
Chapter 52 : Task

"It's fine. I will see you in a bit. Lead on." Rylan gestured for the man to move. The man nodded his head as Rylan and him went toward a certain place. Wise Sage looked at their direction for a while and then he decided to look for a place to spend some time while he waited for him.


Rylan was led into a private room within the Stonewall Guild's impressive headquarters. The room was adorned with finely crafted wooden furniture, and the walls were adorned with banners displaying the guild's emblem. It was an environment that exuded both prestige and expectation.

Seated behind a grand wooden desk was a middle-aged man in the attire of the Stonewall Guild, his expression stern yet not unkind. He motioned for Rylan to take a seat in front of him, and Rylan complied.