The Earth God Slayer

(Third Person POV)

"Tessa?" Jason said as he looked at the woman, "Who's this now?"

Tessa took a step forward as she looked at Jason.

"Rustyrose." she said , "Pull pack. I'll handle this one."

Rustyrose struggled to get on his fist. He clutched his stomach as he looked at Tessa with a concerned face.

"You sure?" He asked, "He's got a strange magic!"

Tessa nodded, "Only a God can match another God." She said

Jason then realized it. Tessa was The Earth God Slayer. He had deduced it due to the fact that the wall of earth that was used to shield Rustyrose was colored an obsidian black. That and he felt a similar magic power to that of his own.

Rustyrose then began to limp away. Jason could only watch as he was more intrigued by his new opponent.

He, "So you're a God, now?" He asked

Tessa raised her arms, "I am the Earth Goddess, Tessa." She said, "You will succumb to my power, False God."

The ground beneath Jason began to shake a bit. He looked below him and saw it slowly turn back. He could only raise his eyebrows in pure curiosity. He did not feel threatened at all.

"Earth God's Crush."

Suddenly, the ground beneath him split apart and Jason stumbled down to a pit created out nowhere.

"Whoa." Jason said as he hit the bottom of the pit

The ground then immediately closed as the attack was meant to crush and bury him alive.

Tessa merely watched as the ground fully closed.

She then sighed, "It appears the False God was just that." She said, "A fake."

Suddenly, from the same spot, a massive beam of black light erupted.

Tessa widened her eyes in surprise as Jason launched himself out of the hole caused by the beam of light. He had used his Black God Slayer Magic to break free.

He landed right in front of Tessa and kicked her in the chest. Tessa was able to block the kick with her arms but the force was still strong enough to send her reeling back.

She looked at Jason who straightened up, "What strength." She noted, "It appears your physical power is worth noting."

Jason nodded as he cracked his knuckles, "Yup." He said, "And you, you're the Earth God Slayer?"

Tessa nodded as she crouched down and placed her hands on the ground.

"Yes." She said, "I am the Goddess of The Earth. I can wield the ground to my whim."

"Earth God's Obsidian Pillars."

She summoned massive pillars of black stone that shot toward Jason. Jason merely jumped and evaded them as he looked at Tessa. The barrage of pillars were pushing him back, creating a distance between himself and the Earth God Slayer.

He merely looked as Tessa disappeared from sight.

"Hm?" He said

Suddenly, Tessa appeared from within one of the pillars and lunged at Jason. She had one of her arms reared back. Jason noticed that it was covered in a black stone.

"Earth God's Crushing Fist."

Tessa punched Jason in the face, sending him crashing down hard. The impact was powerful enough to cause a shockwave and a cloud of dust.

Tessa landed on the ground in front of Jason, who merely got back up. Tessa widened her eyes to see he only had a bruise on his cheek where she had punched him.

"That's the only damage I had done?" She said, "It appears you're stronger than you let on."

Jason looked at her, "Earth God Slayer Magic." He said, "You can create, summon, and control any form of Earth. It takes the form of an obsidian black color. Not only that, it seems you can use Terrakinetic abilities and assimilate yourself in the black stone."

Tessa raised his eyebrows, "You know a bit of my abilities...."

Jason nodded, "Yea." He said, "But don't let me hold you up. Come at me. You're gonna lose anyways."

Tessa glared at him, "You underestimate me, you fool." She said as she released a dark aura, "I am The Earth Goddess, Tessa! One of The 7 Kin of Purgatory!! Master Hades himself praised my power! You stand no chance!"

Jason smirked, "Yea yea yea." He said, "You're just another one-dimensional antagonist, shut the fuck up. Your purpose in this life is solely to feed me."

Tessa slammed her hand on the ground, "You'll regret saying that!!"

Suddenly, the earth began to shake violently.

"I am the Earth Goddess!!!" Tessa bellowed, "I will not be defeated by you!"

Jason smirked as he let out his own dark aura, "Well if you're the Earth Goddess...." He said,

"I am the God of All That Is Black."


In the middle of the clearing where Jason was ambushed by the dark mages and bounty hunters, there was a massive shockwave and an explosion of dust and dirt.

Tessa, a member of the 7 Kin of Purgatory, jumped away from the cloud of dust. She had a small cut on her forehead that was bleeding.

She looked at the cloud of dust with a shocked expression, "What is his power!!" She exclaimed, "He keeps devouring my earth!!!"

