Jason vs Suzaku III

(Third Person POV)

As Suzaku and Jason faced off, Karameel ran up to where Igora stood. The She-Demon stopped her from approaching. 

"Don't get any closer, Karameel..." She told her, "Everyone! Whatever you do, do not get close!"

Karameel looked at Jason and Suzaku who were releasing their intense auras that were shaking the ground.

"Jason.." She said

"This power...." Igora said, "It's different than Martial Arts Magic...." 

This was referring to Jason's War Magic, it was currently activated. Jason was confused about how Igora was able to tell he had Martial Arts Magic when he didn't have it activated. 

Suzaku took a step forward as he placed his hand on his sword handle, "Let thine power show." He said, "Show me how much thou hast grown." 

Jason smirked as he drew The Last Word instantly and hip-fired several shots at Suzaku. Suzaku immediately drew his sword and deflected the bullets with ease. 

"Oh?" Jason said as he looked at him, "Should've known..." 

Suzaku looked at Jason as he raised an eyebrow, "Peculiar..." He said

He instantly lunged at Jason, intending to cut him down similar to how he did in the past. 

Jason, however, jumped up and over Suzaku as the Dragon Slayer swung his blade at him. Suzaku looked up at Jason who aimed his hand cannon down at him in the middle of the air. 

"Eat lead, fucker." Jason said as he opened fire

Suzaku jumped out of the way as one of the bullets grazed him. He felt a ridiculous sharp pain. Right then and there, he noticed that there was something strange about the weapon Jason had suddenly drawn. 

Jason landed on the ground and straightened up as he held The Last Word in his right hand. He looked at Suzaku, getting a feel for his magic power. 

"Thou can see mine blade when drawn." Suzaku said, "Thine skill has grown." 

Jason scowled, "Oh has it?" I said, "Trust me when I say this; you're not beating me this time." 

Suzaku readied an Iai stance as she released an intense magic power, "What strange magic thou uses." He said with a serious look, "Different from the previous one thou used. Where is the strange crimson aura?" 

Jason smiled, "Oh, this one?" He said as his hand cannon disappeared

Suddenly, he was covered in the crimson aura Suzaku mentioned, activating his Obliteration Style. 

As this happened, Igora scowled as she and the others watched. 

"That..." She growled, "It is....." 

Suzaku then lunged at Jason, drawing his sword as he swung at his neck. Jason then raised his arm to stop the blade, causing a massive shockwave, surprising the Dragon Slayer. 

"What?!" He said 

Jason then pushed him off as he took a step back, his entire body showing some sort of strange fluid motion. 

"Obliteration Style: Formless Artillery!!!!" 

Suddenly, Suzaku was hit with several obliteration-style punches that came from erratic and unpredictable angles, striking at several parts of his body and face. The impact of the punches caused strong shockwaves that damaged the dragon slayer. 

"Hnngghh!!" He grunted as he was sent reeling back 

As he straightened up, he attempted to strike back at Jason, swinging his sword at him. Jason however, dodged at the last second, his body taking a weird shape, or at least it looked like it. 

He countered with a fierce punch to the solar plexus, causing a serious shockwave. 

"What?!" Suzaku exclaimed

He reeled back as he held his sword, looking at Jason with surprise who was still emitting the crimson aura. 

Igora saw this as she scowled, "Formless Artillery..." She said

Karameel looked at her, "You know that magic?" 

She nodded, "I once fought a user of that magic." she said, "He used Formless Artillery on me. It's a spell that grants the body fluid movements akin to water that allow him to dodge attacks and attack without form, preventing the opponent from reading the attack. And the fact he combined it with Obliteration Style...." 

They both looked at Suzaku who was patting his chest, "Interesting." He said, "Thou has new tricks. But no matter, thine magic shall not defeat me. Mine power is still greater." 

Jason then disappeared from where he stood. 

"Hm?" Suzaku said

Suddenly, Jason appeared in front of him, charging his right fist with intense magic power. 

"Iron Fist of The Sealed God!!!" 

Jason swung his fist as Suzaku casually dodged out of the way. As Jason struck the air where Suzaku stood, he released the magic power, releasing a powerful explosion of magic power that blew off a good chunk of the forest behind them. 

The demons and Karameel watched this with their mouths open, completely shocked at the power that Jason displayed. 

Jason, however, was annoyed. 

"Tch." He said, "He got me." 

As he turned around, blood splurted out of a cut on his chest. Suzaku stood a couple of feet away from him his back facing Jason, sheathing his blade. 

"Jason!" Karameel exclaimed

Suzaku looked back at Jason, "I intended to cut thee much deeper than that." He said with a serious expression, "It is clear, thine body has gotten much tougher and stronger than before." 

Jason nodded as his crimson aura disappeared, "You have no idea." He said as he raised his arm, "I am a different person from then." 

Suzaku turned to face him, "Is that so?" He said, "Then show me. How much stronger has thou become, I, the Vermillion Dragon shall judge thee." 

Jason rubbed his neck, "Oh really?" He said, "Is that so?" 

He then looked at him with a serious expression, thinking of his options. 

