Challenged By The Iron Dragon

(Jason's POV)

"Hm.." I said as I stood in a cliff overseeing a clearing in a forest, "Could've sworn there was an ominous magic power coming from here." 

I jumped off the cliff and towards the clearing, landing on the ground without any sort of damage from the high fall. 

"Hm..." I said, "It seems that using gravity to negate fall damage is quite useful." 

It was a couple of days after I had mutated my god slayer magic and obtained the Gravity God Slayer Magic. It was an odd magic, just like the screen told me. I can casually control and manipulate gravity, just like gravity magic normally does but the way it forms is so odd. 

There was also the fact that I couldn't do any breath attacks and couldn't cover my limbs in the "element" like normal Slayer type magic. It was definitely it's own flawed type of magic that doesn't really deserve to be in the category it is in. However, the type of gravity I can create does feel much stronger than the one I've seen Kagura use. 

I'm no physicist by any means, but from my understanding of Gravity, it is that Gravity is a fundamental interaction that creates attraction between objects that have mass. That's gravity in a broad spectrum, but the gravity we know and are familiar is the invisible force that keeps us grounded to the earth, since it is the Earth's gravity that has everything attracted to it. 

As far as I am aware, Gravity Magic alters the gravity of this world and can even create additional gravity as a way to not greatly affect the reality of this world. Gravity is the most significant interaction since it can determine the motion between planets, stars, galaxies, and even light. 

But that's from the real world. So Gravity Magic in a world like this, it will be fundamentally different. 

What I'm trying to say that apart from being different than regular gravity magic, my Gravity God Slayer Magic is far more power and potent than the one Kagura wields. I can not only manipulate the gravity in this world, but can create more gravity in an area. 

I wonder what the limits of this power can be. I can use gravity, the power of attraction and repeling, due to the control of this interaction, to move physical objects. It can take the form of an invisible force that magic can't seem to bypass. 

"I wonder if I can use it similar to a certain character from a certain manga.." I said looking at a tree

I swiped my arm in a rapid fashion. 

In an instant, the tree was ripped off the ground and sent flying with great force. 

I watched as it crashed into other trees, creating a domino effect of falling trees. 

"Maybe that was uncalled for..." I muttered, "But if I can control gravity....does that mean I can fly? Or maybe float?" 

I concentrated on making my gravity light. Almost as if it was magic, which it was, I suddenly began to float up in the air. I floated up several meters in the air as the gravity around me was being manipulated to allow me to pull this off. I wonder why this was too easy for me to use, perhaps it is because it's a God Slayer magic, or maybe it's a "hack'. Basically, due to the mutation, I was given this easy power to control. 

"Whoa." I said, "This is weird." 

I then spun in the air as I placed my hand on my chin. Maybe it is definitely due to the mutation. Oh well, I'll leave it up to interpretation. It was definitely an odd magic to have. Not a traditional slayer type magic, but since it is a God Slayer Magic, it can be used to harm a God. That could be useful for later on, probably. 

If I have to encounter the Dragon Gods, maybe it'll be useful. 

"But they're dragons..." I said, "But gods too? I don't know what's up with them. But maybe this magic could be useful at some point." 

"Jason?" i heard a familiar voice call out

I looked down to see the cute and sexy shorty, Levy herself. 

She stood under a tree, looking up at me. She had a very surprised look on her face as if she wasn't expecting me to be floating in midair. I noticed she was wearing nothing but shorts and a crop top, a warm-weather outfit, I assume. She had a backpack strapped on her back and she was holding on to the straps. 

I willed myself to float down towards her. 

"Yo." I said with a smile, "What brings you here?"

"That's my question." She said, "Why're you here?" 

I shrugged, "No reason." 

"Why're you floating?" She asked

"Gravity magic." I said

"You got gravity magic???" She asked in awe

"Pretty much." I replied, "It's a long story." 

"Are you here for the Eclipse darkness?" She asked

I nodded, "Basically." I said, "Did Lucy fill you in?" 

"Yea." she said, "I'm here with Ga-" 

"Oi." I heard a voice growl

I turned to see Gajeel walk towards us with a serious scowl on his face. I noticed Pantherlily, in his tall form, walking behind him. 

I nodded, "Sup." I said as I landed on the ground

"What do you think yer doing?" Gajeel said as he walked up to me with a scowl, "Back the fuck off from her." 

I raised an eyebrow, "What's your deal?" 

"Gajeel, calm down!" Levy exclaimed nervously, "Don't start anything!" 

I crossed my arms, "What's with this one?" I asked, "He wants to fight?" 

Gajeel gave me an annoyed smirk, "Oh, fuck yea." He said, "I think it's about time we had a little rematch. Remember the first time we met? You think I was gonna let that slide?" 

I sighed, "I remember putting you to sleep." I said shaking my head

"You little..." Gajeel started

"Gajeel." Lily said behind him, "I suggest you calm down. Master Makarov would not be happy to hear you doing this." 

Gajeel shook his head, "Oh, I don't care." He said, "Oi, Jason, you fuck." 

I tilted my head slightly, "What?" I said

He gave me a menacing glare, "What do you think?" He growled, "Right here, right now." 

"I challenge you to a duel."