
Chapter 24 : Retreat

The Commander of the Valiant Wave guild stood in the midst of his members, his expression a blend of frustration, concern, and deep thought. He listened intently as his guild members recounted the unexpected intrusion and subsequent defeat at the hands of an unknown player named Straight.

His eyes flickered with a mix of emotions as he absorbed the information. The Commander was well aware of the significance of this encounter, recognizing that it had not only exposed their vulnerability but also threatened the balance of power they had worked to establish in the battle.

"So, a single player managed to break through our ranks and defeat some of our elites," he mused, his voice carrying a weight that demanded attention. "We need to gather all the information we can about this player, Straight."

The members nodded in agreement, their expressions serious. The Commander was known for his tactical acumen and foresight, and his reaction now was a mirror to the gravity of the situation.

"We underestimated him, Commander Kael," one member admitted, his frustration evident. "He took us by surprise, and before we knew it, he had turned the tide of the battle."

The Commander named Kael gaze swept over his guild members, his demeanor firm but thoughtful. "It's clear that we can't take him lightly. If he's managed to achieve such a feat, there's a reason behind it. I see that being strong is an enough of a reason."

The one who said before was about to say something but then remained tongue tied. It was clear that he believed they or even he could defeat him, but he didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

Kael paused for a moment, his mind clearly racing through the possibilities. "We'll gather as much information as we can about Straight. His background, his backing, or maybe even his reason of power. I believe he had a powerful item on his side, or maybe he got an advancement in tier. Or, maybe he got a hidden class. We'll analyze what we can."

The members exchanged glances, a renewed acknowledgement evident in their eyes. They understood that their Commander's words carried a directive to assess, adapt, and strategize.

"Our reputation is on the line," the Kael continued. "We can't afford to let one player disrupt our plans or threaten our standing. Let's turn this setback into an opportunity to strengthen our guild."

The members nodded in agreement, their intention to follow their Commander's order evident. The Commander's words resonated with them, igniting their drive to work collectively to regain their position and reputation in the public.

The Commander turned to survey the battlefield where the skirmish had unfolded. With a steely resolve, he began to outline a plan of action that would allow the Valiant Wave guild to rise above this challenge and prove their strength in the face of adversity.

Kael's sharp gaze swept over his guild members as he processed the information that he had.

"We will retreat," Commander Kael ordered, his voice carrying authority. "Regroup at a safe distance. We need to assess the situation and gather our forces."

His strategic mind was already formulating a plan, and he knew that a tactical retreat was the wisest course of action at this point.

Murmurs of frustration and disappointment could be heard among them. The idea of a retreat was met with resistance, as some members were concerned about how it might be perceived by their rivals and the gaming community at large as losing the battle.

Kael, however, wasn't one to let pride cloud his judgment. He understood the gravity of the situation and the need for a strategic approach. Stepping forward, he addressed his members with a calm yet authoritative voice.

"I know that a retreat might not sit well with some of you," Kael began, his eyes meeting the gaze of his guild members. "But remember, our goal is not just to prove ourselves in a single battle, but to secure our place as a formidable force in this game. We cannot let our emotions guide our decisions."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Retreating doesn't mean defeat. It means we are regrouping to fight another day. And when we do, we will be better prepared, armed with knowledge about our opponent's tactics."

Kael's voice held conviction as he spoke. He gestured towards the battlefield they had just left. "Look at what happened today. Underestimating our opponent cost us. We cannot afford to repeat that mistake. Our strength lies in our unity, our strategy, and our resilience."

He locked eyes with various members, his gaze unwavering. "This retreat is not a retreat in the face of defeat. It's a tactical decision to ensure our victory in the long run. We will gather information, analyze our opponent's strengths and weaknesses, and come back stronger. Our rivals may celebrate this small victory, but mark my words, we will show them that the Valiant Wave guild cannot be taken lightly."

The silence that followed his words was palpable. The members exchanged glances, and slowly, the initial resistance began to fade. They realized that Commander Kael's reasoning was sound, and that their guild's reputation was built on calculated decisions, not impulsive actions.

The members quickly obeyed, their training kicking in as they began to withdraw from the battlefield. Commander Kael watched as his guild members moved with precision and discipline, their retreat a well-executed maneuver.

As the Valiant Wave members regrouped, Commander Kael's mind was already at work. He knew that underestimating their opponent had led to this setback, and he was determined to rectify that mistake. He activated a private communication channel to his lieutenants, directing them to gather intelligence on Straight's situation.

"We need to know more about our adversary," Kael said, his voice firm. "This player, Straight, has proven to be a formidable opponent. We cannot afford to face him unprepared again."

His lieutenants acknowledged his orders, and the process of gathering information began in earnest. Kael's gaze remained fixed on the battlefield for a moment longer before he turned away. He knew that this was a pivotal moment for the Valiant Wave guild, and their response to this challenge would define their path moving forward.

"I want to clarify the reason behind our retreat," Kael began, his gaze focused and determined. "Yes, we withdrew from the battle to regroup and analyze the situation, but there's another aspect we need to consider. Straight, the individual who made quite an entrance into our battle, is not to be taken lightly."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in among the guild members. "The Commander of Wreaking Havoc is known to be strong, and we have a rare opportunity here. By letting Straight face off against him, we'll be able to gauge both their strengths and powers."

A murmur of understanding rippled through the group as they absorbed Kael's words.

"Our main goal isn't just to defeat Wreaking Havoc in a single battle," he continued, his voice unwavering. "We aim for long-term dominance, and to achieve that, we need to understand our rivals thoroughly. We'll use this retreat to observe Wreaking Havoc's Commander's fighting style."

Kael explained the true purpose behind their tactical retreat. His voice carried a mixture of seriousness and anticipation as he spoke.

Kael's eyes sparkled with a blend of excitement and seriousness. "I believe in Straight's prowess to test that man. He's proven himself capable, and this battle will give us invaluable insights. We need to be strategic in our approach, always looking at the bigger picture."

He addressed his members directly, his tone rallying them for what lay ahead. "Remember, this is not just about one battle. It's about proving our guild's prowess and securing our position. When the time comes, we'll be ready to face Wreaking Havoc head-on, armed with the knowledge we've gained."

The guild members exchanged determined looks, understanding the gravity of the situation. Their Commander's vision and leadership inspired confidence in them.

"Stay vigilant," Kael concluded, his voice firm. "We're not retreating in defeat, but strategizing for victory. Together, we'll forge a path of strength and dominance

With a determined expression, Commander Kael led his guild members to a secure location where they could regroup, strategize, and prepare for their next move. The battle might have taken an unexpected turn, but Commander Kael was committed to turning the tide in their favor and proving the strength of the Valiant Wave guild once again.


Meanwhile, Straight faced off against a certain man. He looked at the Paladin in front of him interestingly.