Tartaros: Jason Subdues Kyoka

(A/N: Patreon is officially ahead by 20 chapters. https://www.patreon.com/Yuri_Lover23 )

(Third Person POV)

In the outskirts of Crocus, civilians ran as the Imperial Army fought off dark mages.

Among the crowd of Dark Mages, one of the Nine Demon Gates stood smiling.

"Hmm...." Kyoka said, "Kill all the civilians you see. And once you lure the nearby mages, capture them."

As the dark mages spread out and shot their staffs at the civilians, Kyoka merely looked up at the sky.

"Hm.." she said, "I wonder if Franmalth has begun his attack..."

"Lady Kyoka!!" one of her men called out

She looked at him, "What?"

"There are reports of Sabertooth, Mermaid Heel, and Fairy Tail mages in the city!" he exclaimed

Kyoka smiled slightly, "Let Franmalth handle them." she said, "If they prove too much for him, call me. I'll lend him a hand."

As Kyoka said this, She felt a familiar presence. She looked up at a building and saw Seilah looking down at her with a slight smile.

"If it isn't the traitor..." Kyoka said

Selah said nothing and walked out of sight.

Kyoka jumped up on the top of the building and saw that Seilah was standing on the other side of the roof. Kyoka saw that she wore a different attire. It was a grey military outfit, much different that her usual kimono.

"Seilah.." Kyoka said, "You dare show your face to me? After what you did? Defecting from the guild and joining the enemy. Mard Geer and Master E.N.D are disappointed in you!!"

Seilah said nothing. This bothered Kyoka as she gave her a glare.

"How dare you leave me!!" Kyoka said

"Oi oi oi." a voice said

Kyoka widened her eyes as she felt immense magic power from her right. She turned to see Jason walk out from the shadows.

"Who..." Kyoka said

"Seilah is my servant now." Jason said as he gave her a slight smirk, "She has no obligation to listen to you."

Kyoka gave him a serious glare, "And who are you?"

"My name is Jason!" Jason said raising his arms up, "That's the name Seilah yells out loudly in pleasure almost every night."

Kyoka's eye twitched, "Is that so?" She said as she released an aura, "I'll kill you...."

Jason smirked, "Oh don't worry." He said, "If you're so bothered about Seilah leaving you, then after I'm done with you...."

"You'll be able to join her."


Kagura and Lucy ran up to the explosions caused by the battle between Kyoka and Jason.

"What is that imbecile doing?!" Kagura exclaimed as she ran, "He's causing too much damage!!!"

Lucy tried her best to keep up with Kagura's pace, "I don't know!" She said, "He always goes overboard when fighting!"

As they ran, they ran into the dark mages.

"That's Mermaid Heel's Kagura and Fairy Tail's Lucy!!" one of them said, "Kill them!!"

"Begone!" Kagura said as she swung her sword

She struck them all in an instant, causing a shockwave. Lucy widened her eyes in surprise at this.

"S-strong..." She said amazed

Suddenly, a body collapsed in front of them.

"What the.." Kagura said as she jumped out of the way, "Are you kidding me?"

Out of the massive dust cloud caused by the collapse, Kyoka jumped out, her body covered in bruises and blood. She had an enraged look on her face.

"Damn it all!!" She cursed as she stood in the street while panting

Jason emerged from the dust cloud with only a massive bruise on her cheek.

"I got to say." Jason said rubbing the bruise, "Something is definitely wrong with you etherious....You're too weak...."

Kyoka clutched her abdomen as he said this.

"Either that or I'm too strong..." Jason said, "You did land a solid hit on me. I must commend you."

Kyoka then looked at Kagura and Lucy who were standing there on guard. They had a look of surprise on their face. They, too, did not expect Kyoka to be dominated so easily.

Kyoka then looked at Jason and lunged at him.

Without giving it much thought, Jason blocked Kyoka's punch and countered with an uppercut to her stomach.

"Gahh!!" Kyoka grunted in pain

Jason then grabbed her wrist and collarbone and in an instant, swung her down on the ground with a devastating slam. The slam was powerful enough to shatter the pavement beneath them.

"Agghhh!!!" Kyoka shouted in pain

Jason still held her wrist as he crouched down and inspected her aviary-looking body parts.

"Interesting..." He said, "Oi Seilah, should we keep her claws and feet like this? Or we turn them into soft human limbs?"

He said this to Seilah who slowly walked over.

Seilah had her eyes closed and her hands behind her back, "Whatever you desire, my master."

Jason looked back at Kyoka who glared up at him, "I suppose we turn them into human limbs." He said, "I don't want feathers getting into my mouth or something."

"What are you-" Kyoka began to struggle

Jason immediately slammed her back into the ground and had her in a rear-naked choke. Kyoka's eyes widened as she struggled to breathe. Jason squeezed tighter as Kyoka struggled even more.

Kagura and Lucy watched in bewilderment as Jason had her in the submission hold.

"I'll tell you what I told Seilah." Jason said to Kyoka, "Submit."

Kyoka clutched her claws on Jason's arms, "N-never..."

"Oh, but you will." Jason said as he squeezed even tighter, "If you go unconscious, I'll simply heal you back again. And we'll do this over and over again until you submit."

Seilah walked over to them, "I suggest you do submit, Kyoka." She said giving her a slight smile, "It will make it easier and better. If you submit, the two of us can finally be reunited...."

Kyoka looked at Seilah as she struggled to breathe. Her eyes formed tears as they turned red.

"Submit." Jason said softly, "I'll make your whole word better..."

Kyoka's grip on Jason's arms began to loosen as her expression softened.

"I...." She said

"That's right..." Jason said

"I s-submit..." Kyoka managed

Almost immediately, Kyoka's body glowed brightly, and in a flash, she disappeared. She was replaced by a dark green book that floated in mid-air.

Jason cleared his throat as he got up, patting his knees.

"Alrighty." He said as he grabbed the book, "Mission accomplished."

Kagura and Lucy were still watching in bewilderment as Jason inspected the book.

"Okay, Seilah." He said, "I'll begin rewriting her. In the meantime, clean up this mess. If Natsu and the sabertooth mages need help with the yellow fucker, go help them."

Seilah bowed slightly, "Your wish is my command."

Jason nodded, "yep."

Kagura walked up to Jason, "Oi." She said seriously, "What are you gonna do with that?"

Jason gave her a frown, "What's it to you?"

"Answer me." She said seriously

"What I did to Seilah's book." Jason answered, "I'm gonna rewrite it."

"And make Kyoka my servant."