From the dust, Jason appeared as he wiped his mouth.

"Come on." He said, "I'm halfway full. Come and hit me with your best shot."

Jason covered his fists in the black light of his magic. He gave Tessa a smirk as he lunged at her.

Tessa swung her arms at him.

"Eath God's Spears"

Suddenly, massive obsidian stone spikes emerged and shot at Jason who merely punched one of his fists at them.

"Black God's Fist."

Upon impact, a massive beam of black light was fired. It completely destroyed the spikes as Tessa jumped away, avoiding getting hit by the light.

She was grazed by it once and she felt an unbelievable pain. It was able to rip apart a large piece of her cloak, revealing part of her body. She wore a tight white shirt with brown pants. She had curvaceous and buxom body that was hidden by her cloak, but no longer.

She landed on the ground several meters from Jason.

Jason looked at her, "Oh." He said, "I should've eaten those spikes...."

The Blue Screen appeared in front of him.


Jason nodded, "I guess I should bait more attacks then." He said

Jason was holding back with the intention of using Conversion on Tessa's magic. He wanted to gain the Earth God Slayer Magic for himself.

There was only one issue; Jason could only use Conversion when he's using Black God Slayer Magic. Despite not using its offensive capabilities against Sherria, he was in the Black God state when he ate her wind in order to use Conversion on it. That being said, Black God Slayer Magic is incredibly powerful when it comes to offensive power.

The power of the black light is so great that it takes only a couple of hits to severely weaken them. Tessa was grazed by one of the attacks and she's well aware of it's damage.

So in order to not defeat Tessa before he uses Conversion, he needs to hold back a bit and not land direct hits. He just needed Tessa to fire off her magic at him and he'll simply devour them.

This came to the other issue. Tessa was incredibly cautious. Ever since Jason displayed his ability to devour her magic, she has been very careful and was developing strategies to overcome this hurdle.

Jason, however, has discovered his opportunity to get her to attack relentlessly.

He smirked as he gestured at her, "So." He said, "You were hiding that body underneath that cloak, eh?"

Tessa's eye twitched, "Huh?"

Jason placed his hand on his chin, "Man, that's one nice body...." He said, "Shame you got a mask on. I would love to see that pretty little face of yours. You know, with those curves, that ass, and those nicely shaped big breasts of yours....I wouldn't mind fucking you."

Tessa glared at him as she released an intense aura.

"I'll kill you." She growled

Jason smirked, "Nah." He said, "You won't. Someone as weak as you can only serve me with her body."

Tessa then took her cloak off, revealing her curvaceous and buxom figure completely. Jason smiled at this and whistled.

"Oh don't stop there." He said, "Take it all off!"

"I'm gonna take your head of your shoulders." Tessa hissed

"God Slayer Secret Art:"

Jason widened his eyes, "Oh?"

Suddenly, the entire ground around Tessa began to turn black and started to swirl around as if it were sand. Tessa raised her arms as she rose above the ground on a platform of stone.

Jason noticed that there were massive arms and fists being formed from the black earth around her. There were countless of massive arms that emerged and Jason could only sense a pure dark amount of magic power coming from them.

"Heh." He only said

Tessa gave him a serious glare, "Die."

"Bodhisattva's Thousand Arm Display."

Suddenly, the massive arms formed into a fist and immediately shot towards Jason. There were so many of them that it blocked out the sun and a shadow was casted upon Jason.

Jason, however, was not fazed in the slightest.

"Perfect." He said

He was then hit by the intense barrage of attacks from Tessa. There was nothing but massive shockwaves that shattered the ground, leaving massive clouds of dust.

Tessa stood on the platform created as the constant barrage of fists hit Jason.

"You fool." She said, "You are a mere False God. Your power is nothing to me, The Goddess of Earth."

Suddenly, the attacks stopped.

Tessa widened her eyes in surprise, she didn't stop the attack herself. It was abruptly stopped by something.

Suddenly, the entirety of the arms was suddenly siphoned into a single point. Tessa watched in shock as the countless stone arms she had created were all being devoured by Jason.

"Great Devour."

Jason reared his head back as the entirety of Tessa's attack was devoured by him in the matter of seconds.

He then burped and wiped his mouth.

"Holy shit." He said, "If it wasn't for that ability that I unlocked, I probably wouldn't have gotten all of that this fast."

The Blue Screen then appeared again.


