Tartaros: Jason vs Mard Geer

(Jason's POV)

"Oh my." Mard Geer said, "That's quite the bold statement."

He waved his hand, summoning massive thorn vines.

I jumped away, avoiding them. They, however, were capable of tracking me and shot at me with great speed.

I was then caught by them, the thorns digging into my skin. I watched as the vines wrapped around my arms and legs.

"Shit." I said, "Those things are fast."

They then tightened incredibly hard, as if they were trying to crush my bones. I couldn't help but grit my teeth as I gave Mard Geer a glare.

"Mard Geer is quite impressed by you." Mard Geer said with a smirk, "To think you were able to survive the Vermillion Dragon's onslaught. He is a fearsome warrior. A power that far surpasses the Nine Demon Gates, I must admit."

I scowled, "Fuck off." I growled, "I'm gonna end this quickly."

I then released a crimson aura that destroyed the thorns that held me in place.

Mard Geer looked at me with a surprised face, "What's this?" He said, "You-"

I rushed him in an instant, hitting him with a right straight to the face. The moment my fist made contact, a powerful shockwave sent him flying back.

"Obliteration Style: True Fist."

I watched as his body hit the wall and he landed on the floor with a massive thud. He clutched his face as it bled, he had a shocked look on his face.

"You...." He said as he stood up, "You made Mard Geer bleed....."

I nodded as I readied a stance, "What're you gonna do about it?"

He then waved his arm at me, sending a massive pillar of thorns at me.

In an instant, I punched the pillar multiple times, the massive true damage shockwaves caused by the punches were powerful enough to destroy them.

I watched as Mard Geer looked at me with a somewhat serious face.

"You are strong." He said, "But I'm afraid you cannot live any longer."

He summoned multiple thorns vines as they shot at me. I deflected them as I used a knife hand to cut them up with ease.

I then felt a massive amount of thorny vines surround me and closed in on me.

"You will not survive." I heard Mard Geer's voice through the vines, "Mard Geer can guarantee that."

The vines then constricted me all over and I was stuck in place. Suddenly, I felt an immense heat coming from the vines. I looked down and saw that I was standing on a massive flower.

"W-What?" I said


I then felt the rose detonate a powerful explosion that engulfed my entire body. I was sent reeling back as I was covered in smoke.

"Shit." I said as my clothes were charred and tattered, "If it wasn't for my Iron body, I wouldn't have survived that easily."

Mard Geer then appeared in front of me.

"Interesting." He said, "Your body is extremely resilient. Mard Geer is impressed."

He then waved his arm again, sending a massive spear of thorny vines that attempted to impale me. I managed to block the attack with my arm as I reared my other arm back to punch the vines.

Suddenly, I felt more vines catch my arm.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed

Mard Geer then sent another massive spear of thorny vines at me. This time, it struck me in the stomach. I could feel it pierce through my skin, causing severe damage. But thanks to my Iron Body passive, it didn't completely impale me.

"Tch." I said as I broke free of the thorns and swiped my knife hand at the vines, "You piece of shit."

"You're incredibly strong." Mard Geer said, "Strong enough to survive my attacks. Strong enough to land a really powerful attack on me."

I landed on the floor and immediately extended my arms.

"Ring of The Peerless Judoka: Stage 2."

I summoned the ring and immediately rushed him. I was able to hit him with Osoto Gari, a technique where I grab him by the collar and his shoulder and do an outside leg swipe to slam him down on the ground.

I saw his face widen with surprise as he was slammed into the ground. He coughed up a bit of blood as the slam was powerful enough to crack the ground.

I then stood up and stepped back. I watched as Mard Geer immediately got back up, clutching his midsection.

I rushed him, yet again, hitting him with Uchi Mata. A technique where I grab his collar and his sleeve and do an inside leg sweep to perform a throw, slamming him to the ground. This also shattered the ground.

"That's two." I said as I stood back

"What is this?!" Mard Geer said as he stood back up, "I.."

I rushed him for the third time.

"This makes three." I said

I then hit him with the O Goshi. The simplest of hip throws and probably the favorite move of the founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano. I grabbed him by the sleeve, hooked my other arm under his to grab him, then threw him over my hip and slammed him onto the ground, this time the power of the throw had multiplied due to the Ring's effects.

The Ring then dispelled and I felt the bonus True Damage buff. Also, My speed was greatly increased.

I readied a stance as Mard Geer stood up and looked me, blood coming out of his mouth.

"Mard Geer....is beginning to see...." He said, "Why you defeated my Nine Demon Gates so easily..."

I rushed him yet again, unleashing a barrage of strikes, feeling the immense shockwaves caused by the Obliteration Style. The True Damage was greatly damaging him, I could feel it.

Due to the speed buff caused by the Ring, I was able to hit him with strikes so fast he couldn't see or perceive.

I then reared my arm back, "I thought I told you." I said as Mard Geer stumbled in front of me, "I would finish this quickly."

"Devil Lance."

I impaled him with a spear hand, greatly empowered by my Obliteration Style with True Damage. I had run him through the stomach as he widened his eyes with shock, blood spewing out of his mouth.

I gave him a serious glare, "Give them back." I said with venom, "Give me back my servants."

Mard Geer weakly clutched my arm as he looked at me with a sly smirk.

"Kyoka and Seilah...." He said, "Amusing.....their original.....selves....they will never love you as the current ones do...."

I then pulled my arm out as he stumbled weakly.

"You fucker." I said as I threw a punch at his face, "Die!!"

He then caught the fist with surprising speed. I started to feel an incredible pressure coming from him.

He gave me a sinister smile, one that unsettled me.

"Mard Geer understands now...." He said as I felt his curse power rise, "Your pain....I can feel it...."

His body then glowed bright white and a massive shockwave erupted, sending me reeling back.

"What?!" I said

I then saw as he had transformed.

Fuck. I totally forgot about that.

"Etherious Form: Mard Geer Tartaros."

Mard Geer clenched his fist as he looked at me, "It is impressive, human." He said, "You are strong enough to easily push Mard Geer into his true and strongest form. I commend you for that."

I gave him a glare.

Before anything, I felt my body was impaled by a thorny vine spear.

"W-Wha?" I said as blood spewed out of my mouth

I looked down and I saw the thorny vines had erupted from the ground. They were faster and stronger than normal. They had run through my stomach, similar to how I did the same to him.

I looked up at Mard Geer, his etherious form exuding an obscene amount of Curse Power.

"This is the true power of the Definitive Demon." Mard Geer said, "Only E.N.D is stronger than I, Mard Geer Tartaros!!!"

I then slowly raised my arms to my chest as they shook. I could feel my strength drain, was this the effect of his awakened thorn power? Poison? Energy draining?

I clapped my hands together weakly and expanded them into a circle, all of my finger touching each other.

"What futile spell shall you cast now?" Mard Geer asked me as he slowly walked towards me, "Mard Geer will not fall to your tricks now."

I then gestured my hands flat above each other, a couple of inches from each other, causing an immense aura to be released.

I smirked, "Go fuck yourself." I said, "This is our first and only dance, so let us set the stage."

"Cursed Domain: Bloodied Field of The Primordial Battle."