The Start of The Conqueror's Way

Chapter 5 : The Start of The Conqueror's Way

The Lambasting Spear was truly an exceptional weapon, unlike any normal spear staff found in the virtual realm. It belonged to a league of its own—the coveted realm of Unique Rarity. In the vast landscape of weapon rarities, Unique Rarity items were known to stand far above the typical normal rarity items ranged from Sand, Wood, Stone, Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Those who knew about the secret rarities understood that Unique Rarity was an exclusive tier.

It was because Unique Rarity items didn't belong to the normal rarity items, but toward the secret rarity items!

In the virtual world, items were classified into various rarities based on their materials, craftsmanship, and magical properties. The conventional rarities followed a clear hierarchy, with each tier offering superior attributes compared to the one below it. However, the secret rarities, including Rare, Secret, Unique, Epic, and Legendary, operated under a different set of rules.

Unlike the straightforward progression of the normal rarities, the secret rarities had a complex interplay of power and potential. While there was a general understanding that Unique Rarity stood above Secret Rarity and even rivalled Epic Rarity in some cases, there were instances where the rules seemed to bend. A well-crafted Secret Rarity item could potentially outshine an Epic Rarity counterpart, making the evaluation of these hidden gems a matter of awe and speculation among players in the known.

Every hidden rarity item possessed tremendous value and strength, mostly surpassing their normal-ranked counterparts. These items were the stuff of legends for the normal players, whispered about in hushed tones among veteran adventurers and sought after by players with the ambition to rise above the ordinary. However, their elusiveness made them incredibly challenging to acquire, and only a select few lucky or skilled individuals managed to lay their hands on such treasures.

Normal rarity items were typically crafted by players, using materials obtained through quests, crafting, or trading. While Platinum ranked weapons were considered top-tier among normal rarities, they didn't necessarily guarantee superiority over lower-ranked hidden rarity items. The vice versa also applied as the platinum ranked items didn't necessarily mean that they will lost out to the hidden ranked rarity items, especially to the lower ranked ones.

The complexity of the virtual world and the diverse abilities of each item meant that the true worth of a weapon sometimes lay beyond its assigned rarity label.

The Lambasting Spear, as a Unique Rarity weapon, held a distinguished place in the hierarchy of items. Its exceptional design, rare materials, and infusion of arcane power made it a formidable tool for Rylan's journey as a Battle Mage up till now.

He was really grateful that the fight against the Celestial Watcher didn't make him lose this weapon, though he lost the other ones, even some similar to this...

Rylan put something from his inventory and attached it on his face. Suddenly, his face became different compared to before. The two faces couldn't be traced toward each other because of the sheer difference.

This thing was a mask!

As Rylan continued his journey through the virtual world as a Battle Mage, he possessed a mysterious and versatile tool—a unique mask known as the "Chameleon Visage." This exceptional mask granted him the ability to alter his facial appearance at will, allowing him to assume different identities and go incognito as needed.

The Chameleon Visage was a marvel of virtual engineering, and its properties were shrouded in secrecy. Crafted by a legendary artisan, this mysterious mask possessed a panel with a range of abilities.


Name: Chameleon Visage

Ability: Face Configuration

Rarity : Unique

Description: The Chameleon Visage has the remarkable capability to change the wearer's facial features, enabling them to assume the appearance of a different individual. With a mere seconds after using, the user can configure their face to change into a pre-set appearance.


However, there was one notable limitation to the Chameleon Visage—it could only store and alter one type of face. Once configured to a specific appearance, the appearance of the mask could not be changed. Consequently, he had to choose wisely when configuring the mask to ensure it aligned with the situation or role he needed to assume.

He was a careful person. He knew that he would make a scene or two by displaying his prowess. Being strong didn't necessarily mean that you will be praised and hailed. We can never know the hearts of the others after all. There was a saying that 2 tigers couldn't live in the same mountains, and that might be true in this case.