'I can use War Magic on him, for sure.' he thought to himself, 'But I know that it'll be trickier than I imagine. I don't have concrete power to face him just yet. I could try to use my trick weapons on him, but he's stronger than that. And the other weapons....they're not done. I could try The Last Word, but he'll figure it out...I can try to use Martial Arts magic but it'll do no good, beside...I don't wanna use that magic too much.....' 

Jason sighed, "There's no choice." He said, "I have to use it..." 

Suzaku raised his eyebrow, "What is thou talking about?" 

Suddenly, Jason released a massive aura of black light as the ground beneath him cracked and shook violently. This new aura took Suzaku by surprise as he braced himself, reading a stance. 

The Demons all looked at this with surprised looks on their faces. 

Igora widened her eyes, "This feeling...." She said, "No...it can't be....He's....." 

Karameel was struggling to stay on her feet, "Igora!" She said as she clutched the demon's leg, "That power!!" 

"Yea!" Igora replied, "It's God Slayer Magic!" 

"God Slayer Magic?" Suzaku said, "Interesting.....thou hast the power of Gods....I shall see....how powerful that-" 

Suddenly, Jason appeared right in front of him, swinging his right fist that was engulfed in black light. He struck Suzaku in the chest as the black light engulfed him entirely and detonated in a massive beam. 

"Black God's Fist!" 

The attack sent Suzaku flying as the beam had partially destroyed another chunk of the forest. 

The Dragon Slayer landed on the ground as his kimono was slightly tattered, his body littered with several bruises. 

"This power..." He said as he stood up, "Its...." 

Jason had then lunged at him, swinging his leg at him for a kick. Suzaku dodge and immediately drew his sword at Jason. 

"Kurnugi Style Sword Drawing Art: " 

He then rushed past Jason, swinging his blade several times, releasing several white slashes that struck Jason all over. 

"Swift Gust of The Blade's Wind." 

He then sheathed his blade, as Jason's body released multiple flashes of light where he was cut. 

"Tch." Suzaku heard Jason say

Suzaku turned to see Jason was fine, "What?" 

Jason turned to face him, revealing his body was covered in obsidian black armor. 

"Steel God's Armor." 

Suzaku looked at him, "What is this?" He said, "Thou..." 

"My God-Steel armor ain't loosing to your piece of shit magic." Jason said as he covered his arms with the god-steel plating, "You got that, fucker?" 

Suzuku narrowed his eyes, "Thou is getting arrogant." He said, "Allow mine blade to strike thee a bit harder then." 

He then readied another stance, charging up magic power as Jason smirked. 

"Bring it, then." He said

"Kurnugi Style Sword Drawing Art:"

He lunged at him, drawing his sword slicing at Jason with multiple instantaneous slashes across his entire body.

"Underworld Purgatory Dance." 

This was one of Suzaku's strong techniques and one he used to swiftly defeat Jason in their previous encounters. 

Jason, however, was already prepared. He had seen this attack coming and assumed a defensive position. 

"Steel God's Castle Kuroki" 

Clad in his God-Steel armor, Jason assumed a Sanchiin stance as Suzaku had struck him with his technique. He hand combined his Steel God Slayer Magic with his Martial Arts Magic's Castle Kuroki spell, the one that allows him to be impervious to attacks. The attacks were only able to cause several cracks, but other than that, Jason was not damaged. 

Suzaku turned to face him, "Impossible.." He said, "Mine attacks had no effect?" 

Everyone who was watching was in pure awe, the demons and Karameel alike. They were watching a high-level battle between two powerful individuals. They weren't sure what could happen from here and on. 

Jason's steel plating disappeared as he turned around and gave Suzaku a smirk. 

"On our previous encounter..." Jason said as he rubbed his neck, "I was down and out by this time, wasn't I?"

 Suzaku nodded, "Indeed." He said, "But thou had also dealt a bit more damage."

"Oh, I can fix that." He said

"The Last Word: " 

Suddenly, Jason drew The Last Word, firing multiple shots from the hip. Suzaku reacted to this all too late, as several grazed his body and two were able to pierce through him with no difficulty. 

"Sage God's Gun"

The bullets that pierced through Suzaku kept firing as they struck several trees, causing several massive explosions that shook the ground. 

Suzaku then clutched his midsection, where blood spewed out. His left shoulder was also pierced, bleeding profusely. 

Jason smiled, "It seems that combining God Slayer magic with The Last Word was the right play." He said as he spun the gun on his finger, "I have no idea why I didn't think of that sooner, could've used it against God Serena. Those bullets were enchanted with my god slayer magic, they were meant to explode on contact, but I guess they had too much power and pierce right through you..." 

Suzaku looked at him with a shocked face, "Thou...." He said, "What kind of power...." 

Igora saw this and sweated, "He wields different magic than Martial Arts Magic?" She asked, "This isn't good...." 

Karameel looked at her, "Igora?" 

"Everyone, leave at once!" She told the other demons, "Someone help me get Oga and get him out of here!" 

As they began to scatter, Jason raised his gun in front of him and he sprouted black flames in his left hand. 

Suzaku saw this and readied a stance, placing his hand on the handle of his sword. 

"You sure you want to fight in that condition?" Jason asked

"Tis nothing." Suzaku said, "Come." 

Jason smirked, "Oh?" 

For the first time, Jason was on an even playing field against Suzaku, The Vermillion Dragon. 

"Get ready, Suzaku." Jason said, 

"I'm gonna crush you."