Vicious Assault

(Third Person POV)

Jason stood there, alone, looking at his surroundings. He can now feel multiple presences that the screen had warned him about. 

He recognized the magic signatures, they were the same ones he had already encountered. 

He gritted his teeth, "So eager for round 2, huh?" He said as he readied a stance, "Bring it on, fuckfaces." 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a figure launched at him. Jason raised his arm and blocked a poison mist-engulfed kick by Cobra. 

Cobra widened his eyes to see Jason's arm was covered in a black-steel, his kick had hit it and he's feeling the vibrations caused by the impact. 

"You lot don't learn..." Jason said as he pushed him off, "Did your Master go senile? Breaking the truce we had!!!"

Before Jason could fight back, he was hit by a massive stream of wooden roots. The attack sent him flying and crashing into a group of trees, creating a massive cloud of dust and wooden debris. 

Azuma appeared next to Cobra as he crossed his arms. 

"It's time we put an end to this." He said seriously

Cobra rubbed his neck, "I still can't hear his thoughts...." He said

"The other 2 won't join us. They're with the Master." Azuma said, "It's up to us." 

From the cloud of dust, Jason walked up, patting his shirt down from dirt and dust. He didn't seem to have any visible damage. 

Jason then noticed that Rustyrose and Midnight appeared from behind where Azuma and Cobra stood. 

"Where's the other bastard?" Cobra asked Rustyrose

"Don't know." Rustyrose said fixing his glasses, "But we don't need him, we can take him." 

"Idiot." Midnight said, "Last time we fought him, we lost." 

"We strike in a coordinated fashion." Azuma said, "He cannot handle us at once. Last time, we lost because we went one by one." 

Jason was staring at them with an unamused look, "You've got to be joking." He said, "You seriously think you stand a chance?" 

Cobra immediately lunged at Jason, engulfing his fist with poison mist. 

"Shut the hell-" Cobra yelled but was cut off

He hit an invisible barrier and was repelled backward. In an instant, Jason appeared in front of him and punched him in the chest. 

The blow was so strong that it cracked all of Cobra's ribs in a single strike, sending him flying past the other Kin of Purgatory. 

"You don't learn your lesson." Jason said seriously, "Oh well, I'll take this opportunity to practice these two magic. And the third new one, if I can." 

Rustyrose appeared next to him, swinging a massive flaming sword. The blade stopped in midair, as it struck an invisible barrier. In an instant, Rustyrose was blown back by a shockwave. Jason then grabbed him by the collar and flung him towards Midnight. 

Midnight jumped out of the way and watched as Rustyrose hit the ground hard. 

He then lunged at Jason and swung his arm. 

"Invisible Scythe" 

He sent a wave of distorted air at Jason which did nothing, as it bounced off an invisible barrier. 

"What?" Midnight exclaimed

Jason then appeared in front of him. Almost instantly, Midnight felt an incredible force hitting him in the face and forcing him back. 

His face was pressed tightly by something as he hit a tree and Jason got closer and closer. It was an incredibly powerful pressure that was crushing his bones and body. His mouth started bleeding as he looked at Jason who was giving him a smirk. 

"W-What is this?" Midnight managed

Jason then jumped out the way as a massive wave of wooden spears was shot at him. Azuma jumped towards him to follow as Midnight got on his knees to catch his breath. 

"What is that thing you used?" Azuma asked as he waved his hands

Tree roots sprouted from the ground and shot towards Jason who merely waved his arm and they imploded instantly. 

"Come and find out." Jason said

Azuma then lunged and as he reached Jason, was hit by an invisible force that sent him back to the ground. 

Jason landed on the ground as he looked at him, "So it is working." He said

As the Kin of Purgatory got back to their feet, Jason gave them a smirk. 

"Gravity God's Presence." 

Suddenly, all of them were hit by a powerful wave of gravity which forced them to their knees. The gravity was so strong that it shattered the earth beneath them with ease. 

As they struggled to get up, Jason merely looked at his hand. 

"So it's working." He said, "This is without a doubt nearly the same thing as his. I'm using my gravity to form a barrier around me, acting as an invisible armor that nothing can penetrate as long as I have it active. I don't know what to call it, but since it's similar to Gojo's Limitless, I'll figure something out to reference it." 

Jason walked forward as the gravity still hit them all, keeping them pinned to the ground. 

