Chapter 08: Security and Future Plans

Before the meeting with the officials

About 500 meters away from the magnificent palace stood an imposing edifice known as the Headquarters , serving as the nerve center of the Philippine military. Striding purposefully through the hallways of this prestigious establishment was a man of great stature and distinction - Alejandro Gonzales.

Towering at an astonishing height of 6'6", Alejandro possessed a well-muscled yet lean frame that exuded an air of strength and authority. His impeccable black three-piece suit, tailored to perfection, accentuated every detail of his form, leaving no doubt about his sharp and commanding presence. His striking gold hair was slicked back, cascading in a wave over one side of his face, lending him a rugged and enigmatic charm. Complementing his square jaw were a pair of cold blue eyes, sharp like steel, capable of seeing through the veils of deception. His pale white skin seemed to glisten with an aura of power that demanded respect.

Upon reaching his destination, Alejandro knocked on the door with a firm yet composed demeanor. Within moments, the door creaked open, and a civilian man cautiously peeked out before recognizing his visitor and inviting him inside.

The middle-aged gentleman behind the desk bore the appearance of a scholarly figure, sporting a pair of round glasses and clad in a somber black suit. With evident excitement, he extended his greetings, "Colonel Gonzales, it is truly an honor to meet you."

Polite and to the point, Alejandro inquired, "The honor is mine, sir. May I ask why you have called for my presence here?"

A smile played across the man's lips as he walked toward his desk, reaching into a drawer to retrieve an envelope, which he handed over to the colonel. "Hoh? Straight to the point, huh? I like it," he remarked. "This envelope contains your reassignment papers."

Curiosity piqued, Alejandro tore open the envelope and reviewed its contents. To his astonishment, he found that he was being appointed as the head of the Imperial Guard. Disbelief evident in his voice, he inquired, "Are you serious, sir? You're putting me in charge of protecting the prince?"

Affirmatively, the man nodded and proceeded to elaborate on the circumstances, "Our new king is a progressive leader, determined to implement significant reforms in our government, transitioning from autocracy to constitutional monarchy. Naturally, such reforms have faced opposition from conservative politicians, nobles, and aristocrats who fear losing their grip on power and influence. This has led us to believe that there may be plots to assassinate our new head of state. We need a man loyal to the crown, someone who will safeguard the prince with his life. And we believe you're the right person for the job."

Speechless for a moment, Alejandro's mind raced with the gravity of the responsibility that awaited him. The weight of the decision was palpable, but he quickly composed himself and responded with conviction, "No sir, I am not refusing. I humbly accept this assignment, and I vow to protect the prince with my life. To me, it is the greatest honor I could ever receive."

A warm smile crossed the man's face as he conveyed his approval, "I believe so too, Colonel. Now, head to the Malacañang Palace immediately. You will be debriefed upon your arrival."

With a crisp salute, Alejandro pocketed the files enclosed in the manila envelope, reaffirming his dedication to the task at hand. As he left the General Headquarters Building, a mix of determination and anticipation filled his heart. He was fully aware of the immense responsibility that now rested upon his shoulders, but he was also filled with a sense of purpose and honor.

Stepping out into the world beyond, Alejandro Gonzales embarked on a new chapter of his life, destined to safeguard the future of the Philippines and its progressive king. His unwavering loyalty to the crown and the determination to protect the prince would propel him forward, shaping the course of history for the nation he held dear. The journey ahead would be rife with challenges, but Alejandro knew he was prepared to face them with courage and resilience, for the sake of his beloved country and its promising future. As he made his way toward the Malacañang Palace, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and pride, fully embracing the call to duty that awaited him.


Alfonso headed straight to his grand office, the walls adorned with opulent Filipino art, and a breathtaking view of the scattered islands of the Philippines greeted him. As he stepped into the vast room, he felt the weight of responsibility settling on his broad shoulders. Determined to turn the failing economy of the Philippines into a thriving economic superpower, he wasted no time and immediately began strategizing.

