Jason vs Hades and Tessa (Part 2)

(Third Person POV)

As Hades and Tessa traversed the trenches, they heard another explosion. 

Tessa looked up, "That came from the west.." She said, "We should investigate..." 

Hades crossed his arms and stroked his beard, "You go and do that." He told her, "I think I can figure out this maze and disable the spell." 

He had been carefully studying the magical properties of the land, the shaping of the ground, and the amount of magic power that was emanating from the space they were in. Hades was slowly but surely figuring a way to escape the Battlefield. 

Tessa nodded, "Yessir." She said before turning around and running

As Tessa ran through the trenches, she heard loud screams coming from ahead. She could only assume that they were from the dark mages that had accompanied them. Suddenly, Tessa felt an intense and ominous pressure coming from where she had heard the prior explosion. 

She widened her eyes, "This pressure..." She said, "It's him!" 

As she made a turn, she ran into a group of dark mages. They were pointing their staves and firing off magical projectiles at something. 

Tessa then raised her arm and covered her fist in black stone, "Outta the way!" She yelled at them

One of them turned around, "Tessa-san!" he said, "Back-"

Suddenly, his entire right side was blown apart as it was hit by something. He instantly crumpled to the ground as blood spewed out of everywhere, pooling on the ground. 

"What the..." Tessa said as she stood there in shock

As the other dark mages tried to run, a loud and deafening boom was heard, their bodies splattering open as projectiles hit them from behind. 

Tessa then watched as Jason marched towards them holding a strange firearm, in her eyes. He was wearing a military uniform and he had what looked like a cigar in his mouth and a crazed look in his eyes. 

Jason aimed at the back of a dark mage and pulled the trigger of his firearm, firing small projectiles that hit the back of the mage and instantly ripped through his body. His corpse flopped down on the ground as Tessa and the others merely watched in horror. 

Tessa was used to magical guns and firearms, but never has she seen such a weapon. 

"What the hell is that thing?!" the other mages 

Jason pumped his shotgun as he gave them a smirk, "Oh this baby?" He said raising it slightly, "Oh they used to call it the Trench Gun. You see, back where I'm from, they had this one massive war where they introduced Trench Warfare. And well, they ended up using this bad boy to just sweep through the trenches and obliterate the enemy. I could get more into it, but you guys wouldn't get it." 

He then pointed at the nearest dark mage and pulled the trigger, instantly obliterating the poor idiot as his guts were splattered on the dirt wall. 

"This bad boy is currently on magic steroids, so it kicks even harder than my world's counterpart and original." Jason said as he pumped the shotgun, "And neat thing is....infinite ammo..." 

Tessa ran past the remaining dark mages and lunged at Jason who gave her a smirk. 

"Earth God's-" 

Jason pointed the trench gun at her and fired, the pellets hitting Tessa in the stomach. If she wasn't a God Slayer with an extremely tough body, she would've been treated like her comrades, but since she was, the pellets only ripped through her skin. 

"Agh!!" Tessa shouted in pain as she stumbled back and hit the wall, "What the!!" 

Jason pumped the shotgun, "I'll be damned...." He said, "A God Slayer being stopped by a gun, how fucking pathetic.." 

Jason pulled the cigar out of his mouth and exhaled a cloud of smoke. The Trench Gun then disappeared from his hand as placed the cigar back into his mouth. 

Tessa looked at him, "You will stand no chance against me when this spell is deactivated." She said with a glare, "Master Hades will deactivate it." 

Jason nodded, "Sure, I'll bet." He said, "But in the meantime..." 

He snapped his fingers and mounted guns appeared from the trench walls and opened fire on the group. Tessa immediately slammed his foot on the ground, summoning an earth shield as her dark mage comrades were ripped apart from the high-caliber gunfire enhanced by the War Magic. 

"Everything is still in my control." Jason said as he took the cigar out and exhaled smoke, "After all, this is still my War Magic." 

Tessa then lunged at Jason, punching at his face. Jason merely blocked the punch and grabbed her fist as he held the cigar slightly in front of his mouth. 

Jason smirked, "Oh?" He said, "I figured since I've wiped the floor with your fellow Kin, you would know that you stand no chance against me. But since you got Hades backing you up, I suppose a little confidence is to be expected." 

Tessa glared at him, "I will kill you." She growled, "Mark my words." 

"No, you won't." Jason said as he flicked the cigar away, "Such a shame really, a beautiful woman like you wasted.....on a dumbass guild like his. If you were just a bit friendlier, I wouldn't mind fucking you." 

Tessa's eyes twitched, "I'll make you regret ever thinking that." She hissed, "I'll gut you like the pig you are!!" 

She reared her other fist back as she covered it in black stone. Jason merely pushed her away as he swung his fist, sending her a barrage of grenades that were about to detonate. 

Tessa widened her eyes as she was engulfed in a massive explosion, sending her crashing against the trench walls. 

Jason rubbed his neck as he watched Tessa slowly get up, her skin was covered by a plating of black stone. 

