled, "Relax." I said, "If I wanted to hurt you, you'd be lying on the ground writhing in pain by now. Besides, what I want Kyoka for doesn't hurt anyone. At the end of the day, I'll end up crushing Tartaros."

Kagura gave a serious glare, "I must warn you, I have my eye on you." she said, "I have heard of what you have done over at Fairy Tail."

I smirked slightly, "Ooooh, I'm so scared." I said sarcastically before turning around and walking away, "Well, if you're curious as to what I'm about, don't hesitate to give me a call. It doesn't matter how hard to get you are."

"I really dig strong chicks."


"Master!!" Seilah moaned as I pounded her pussy from behind

I had her bent over the bed as I fucked her. We were back at the hotel room having sex.

"We got a couple of days to ourselves, Seilah." I said as I grabbed her waist while I rammed my cock in her, "When Kyoka appears, I'll submit her and then you two are reunited."

I'll also fuck her and unlock that spell the Blue Screen told me about. It better be worth it. This is all I'm doing this for. I have to know what the spell is.

"Ah, yes~" Seilah moaned as I kept pounding her, "Kyoka would love to have your dick!"

I smiled, "She better." I said as I reached in and groped her massive tits, "I hope her pussy is as good as yours, Seilah."

Before Seilah could respond, I heard the door to the room open. I immediately looked up.

"The door was unlocked?!" I said

"Eh?" Seilah said

I then saw Lucy standing a couple of feet away as she looked at the sight. She had a look of surprise as her face slightly turned red.

"Lucy?" I said as I slowly fucked Seilah

"I'm sorry!!" Lucy said covering her eyes, "The door was unlocked! I-"

I pulled my dick out as I gently slapped, Seilah's ass. She liked when I did that.

"What're you doing here?" I said holding my rock-hard cock, "How'd you find me?"

She looked at me, "K-Kagura told me you were here." She said softly, "And I'm here because the master sent us to back you up."

"Us?" I said, "Who else is here?"

"Just me and Natsu." She said, "He's asleep at another floor."

"I see." I said walking up to her

"Uhm..." She said

"What?" I said, "You've seen me naked before. And you've definitely know what this one can do."

I gestured at my cock.

She blushed fiercely, "Yes, but...." I said, "I interrupted you two..."

"No worries." I chuckled, "You can always joi-"

"Jason-sama." Seilah said seriously, "Did you forget your promise?"

I looked back at Seilah who sat on the bed, naked. She looked mesmerizing.

"Oh uh...yea..." I said

"You promised you wouldn't have sex with another woman until you submit Kyoka." She said

I then grabbed one of Lucy's breasts and fondled it.

"Kyah!" She squealed in surprise

"Ah come on..." I said

"A promise is a promise." She said

"Well, how about some head, Lucy has some good-" I started

"Oral sex is still sex." seilah said seriously

"Oh come on!" I said, "Wouldn't you like to have a threesome with this busty and beautiful blondie?! She's smoking hot, come on, Seilah!"

Seilah gave me a serious look, "You promised."

"Tch!" I said, "Well, you have a point. I must be a man of my word. I cannot have sex with another woman until Kyoka."

I looked at Lucy as I fondled her tit, she only looked at me with a red face.

"Are you gonna stop?" She asked

"Sadly." I said, "Such a shame, I wanted to pound your pussy hard...."

"Its okay." She said smiling slightly, "I'll let you two at it then."

I then realized something. A freaking lightbulb lit up in my noggin.

"Unless....." I said, "Wait."

She looked up at me in surprise, "Huh?"

I looked at Seilah, "I said human woman, right?"

Seilah nodded, "Yes." she said, "You said human woman to have me as an exception."

I gave her a smirk, "Well well well....." I said before looking at Lucy, "Oi Lucy, you got your keys?"

She blinked, "Eh?"

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, "Oh come on..." I said, "You never really thought about it? Bring out one of your spirits! Bring Virgo out!"

"B-but..." She said, "To use my spirits for that...."

"Please!" I said stroking her hair, "It is for pleasure. She'll want it."

She reluctantly nodded, "Okay.." I said, "I'll give it a shot. I don't think she'll have a good response to this."

I looked over at Seilah, "Is a Celestial Spirit acceptable?"

She closed her eyes, "I suppose so." She said, "I wanted you to have me this whole time but whatever you desire, Jason-sama..."

"Oh don't be like that." I said, "We'll have some fun tonight!!"

I then watched as Lucy pulled out one of her golden keys.

"Open, Gate of The Maiden: Virgo!!"

Suddenly, a bright light appeared and the pink-haired maid appeared out of nowhere. She looked beautiful as hell. I hoped she was down for it.

"Hime-sama..." Virgo said to Lucy, "Have you summoned me for punishment?"

Lucy blushed fiercely, "Not exactly, Virgo." she said, "I have a question for you..."

Virgo then looked at me.

She eyed me up and down and saw that I was completely naked, and holding my cock.

"I understand." Virgo said, "I accept."

Lucy looked at her with surprise, "What?" she said, "You don't even know-"

"Hime-sama." Virgo said walking up to me, "It is not everyday when a spirit such as myself is presented to a God like him."

I smiled slightly, "I am flattered." I said, "But are you sure you accept?"

Virgo looked at me with a deadpan look, "Will you punish me?"

I nodded, "In a way to speak, yes."

She then bowed, "Then my body is yours." she said,

"Fuck me until your heart's desire."