The process of configuring the Chameleon Visage was seamless and effortless. No one noticed as the players around him were focused on the task in front of them. With a mental command, Rylan activated the mask's transformation, and within seconds, his appearance shifted to the applied configuration. This impressive adaptability made him nearly unrecognizable, granting him the perfect disguise to navigate various situations undetected.

"After finally finishing the clue of the Weaver class by myself for years, miniscule interaction with other players if not at all, I can finally join the competition to become the conqueror of this world..." Rylan muttered under his breath.

Rylan had abstained from having relationship with other players because first of all, he was a lone player ever since he started the game. His friends in the real world didn't even know that he was a player. It was especially after he got the first clue for the Weaver class. He didn't want to risk the information to be leaked.

But now that he already got the class, he could move on to the bigger pictures now!


As the group of players delved deeper into the restless forest, they found themselves facing an onslaught of ferocious monsters. The creatures seemed to have formed a horde, and their relentless ferocity overwhelmed the adventurers.

The battle was intense, and the players fought valiantly, their skills and abilities clashing with the monsters' savage attacks. However, the monsters proved to be a formidable force, with their Chief-ranked individuals leading the charge.

Amidst the raging battle in this restless forest, two players stood out among the adventurers: Lyra and Markus. Known to the rest of the group, Lyra and Markus were the underlings of Trevor Pagini, the influential and powerful leader known for his skills and affiliation with the renowned Pagini family and Purple Water Corporation.

The skilled Swordsman named Markus, swung his blade with precision, attempting to fend off a group of 2 Horns Bears that surrounded him. Despite his impressive swordsmanship, the sheer number of monsters left him struggling to keep up. His Health Points rapidly dwindled under the relentless onslaught.

Markus, the seasoned and battle-hardened Swordsman, was a reliable and steadfast companion in Trevor's elite team. His loyalty to Trevor was matched only by his prowess with a sword. In the midst of the chaotic battle, sometimes he glanced towards Trevor for guidance and order, knowing that his every move was observed and assessed by his leader.

Another player, a nimble Archer named Lyra, tried to maintain her distance from the monsters, firing arrows in rapid succession. Lyra, the nimble and skilled Archer, was well-known for her impressive accuracy and agility in combat. As the fierce monsters closed in on the group, she fought with a determined focus, ensuring that Trevor's plans were carried out effectively.

However, the Shimmering Serpents, with their venomous bites and coiling strikes, closed in on her with alarming speed. She found herself cornered, unable to escape their deadly grasp.

Even the well-coordinated efforts of the party began to falter in the face of the overwhelming number of monsters. The Chief-ranked monsters seemed to possess an even greater level of strength and tenacity, pushing the players to their limits.

Suddenly, Trevor appeared and stood between Lyra and her pursuers. He brandished his saber as the serpents thrown back with cut injuries on their bodies.

"Give assist to the DPS! Healers, don't slack off and heal those who need it! Tanks, regroup once more and don't falter!" Trevor shouted out loud.

His party acknowledged his orders as they did what they were tasked. Their combined efforts allowed the party to regroup momentarily, but the Chief-ranked monsters still posed a significant threat. Rylan knew that their chances of survival hinged on a well-coordinated strategy.

He called out to the party, "Focus on the Chief-ranked monsters! We need to take them down one by one!"

Markus, Lyra, and the others acknowledged his plan, and with renewed determination, they shifted their focus towards the formidable foes.

Their teamwork and coordination becoming more seamless as the time passed. As they targeted the Chief-ranked monsters, their efforts began to bear fruit, slowly whittling down their Health Points.

The battle continued to rage on, the outcome still uncertain. The forest echoed with the sounds of clashing weapons, resounding roars, and the crackling of spells. The players' survival hung in the balance, but their perseverance and strategic approach gave them a glimmer of hope.


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion rang in the air as a crater appeared in the middle of the enemies' formation. A man with a spear seemingly appeared on the crackling ground out of nowhere, with shocked eyes pointed toward him.