Chapter 42: Approval 2

Alfonso leaned back in his chair, his eyes lingering on the intricate designs of the proposed currency. A sense of satisfaction washed over him, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. As the designs conveyed the essence of the Philippines' natural beauty, he couldn't help but feel a profound connection to the rich heritage they represented.

Alfonso: (nodding) "Gentlemen, I am thoroughly impressed with the currency designs you've presented. They encapsulate the spirit of our nation splendidly."

Emmanuel: (with a sense of accomplishment) "Your Majesty, we are honored by your approval. We believe that these bills will resonate with our citizens and stand as a testament to our cultural and environmental treasures."

Central Bank Governor: (adding with pride) "Your Majesty, the thoughtful design not only enhances the visual appeal but also incorporates advanced security features to safeguard against counterfeiting."

The conversation flowed seamlessly into the next agenda—the implementation of the new currency.

Alfonso: "Now that we have settled on the designs, let us turn our attention to the currency's implementation. I will personally issue a royal order detailing the transition to the new bills."

Central Bank Governor: "Your Majesty, once the royal order is in place, we will work closely with the banks to ensure a smooth and efficient transition to the new currency. We'll provide them with the necessary support and information to handle the exchange process seamlessly."

Emmanuel: "Your Majesty, I must also inform you that due to the exceptional efforts of the Ministry of Industry, the implementation and rollout of the new currency could be expedited. Their contribution in enhancing the production capacity of materials needed for the currency has been invaluable."

Alfonso's eyes sparkled with delight at the news, a sense of optimism swelling within him. The alignment of efforts across different sectors of his kingdom was a testament to the collective vision they shared.

Alfonso: (leaning forward) "Gentlemen, I must commend all of you for your dedication and synergy. The collaboration between the Ministry of Industry, the central bank, and the Ministry of Finance has truly expedited our progress. This demonstrates what we can achieve when we work together for a common goal."

After expressing his heartfelt appreciation for their dedication and hard work, Alfonso graciously dismissed the financial and banking officials. With the matter of the new currency on its way to realization, he felt a growing sense of accomplishment.

Turning his attention to the Minister of Education, Alfonso inquired about the purpose of their meeting and what was on the horizon for the education sector.

Alfonso: "Minister, what is it that you wish to discuss? How can I assist you further in the pursuit of our nation's progress?"

The Minister of Education promptly briefed Alfonso on a comprehensive plan that had been meticulously drafted to address a pressing issue arising from the recent Infrastructure bill. As the kingdom surged ahead with ambitious infrastructure projects, there was a significant shortage of skilled workers necessary to bring these endeavors to fruition.

Minister of Education: (with conviction) "Your Majesty, in light of the Infrastructure bill and its remarkable implications, we find ourselves facing a shortage of skilled workers essential for its successful execution. To counter this challenge, we propose the establishment of a specialized institution—a government-subsidized school dedicated to technical and vocational education and training, commonly known as TVET.

This institution would fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and serve as a catalyst for addressing our workforce needs."

Alfonso: (nodding with keen interest) "I see the importance of such an institution. It would indeed be a valuable asset to our kingdom's progress. What shall we name this school, Minister?"

Minister of Education: "Your Majesty, we propose the name 'Technical and Vocational Education and Training School' or TVETS for short."

Alfonso: (impressed) "TVETS, a fitting name. Now, let's delve deeper into the details. What exactly does 'Technical and Vocational Education and Training' encompass?"

Minister of Education: "Your Majesty, Technical and Vocational Education and Training, or TVET, is a specialized form of education that focuses on equipping individuals with practical skills and knowledge directly related to a specific trade, craft, or profession. It offers training programs and courses designed to prepare students for careers in various fields, such as mechanics, plumbers, constructions, and many more. TVET institutions are essential in bridging the gap between academic learning and the practical skills required in the workforce."

After hearing the Minister of Education's comprehensive plan, Alfonso nodded in understanding.

Alfonso: "Thank you, Minister, for this proposal. It holds great promise for our nation. One question that comes to mind is: How long will the training at TVETS last?"

Minister of Education: "Your Majesty, the duration of training at TVETS will vary depending on the specific courses and programs offered. Generally, the training programs are designed to be flexible, ranging from a few months to a couple of years, depending on the complexity of the skills being taught. The aim is to provide our citizens with a range of options, allowing them to choose the training that aligns best with their career aspirations and interests."

Alfonso: "Flexibility is indeed crucial. We must cater to the diverse needs and ambitions of our people. Let us proceed with this endeavor, Minister. TVETS will play a vital role in our nation's development."

Minister of Education: "Thank you, Your Majesty. Your support means a great deal. We're committed to making this initiative a success."

Alfonso: "Very well. Tomorrow, I shall issue a royal order formalizing this proposal, as well as the new currency design we discussed earlier with the Minister of Finance. Now, regarding the ongoing education system reform, how is its implementation progressing?"

Minister of Education: "Your Majesty, the implementation is going according to plan. Many educational institutions, both public and private, have shown tremendous support for the reform. Even private schools have been cooperative, recognizing the value of such an overhaul in our education system. We've had productive collaborations to ensure a smooth transition."

Alfonso: "That's excellent news. Education is a cornerstone of our society, and these reforms are pivotal. Keep me updated on the progress, Minister."

As their discussion continued, Alfonso felt a sense of optimism about the positive changes taking shape within his kingdom.


The following day, as the clock struck noon, most people were deeply engrossed in their daily routines, blissfully unaware of the momentous events that had transpired the previous day. Little did they know that a significant announcement was about to change the course of their lives.

In an age where television was yet to be introduced by Alfonso's company, Future Tech Corporation, news typically spread through newspapers or radio waves.

Through the medium of radio, a soothing voice emerged, capturing the attention of those within its broadcast radius. This voice belonged to the radio announcer, the bearer of news that would soon reverberate across the land.

Radio Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, we bring to you some remarkable news, news that may come as a surprise to many. His Majesty, Alfonso, has issued a royal order, a decree of great importance to our nation. As the head of our government, His Majesty has exercised his authority, well within the bounds of our constitution, to enact changes that will impact us all."

The announcer's voice carried the weight of the impending revelation, and people leaned in, eager to absorb the information about to be unveiled.

Radio Announcer: "Starting from the first day of the upcoming month, September 1, our beloved Philippines will embrace a new currency. Yes, you heard it right, our currency is undergoing a transformation. Those who currently possess the pesetas will have the opportunity to exchange it for the new currency at any local bank."

The radio announcer's tone was both informative and reassuring, as he continued to elucidate the details.

Radio Announcer: "The transition period will last a maximum of two years, although the Finance department is determined to expedite the process, aiming for completion in less time. The denomination of the new Philippine currency will be as follows."

As the announcer meticulously detailed the denomination of the currency, listeners absorbed this critical information, understanding the practical implications of the change.

Radio Announcer: "But that's not all, dear listeners. His Majesty, Alfonso, has also spearheaded the creation of a new school, one dedicated to upskilling individuals in our community. This institution, known as the Technical and Vocational Education and Training School, will commence accepting applicants this October. All individuals above the age of 18 are encouraged to apply."

The announcer went on to elucidate the school's objectives and the rationale behind its establishment.

Radio Announcer: "Worry not about the expenses, for this endeavor is sponsored by our government, ensuring that every citizen can seize the opportunity to enhance their skills and capabilities."

As the announcement concluded, reactions from the populace varied, but optimism was the prevailing sentiment. The majority viewed these changes as a progressive step, one that catered to the diverse needs of the community. With newfound hope, many began planning their applications to the school, recognizing the potential for personal growth and greater economic prosperity.