
Chapter 76 : Thornspire

Rylan and his team mates had finally reached the entrance of the dungeon's boss room. Before them lay the ominous gateway to what was supposed to be a challenging and epic battle. The air was thick with tension as they exchanged glances, each member of the party bracing themselves for the boss that awaited them.

Eon Pigeon, Nebula, Tranquil, and On Spot had come a long way through the labyrinthine depths of the dungeon, facing hordes of monsters and reaping the rewards of their efforts. Now, it was time to confront the ultimate challenge, the dungeon boss, whose power and abilities proved to be deadly and fatal.

With their newfound gear and Rylan's exceptional combat skills, they felt more prepared than ever to face this formidable adversary. The boss room was shrouded in an eerie darkness, its entrance marked by imposing stone doors. It was a moment of anticipation, as they knew that beyond those doors, their fate would be decided.