"I don't know what Hades was thinking." Jason continued, "Did he really think you fuckers were enough to put up a fight? After what happened last time, you ought to learn your lesson. Unless....." 

He released the spell, dispelling the gravity.

Almost immediately, Cobra lunged at him again. But Jason had anticipated this and lunged at him as well, both of them clashing. Cobra was hit by Jason's invisible barrier and as Jason had lunged at him, it sent him flying back towards the ground. 

Jason landed on the ground as he looked at the dragon slayer. 

"He's planning something..." Jason said, "I wonder what that is....." 

Midnight appeared behind him and was charging up a dark green beam in his fingers, his magic power rising significantly. 

"Dark Magic..." Jason noted 

"Dark Rondo!" 

Midnight fired off a massive stream of darkness at Jason who jumped away. He then appeared in front of Midnight who was expecting to be hit by the barrier but was surprised to see he was not. 

"Useless magic against me." Jason said as he grabbed Midnight's arm

The grip was so unnaturally powerful that it broke his arm almost immediately. Midnight fell on his knees as he shouted in pain. 

"Gahh!!" He yelled out

"Using gravity to replicate Gojo's Limitless. That's cool and all, I admit. I think I can also replicate a couple of his moves too...." Jason said, "But another cool thing I can do is add gravity to myself, in turn, adding mass, which adds power without slowing me down. You know what that is in reference to? At least in theory." 

Jason then flung Midnight away and turned to see Azuma lunging at him at full speed. Without wasting any time, Jason punched Azuma in the chest, shattering his ribs with ease. Despite layering himself with wooden armor, Azuma's body could not handle the power that he was hit by. 

He was sent flying backward, hitting the trees and causing a massive cloud of dust. 

"Bom Bah Yeh." Jason said, "Or Star Rage, I don't know. Yuki Tsukumo's cursed technique allowed her to add virtual mass to herself and granting devastating destructive power to her physical attacks. This however is fundamentally different. I am adding gravity to myself which adds weight, and in a way, adds mass. However, normally, I wouldn't be able to move freely if I have added so much weight to myself. But with Gravity, I can counteract that effect and effectively be lighter than normal. This makes it simple." 

Jason made his way towards the nearest Kin of Purgatory as he rubbed his neck. 

"Gravity God Slayer is one hell of a magic." He said as he looked at Rustyrose, "Don't you think so?" 

Rustyrose looked up at him, "B-Bastar-" He said before widening his eyes

In an instant, Rustyrose pushed himself away from Jason who frowned in confusion. 

Jason then looked up to see a massive stream of black flames firing at him. 

"Flame God's Bellow!!!!" 

The stream of flames hit Jason, causing a massive explosion of flames that shattered the earth. 

Azuma looked up as he bleed from his mouth, "Zancrow...." He managed, "You're late...." 

Zancrow was standing atop a tree branch as he looked at the explosion of black flames. 

"Hahahhahah!!!!" He laughed, "You fucker!!!!! That'll teach ya!!!!" 

Suddenly, the earth shook as they felt an immense magic power skyrocketing. Zancrow frowned as he looked at the flames that were being dispersed. 

He saw that Jason was covered in a black-steel plating, Almost as if he clad himself in armor. The steel was so black that it shone off, acting as an obsidian. His head was covered in steel, acting as a helmet. Zancrow recognized the magic power as God Slayer Magic which shocked him tremendously. 

"W-what..." He managed

From the eye-slits, he noticed Jason's bloodshot eyes glaring at him with an immense amount of rage. 

"You...." Jason's voice was heard

"Yea, it's me." Zancrow said as he sneered, "Miss m-" 

In an instant, Jason had lunged past Zancrow. 

"Steel-God's Sword Duality!!" 

Zancrow coughed up blood as he looked down at his stomach. He couldn't feel anything but noticed that blood was pouring out of it. Suddenly, his left arm fell to the ground as blood poured out. 

The other Kin of Purgatory looked up in horror. 

"Z-Zancrow!!!!" Rustyrose yelled out

Zancrow's top half of his body suddenly toppled over as it pummeled to the ground while his lower half crumbled atop of the branch.

Jason had cut him in half. 

Landing on top of another tree branch, past where Zancrow was, Jason slowly looked back. The other Kin of Purgatory noticed a cold shift in the air. 

They knew one thing for sure; 

Jason was ready to kill them.