Grabbing books from the elegantly crafted bookshelves that lined the walls, Alfonso carefully selected volumes containing vital information to outline his comprehensive economic plan. Hours turned into a focused session of reading and note-taking, as he meticulously absorbed every piece of knowledge that could shape the future of the nation.

Amidst the sea of facts and figures, a burning question lingered in his brilliant mind - how could the Philippines undergo such a transformative journey? The answer, he knew, lay in fulfilling the aspirations of the people. From land reforms to representative governance and improved working conditions, he recognized that empowering the populace was essential to rebuilding the nation's foundation.

Taking into account the geographical advantages of the Philippines, Alfonso noted the vast number of scattered islands, each with its unique potential waiting to be harnessed. Access to abundant mineral reserves and the ability to cultivate agriculture all year round were blessings that needed to be fully utilized.

With a population of over 50 million, including a strong middle class and dedicated peasants, the country possessed a critical workforce that could spearhead modernization and foster global competitiveness. Alfonso was aware that his people's strength lay in their tenacity and resourcefulness, qualities that would be crucial in achieving their collective dream of prosperity.

However, the geography also presented challenges, particularly in transportation and logistics. To overcome this obstacle, Alfonso understood the importance of bolstering every industry and forging strong alliances with European powers like the Deutschland Empire and the Britannia Empire.

The next step on his path to economic rejuvenation was widescale modernization of industries and infrastructure. Building roads, railways, bridges, water treatment plants, power facilities, refineries, public transportation, schools, hospitals, and more were vital elements in creating a robust economy. Alfonso was aware that the nation's oil reserves, an important resource in the modern world, needed to be fully exploited to fuel industrialization.

Drawing upon his modern knowledge in science and engineering, Alfonso's eyes gleamed with innovation. He envisioned revolutionizing existing technologies and introducing new ones that would elevate the nation's status. From automobiles with advanced features, such as air-conditioning systems, in-heating systems, power steering, coil spring suspension, and seatbelts, to cutting-edge home appliances like heat pumps, televisions, and microwaves, he was determined to bring the Philippines into a new era of progress.

Thanks to his photographic memory, Alfonso could recall every article he read and had experiences with almost everything relating to engineering. His mind was a treasure trove of ideas and possibilities, and he was eager to see them come to fruition.

But the hurdle of funding loomed large, with modernization requiring substantial investment. Despite the nation's GDP being significant, the specter of corruption cast a shadow on fiscal stability. Alfonso vowed to root out corruption and ensure public funds were utilized for the greater good.

Now that it had come to light in his mind, Alfonso resolved to investigate the corruption in the government. Corruption was a cancer to society, and the only effective way to deal with it was to eliminate its root causes. As the supreme ruler of the nation, it was his responsibility to maintain transparency and accountability in governance.

Undeterred, he began crafting his modernization plan in a detailed notebook, eager to see it take shape. However, the issue of funding remained a pressing concern until he had an ingenious idea. Drawing from his compensation and assets after his renouncement of the Spanish throne, along with Queen Victoria Eugenie's generous gift, he amassed a staggering amount of money - more than 1,000,000,000,000 pesetas 662,959,544.05 USD in today's value.

Now that's a significant sum of money.

With these vast resources at his disposal, Alfonso envisioned creating specialized factories that would turn his innovative ideas into reality. If all went according to plan, the economy of the Philippines would surely rise, and the nation would be propelled towards unprecedented progress and prosperity.

But such an ambitious undertaking was not without its challenges. Alfonso recognized that every step of this transformative journey would require unwavering commitment, courage, and determination. The obstacles ahead were vast, but he was resolute in his pursuit of a brighter future for the Philippines.

As he looked out from his office window at the beauty of the scattered islands, Alfonso could see a new era of hope and progress on the horizon. The path he had set upon was ambitious, but he knew it was one worth taking for the sake of his beloved nation and its people. With renewed resolve, he ventured forth, fueled by the vision of a thriving and dynamic Philippines, standing tall among the great nations of the world.