Jason smirked, "Just as I hoped." He said

He then placed his hand on his chest, releasing a dark aura.

"Black God's Conversion."

Tessa watched as the aura swirled towards his chest. She felt an immense magic power as the ground slightly shook.

She then watched as the aura stopped and Jason looked at her.

Jason placed his hand on his chin as he gave her a sly smirk.

"I kinda wanna try something...." He said

He then raised his foot up, releasing a massive amount of magic power.

Tessa recognized the Magic Power.

"W-What?!" She exclaimed

Jason then stomped his foot on the ground with a vicious smirk.

"Earth God's Quake Foot!!!"

Suddenly, the entire ground, spanning hundreds of meters around them, shattered completely. The entire ground along with the air around them shook violently. This caused the platform Tessa was on to crumble, making her fall to the ground.

"What the hell?" She exclaimed

She then watched as Jason lunged at her through the shattering ground that was imploding. She noticed there was a crimson-red aura around him.

"Obliteration Style: True Fist."

He hit her straight in the chest, sending her flying.

Tessa crashed on the ground, causing a massive shockwave. She then got right back up as black stone crumbled from her chest. She had used her ability to shield her from the attack at the last second. But it was futile, the True Damage was still able to damage her greatly. But due to the stone, it managed to mitigate the physical aspect of it.

She clutched her chest, it felt like it was completely shattered. But since she knew her own body, she knew it was just the force of the impact.

She panted, "What just happened?" She said as Jason landed several meters in front of her

He gestured at her to come at her.

She then ripped off her mask, revealing her pale face. She had a scar that ran across her left side of the mouth.

"You son of a bitch." She growled as she reared her head back

Jason smirked as he reared his as well, "Oh this is more like it."

They both then released their breath attacks. The same type of breath attack.

"Earth God's Bellow!!!"

Both of them released a swirling beam of black earth and stone directly at each other. The breath attacks collided with each other, causing a massive shockwave and explosion of stone and dirt. The impact shattered the ground as it caused a shockwave strong enough to rip the nearby trees off the ground.

Tessa widened her eyes in pure shock as she watched Jason wipe his mouth.

"That's a weird feeling, really." He said, "I don't know how I feel about shooting dirt out of my mouth."

Tessa shook slightly, she was beginning to get a strong sense of fear.

"W-What are you?" She managed

Jason looked at her and gave her a smirk, "Me?" He said, "I'm The Black God."

He took a step forward hers. Tessa was completely overwhelmed by the fact that he displayed the ability to use Earth God Slayer magic.

"N-no...." she said, "There's no can't use my magic...I am the Earth Goddess!!!"

Jason sighed, "Now that I have Earth God Slayer Magic, I have no need to keep you up and running." He said as he gave her a serious glare,

"How about we finish this?"


(Jason's POV)

"Oh well." I said as I made my way to the front building, "I don't know why I'm doing this now of all times, but fuck it."

It was a couple of days since my fight with Grimoire Heart. In the end, that Tessa chick ended up escaping. She used her stone assimilation trick to avoid my attacks and dip. I merely ignored her and left.

I really didn't give a shit about her. I had obtained her magic so it really didn't matter.

I entered the building and saw a guy wearing a summer shirt and some shorts on. He looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Hello there!" He said

I nodded, "Sup." I said, "So, I'm here to purchase a permit to be at the beach?"

Yeap, the beach. I went to one of the best beaches in Fiore, allegedly. I was told by someone that this one in particular was really nice and quiet, but it was semi-private. You had to pay to enter it without any issues.

The man nodded, "Of course." He said, "Let me help with you that. What brings you this beach?"

I shrugged, "Just wanted a vacation." I said, "Been stressed out as of late."

He chuckled, "Got you." He said, "Well, that'll be 65 jewels."

I handed him the money, "So is this beach like fully closed, how does it work?" I asked, "You can't just waltz in, right?"

"Well..." He said handing me a bracelet, "With that bracelet, you can pass through the barrier just fine. The Magic Council owns this beach technically. So they have runic barriers all around the entrances and borders. But as long as you pay, you can pass through just fine."

I put the bracelet on, "Alright." I said, "Well, thanks."

He nodded, "Have a great day!"

I walked out the building.

I then looked up at the hot sun, "Man." I said, "It's pretty hot out. I'm glad I got sunscreen with me."

I then made my way to the entrance to the beach.

"Just gonna find a good spot and just relax." I said,

"Hopefully nothing crazy happens."