Let's Go

Chapter 21 : Let's Go

Amidst the skirmish, a distinct group clad in imposing armors and wielding formidable weapons emerged from the ranks of the Wreaking Havoc guild. Their arrival was marked by a resounding clash of metal as they formed a barrier in front of Straight, their armor adorned with the emblem of their guild, Wreaking Havoc.

The sudden appearance of this elite force signaled a shift in the momentum of the battle where Straight was participating in. Their synchronized movements and battle-hardened expressions spoke of a well-coordinated team. As they positioned themselves toward Straight, tension rippled through the air, a standoff between two opposing forces each assessing the other's strengths.

"Who's this guy? And why is he attacking us?" one of the Wreaking Havoc elites demanded, his voice a blend of aggression and curiosity.

"I don't know, but we can't let him disrupt our mission!" another answered, his gaze locked onto Straight's form.

"I bet he was just like the others, he seeks the bounty offered by the Valiant Wave."

"He took down our teammates with ease. We can't underestimate him."

The elite members of Wreaking Havoc exchanged glances, their collective resolve solidifying as they squared off against Straight. Their armor, etched with little details and bearing the marks of hard-won battles, showcased their dedication to their guild and their commitment.

They then saw the level of Straight, which was 30.


Freaking 30 man...

When they realized that Straight was only level 30, they were surprised and some even laughed at that.

"Look at this guy, thinking he can take us on. What's your level, newbie? Level 30? Hah, we're all around 40 here!" one of them jeered, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Yeah, you're clearly in over your head. We've got better gear, higher levels, and we're backed by Wreaking Havoc!" another added, the disdain evident in his tone.

Straight, still masked by his Chameleon Visage, listened to their taunts with a calm demeanor. It was evident that they underestimated him based on his apparent level, and he saw an opportunity in their hubris.

With a fluid motion, Straight readied his unique-rated Lambasting Spear, the glint of steel meeting the flickering light of magic around him. The Chameleon Visage hid his face, but his eyes could relay of his composure and focus. As the Wreaking Havoc elites continued to exchange mocking remarks, they remained oblivious to the hidden potential he possessed.

Without warning, Straight lunged forward with a speed that belied his level, his movements precise and efficient. His spear became a blur of motion, striking with unparalleled accuracy and intensity. The first elite to taunt him found himself disarmed and incapacitated, his weapons and abilities rendered useless.

In the blink of an eye, Straight had bypassed the defenses of another elite, delivering a swift blow that left the Wreaking Havoc member momentarily stunned. The clash of metal echoed as another elite attempted to retaliate, only to be met with Straight's agile evasion and a follow-up strike that left him reeling.

The sudden shift from mockery to chaos caught the Wreaking Havoc elites off guard. Their initial confidence gave way to panic as they struggled to counter Straight's relentless onslaught. The disparity in their levels, gear, and experience became inapparent as Straight's skillful maneuvers left a trail of incapacitated adversaries in his wake.

"Let's go!" One of the elites propelled fastly toward Straight.

The clash erupted in a flurry of steel and magic as Straight engaged the elite members of Wreaking Havoc. His movements were fluid, a dance of powerful strikes and agile dodges, all guided by the synergy of his Battle Mage skills and the potency of his Lambasting Spear.

Straight's spear became an extension of himself, each swing a calculated symphony of force and precision. He began with a swift jab, channeling his mana into the Lambasting Spear. Arcane energy crackled along the weapon's length, and with a graceful flourish, he sent a pulsating shockwave rippling toward his adversaries. The impact sent ripples through the ground, forcing the Wreaking Havoc elites to scatter.

His strategy was a dance of elements. A burst of flames surged from the tip of his spear, aimed at the most vulnerable targets. A fireball whizzed through the air, striking a Wreaking Havoc member and engulfing him in searing flames. The impact forced a desperate roll to douse the flames, momentarily incapacitating their foe.

But Straight's assault was relentless. A surge of frost followed, casting a cascade of ice shards upon his opponents. The sudden coldness sapped their movements, slowing them down just enough to give Straight an edge. The freezing magic encased a Wreaking Havoc warrior in a frigid cocoon, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

However, the Wreaking Havoc elites were not to be underestimated. Swiftly recovering from their momentary disarray, they retaliated with a coordinated onslaught of their own. Blades glinted in the sunlight as their swords and axes found their marks. Straight's defenses were tested as he nimbly sidestepped, deflecting blows with the Lambasting Spear's versatile form.

With each clash, the battlefield was transformed into a stage of magic and steel, arcane energies colliding with unyielding armor. Lightning surged through the air, arcs of electricity zapping towards Straight. He responded with swift agility, invoking a barrier of ice to absorb the electrical onslaught. In the same breath, he unleashed a torrent of arcane energy—Arcane Blast—a powerful wave of concussive force that scattered his adversaries like leaves in the wind.

The Wreaking Havoc elites, though resilient, began to show signs of weariness. Straight's strategic assaults were wearing them down, exploiting their vulnerabilities and disorienting their formations.

"Come!" Straight shouted as he launched himself toward them once again.

Straight's skills came to the forefront as he seamlessly wove together his magic and combat prowess. The Chameleon Visage concealed his true identity, allowing him to focus solely on the task at hand. The Wreaking Havoc elites, bolstered by their higher levels, initially underestimated the mysterious intruder, their confidence radiating from beneath their gleaming armors.

With mesmerizing movements, Straight engaged the elites, his spear staff morphing into a conduit for his devastating spells. He danced on the precipice of their attacks, his movements fluid and precise, capitalizing on his knowledge of battle mechanics. Arcane energies surged around him as he initiated his assault, the power of a Battle Mage infused within each strike.

The elites' initial confidence quickly eroded as Straight's relentless assault broke through their defenses. One by one, their health bars dwindled, and their once-coordinated movements faltered in the face of his relentless onslaught.

Straight's proficiency with both magic and melee combat proved to be a one-edged sword for the unsuspecting Wreaking Havoc elites. His Lambasting Spear unleashed intricate attacks that combined spells and physical strikes, overwhelming those who had expected a straightforward confrontation. Arcane Chains ensnared an opponent, leaving them vulnerable to the combined onslaught of Frost Chain and Arcane Blast. The seamless transitions between his abilities were awe-inspiring, as if he were conducting a symphony of destruction.

With a final flourish, he executed his ultimate technique—Arcane Cataclysm. The earth quaked as a tempest of arcane energy erupted from his position, obliterating his surroundings and leaving the enemy forces staggered.


Explosion occurred as the onlookers couldn't see clearly because of the smoke. And ss the dust settled, the remnants of the Wreaking Havoc guild gazed upon their fallen comrades, realizing that the tide of battle had turned against them.

Their initial cockiness had been shattered, replaced by an undeniable realization that level alone truly did not determine victory. Conversations erupted among the remnants of their group, their voices tinged with a combination of surprise and bewilderment.

"Did you see that? How can a level 30 hold his own against us?"

"He's not just any player. That skill combination... and his control over magic and melee combat... It's unheard of."

"I thought levels would give us the upper hand. We underestimated him..."

Straight's unexpected prowess had left them questioning their assumptions, reevaluating their approach to battles and the value of experience. The disparities between their levels and his defied conventional expectations.

Because despite their higher levels, the Wreaking Havoc elites were unable to mount a coordinated defense against Straight's strategic assaults. The battleground became a scene of chaos as Straight's speed, precision, and tactics allowed him to capitalize on his opponents' weaknesses.