Tartaros: Jason vs Torafuzar and Jackal

(Jason's POV)

"Damn!!" I said as I avoided explosions while I ran, "Where the hell is Lucy and Natsu?!"

Seilah and Kyoka ran behind me as we ran through a crowd of dark mages.

"I do not know!" Seilah said as we ran

"Last I heard, they were at the palace!!" I heard Kyoka say

It was a couple of days since the meeting I had with them to discuss a plan to fight Tartaros.

Out of nowhere, like I expected, Tartaros attacked with an army of dark mages. They invaded the city, it was on a larger scale than when Kyoka attacked. This time, Plutogrim was in full view above the capital. And many demonic drones that Tartaros had were flying in swarm as they attacked the city.

"Shit." I said as I punched several dark mages away, "We have to go and tell them to be on guard."

The Imperial Army was fighting off the attackers and evacuating the civilians. I am positive that the palace was shut-down and Lucy and Natsu weren't allowed to leave.

This was bad if the other of the Demon Gates were here already, we would need Natsu to fight them off.

I then saw two figures crash in front of me, causing a shockwave.

"Oi oi oi." I heard a voice say

As the dust cleared, I saw Torafuzar and Jackal standing. Torafuzar was giving me a serious glare as Jackal smirked.

"Look at these traitors." Jackal sneered, "Why don't we kill them, Torafuzar!"

Torafuzar scoffed, "To hell with them." He growled, "I want to kill this one, first. He humiliated me before, it won't happen again!!"

"Out of our way." Kyoka said seriously, "Or els-"

I placed my arm in front of her, "Stop." I said, "Go to Lucy and Natsu. The both of you."

I felt their eyes on me.

"But..." Seilah started

"Now." I said, "Leave this to me."

"Jason!" Kyoka exclaimed, "You can't be serious...."

"I am dead serious." I said, "Go to them. Now. Protect Eclipse."

As I said those words, Jackal gave me a glare.

"How does this maggot know about Eclipse?" He said

"Jason, we should stay and help-" Kyoka started

"I said go!" I cut her off, "Don't make me repeat myself!"

I then felt as they both immediately disappeared, leaving me in front of the two etherious.

I saw Jackal waved his hands around, causing several explosions around us.

"Hahahaha!!" Jackal laughed maniacally

I looked at the explosions, they had hit the buildings around us. I hope that there were no people in them.

I had to deal with these two assholes before they become a problem.

Torafuzar took a step forward, "Let me take him." He said, "I have a score to settle with him. I must not allow my humiliation to be in vain."

Jackal scowled, "Come on..." He said

Torafuzar raised his arm, "Shut u-"

I had lunged and struck him in the chest, sending him flying away. I saw as he flew through the wall of flames caused by Jackal's explosions.

Jackal glared at me, "You bastard!!" he said as he threw a punch at me

I blocked his punch and the other he followed up with. Jackal then threw several kicks at me which I was also able to block.

I took a step back as he jumped back and gave me a vicious grin.

"Idiot!!" He said

I saw as the spots he struck began to glow brightly.

"Contact Bomb!"

Suddenly, I was hit with a barrage of explosions. The force of the explosions sent me flying back. Fortunately, my body was strong enough to withstand these explosions.

As on cue, I felt a massive hand grab my smoke-engulfed body. I watched as Torafuzar slammed me to the ground, causing a massive shockwave.

"Gahh!!" I yelled out in pain as Torafuzar drove his fist down into my stomach

The force of the attack was able to shatter the ground.

"You stupid human." I heard him say, "Simply because you got the best of me back then, you think I am weaker than you? Shortly after you chased Seilah off, I got right back up and had to fight off those other mages! That white haired woman was too strong for me to deal with at the same time as the others, and I was ordered to retreat. If I had more time, I would've killed them."

I then chuckled.

"What's so funny?" He asked

I raised my arms, showing him the marks.

"You really think I'm stupid enough to let you hit me without any sort of trade-off?" I said as I emitted an red-orange aura

In an instant, I jumped past him, landing a couple of meters away from him.

I turned to see him look at me with surprise, his eyes widened.

"What is this aura?" He said, "This is not magic nor curse!"

I then dodge an attack from Jackal. In an instant, I punched him straight to the ground, feeling his skull crack under my fist.

"Jackal!!" Torafuzar exclaimed

I looked at the demon, "This is True Damage." I said, "It is unique only to me. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can defend against it."

I kicked Jackal away. Before Torafuzar could react, I extended my arms outward, releasing an aura. I then crossed them in front of me, in a pose similar to that one marvel movie.

"Domain: Ring of The Peerless Judoka."

Suddenly, a bright light engulfed the both of us and we were both transported into the domain.

Torafuzar looked around in confusion and panic as we stood in the arena.

He glared at me, "What the hell is this?!"

I gave him a smirk, "Your demise."


(3rd Person POV)

On the other side of the city, Sabertooth was locked in a vicious battle against the forces of Tartaros.

The battle had already leveled three blocks of the city. Minerva landed on top of a pile of rubble as she dodge several beams of light coming from a massive armored figure.

She tried her best to keep dodging as she attacked Ezel, one of the Nine Demon Gates.

Sting and Rogue fought off a group of these same armored figures.

"Damn." Rogue said as he dodged attacks from them, "What are these things?!"

Sting was punching several of them, but they kept attacking them.

"Whatever they are, they're fucking persistent!!" He exclaimed

Minerva blocked an attack from Ezel, using her territory to shield the demon's blade.

"You're quite strong for a human!!" Ezel said, "I'll make sure I shred you pieces!!!"

Minerva scowled, "I have no time for you." She said

Ezel scoffed, "Too damn bad!!" He said, "With my army of weapons, I'll pound you all to the ground!!!"

Meanwhile, as this happened, on the southern corner of the city, Erza and Gray were locked in battle with another chunk of Tartaros' forces.

Erza cut down several golem-looking creatures as Gray shot several dark mages with his ice.

Behind the army, Tempester stood silently. He watched as Erza and Gray made quick work of his forces.

Franmalth walked up next to him, "I think we should do something about them!" He said

Tempester nodded, "Okay."

"Hey, where is Silver?" He asked

Tempester shrugged, "I don't know."

As this happened, on the north-western corner of the city, Kagura was fighting off a crowd of dark mages. With her sheathed blade, she made quick work of them. However, their numbers were the only thing that proved troublesome for her.

Suddenly, Kagura noticed a massive explosion come from the palace.

She widened her eyes, "What?"

Before anything else, she was hit with a wave of ice.

"Gahh!!!" She said as the ice pinned her against a wall, "Ice....This is the man..!!!"

She watched as Silver walked up to her with a smug smirk.

"Well well well..." he said, "Such a shame to kill a beautiful young lady such as yourself."