"I'm impressed." He said as he summoned an M1911 Pistol in his hand, "You can instantly cover yourself in armor to avoid serious damage from explosions. You have my praise." 

Tessa looked at Jason when suddenly, she received a telepathic message from Hades. 

"Brace yourself, child." Hades spoke to her, "I am deactivating the spell." 

Suddenly, the trenches shook violently and the ground began to glow. 

In almost an instant, they were engulfed in a bright white light, and suddenly they were in a flat plain. 

As Jason looked around, his spell deactivated, Tessa immediately jumped into the air and ripped her mask off. 

"Earth God's Bellow!!!!" 

She fired off a massive stream of swirling black earth and stone at Jason who looked up with a slight smirk. 

The breath attack hit Jason and caused a massive explosion of dirt and dust with a shockwave that caused the ground to shatter. 

She landed back on the ground as she panted slightly and clutched her bleeding stomach, caused by Jason's trench gun. 

Hades then appeared next to her as the dust cloud slowly subsided, "Well done in keeping him at bay, child." He said, "I was able to undo his spell, although I don't know if I can do it repeatedly." 

Tessa nodded, "Thank you, Master." She said, "At the very least, I now have control of the earth again." 

"Ehh...." Jason's voice was heard from the dust

As it cleared, Jason walked from behind the front of what looked like a crumpled tank. He was patting his uniform as he still had the pistol in his hand. 

"Yea, sure, you can think you do." Jason said as he looked at them, "But know this..." 

He pointed his gun at them and snapped his fingers. Then, multiple black tanks appeared and slowly marched towards Hades and Tessa. 

"Hm..." Hades said

He then swiped his arms, making hand signs. Almost instantaneously, multiple magic circles and seals appeared around the tanks and engulfed them in massive explosions. 

Jason raised his eyebrows, "Holy shit." He said, "Multiple Amaterasu spells at once? Damn. I didn't expect that." 

He then rubbed the gun on his forehead as he looked at Hades with a bewildered look. 

"Don't think I'll go easy on you, boy." Hades said as he swung his arm at Jason

A massive magical chain fired at Jason as it hit him in the chest. 

"Huh?" Jason said, " What the hell?" 

Hades then pulled Jason towards him with the chain, his body flying through the air. As Jason neared them, Tessa hit him with a downward kick, enhanced by her black stone. This caused Jason to hit the ground hard as it shattered the earth. 

Tessa then landed next to Jason as she raised her arm, forming her fist into a massive spiked black stone ball. 

"I said I was gonna kill you." She growled

Hades then widened his eye, "No, Tessa!" 

In almost an instant, Jason had pierced Tessa's stomach with a spear as he pushed her away. 

"Gahh!!" Tessa coughed up blood as Jason gave her a vicious smirk

"Oh?" Jason said in a menacing tone, "You? Kill me?" 

Hades pointed his finger at Jason in a finger-gun gesture, charging up a bright purple magic light. 

Jason then let go of the spear he was holding and kicked Tessa away as he looked at Hades who already fired the magic bullet at him. 

As the bullet hit and pierced through Jason, to his surprise, he aimed his Desert Eagle at the Master of Grimoire Heart and pulled the trigger, firing off the bullet aimed at his chest. 

The bullet hit and pierced Hades, staggering him as blood poured out of the hole. 

"Hnnggh!!" Hades grunted in pain as Jason collapsed to his knees

"Holy shit!!" Jason said as he clutched his wound, "What the fuck was that you hit me with?!"

Hades panted, "I could ask the same thing..." He said, "That gun....it's not ordinary...." 

Jason slowly stood up, "I suppose it ain't..." He said, "It's not only enhanced with magic steroids via War Magic, I kinda added a little enchantment on it for extra power to pierce through an elite mage like you..." 

Hades nodded, "I see.." He said 

He then looked over at Tessa who was gasping for air, blood pouring from her stomach where she was pierced with a spear. 

Without saying another word, Hades straightened up and raised his arms in the air. 

"I surrender." He said unexpectedly

Jason looked at him, "Huh?" 

"In exchange, let the girl live." Hades looked at him, "I'll back off of you if it means she survives..." 

Jason frowned, "I have no idea how many times you've tried to kill me, Hades." He said in an annoyed tone, "But if you're getting cold feet now, tough luck, buddy." 

"I'll tell you what Silver is up to." Hades said

Jason raised his eyebrow, "What?" 

Hades nodded, "You don't know, do you?" He said, "What Silver has been up to with that weapon you so willingly handed over...." 

Jason tilted his head, "Tell me." 

"Give me your word you let Tessa live." Hades said

Jason snapped his fingers. The spear that was in Tessa's stomach disappeared and she was covered in a dark green mist. 

"Sky God's Grand Heal." 

Suddenly, the wound had closed and Tessa's eyes closed as she went to sleep. 

"There." Jason said, "Now tell me." 

Hades sighed, "Fine then." He said as he placed his hand behind his back, "He has gone north. To Guiltina." 

Jason frowned again, "Why?" 

"Why do you think?" Hades said, "To seek the beings that found refuge there." 

"The Dragon Gods."